frogman [he/him]

@frogman [he/him]
14 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

just frogman


shutting down the server early was best. the nature of open source software is what allows these incidents to be mitigated as quickly as they are. thanks a lot to you guys, and to all of the team at Lemmy who worked to resolve this.

heroes <3

I want to see Apple contributing more to the open-source CrossOver project, both in terms of code and financing. Their contribution has been minimal and Apple's audacity in essentially repackaging open-source software is disgusting to me. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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i think you've been mislead somewhere along the line. the fediverse is not infallible-- no decentralised network is immune to any attack vectors. this has happened in the past with XMPP. google took a leaf from Microsoft's book and implemented the "Embrace, extend, and extinguish" strategy. some more details on that and specifically how it relates to the fediverse can be found at the link below.

but aside from XMPP and the fediverse, even major decentralised networks like email have succumbed to this. you would be surprised how infected email has become. small independent mail servers often struggle to even get mail into the inboxes of people on major domains like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft etc.. some more details on that can be seen from the link below, but this issue on an email level is far more expansive than just this.

Meta is no stranger to anti-consumer practices and is definitely no stranger to devouring smaller projects in order to expand its' own influence and userbase. all for the purpose of squeezing every bit of data they can from its' userbase to sell to advertisers. i encourage you to learn some more about the weaknesses of decentralised networks, and about Meta's history of disgusting business practices.

i don't know why you joined the fediverse, but for me, this is directly against the ethos of what this platform is for.

not to cast doubt on anything he says here, but steve has increasingly been making 'dunk' videos for the past year or two. i feel like his channel has been trying to find (or create) exposés, because those are the videos that pop off. starting from the video of that NZXT case that caused fires.

again, not to cast doubt on the experiences of billet labs, but i question steve's intentions in presenting this. i hope this discussion doesn't end up revolving around gamers nexus.

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just to add, inflammatory people aren't interested in 'debate' and that goes for both sides of an argument. chances are, you have no intention to change your position and neither do they. and that's fine. but a person should realise that at best, you're wasting your time. at worst, you're equipping them with more ways to argue with the next person who may not be as secure as you are. if you're debating, aim to change the perspectives of onlookers. don't do it without an audience unless the person you're talking to is truly discussing in good faith.

it's still good to learn these things so that you can recognise patterns when people discuss this stuff with you. if someone is discussing trans healthcare and brings up the 'dangers' of a medical transition, chances are they're uneducated and you should move on. or, if there's an audience you think you can reach, stage the discussion and cater it to them.

approaching these things from a winning/losing perspective can also be damaging to you, let's try to be healthy in our discussions :p

idk too much, if im being ignorant let me know coooooool

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i'm half way through reading only but this is such a cool resource, thanks for sharing. strongly recommend actually reading it, for anyone lurking.

i wrote this comment on another post recently, i think you might find some value. the thread has some good discussion. note that i regret using a fairphone, but i dont regret supporting the company. in a 'lesser than two evils' sense, fairphone is MUCH less evil.

the fairphone company makes grand promises of 7 years support, despite historically really doing 2-4 years of support very badly. to the point where when the fairphone 4 released, it was going to take so long for it to make an android upgrade that a FOSS group CalyxOS ended up making the port for them. being this late for security and feature releases is insane, especially when they make claims outside of SoC OEM support periods despite knowing that they can't provide those updates. the fairphone 3 even launched on the same day as android 10 but instead of quickly porting over, they instead ported over their next line of phone (fairphone 3+)

the phone removed expandable storaged and a headphone jack, with obscene pricing for storage upgrades and at the same time as they released their unrepairable line of wireless products. this is just begging for e-waste.

the claims of being ethically sourced are not universal to the whole phone, the fair trade gold standard is limited to some parts that they source.

they have hardware for an extra SIM slot on the fairphone 4, but made it unusable to the user. clearly just an anti-consumer move.

there are other reeasons, and you'll also notice im not providing sources here. a lot of this is readily available info online and frankly im tired, i hope you can search these things up yourself if you want to confirm. i'm saying these things in good faith if that makes you feel more comfortable. there are reasons to consider the fairphone, but know that if you're doing this for a 'long-lasting' phone, then you're only getting that on the hardware side and even then you're vastly overpaying for the value of what you receive.

i still support fairphone in their journey to making mainstream fully modular phones with readily available replacement parts and open schematics. as a big 'fuck you' to smartphone producing companies, the fairphone does its' job magnificently and provides an excellent example of why samsung, apple, google etc are lying scum when they say these things aren't possible. if a small company like fairphone have been doing it since their infancy, we shouldn't believe that big tech can't.

EDIT: i was wrong about the expandable storage, please read replies to get see some further discussion.

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idk about the actual reason, but it's easier for me to recognise that someone is specifying pronouns when it's 'she/her' instead of just 'she'

just a comment to try get this to the active tab. best of luck guys <3

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love the clarity, love the honesty, love you. big W

At the end of this I linked an extract of a positive letter that United States Utah governor Spencer Cox wrote. It grounds the conversation back to Earth in a fantastic way. Bear in mind, he's specifically referring to student athletes in this discussion. So this is tangential to OP's discussion, but the underlying premise is near identical from my understanding.

not to come off overly negative- steve also does great work. i hope we hear from LMG soon <3

to answer your other questions, i do have a used pixel with grapheneOS now. much better phone, much better experience and much better piece of mind. i use a good all-covering case so nobody asks what phone i use, because i'd hate to be a billboard for google.

the biggest selling point of the fairphone for me was its' unique form factor. i was asked what phone i had A LOT. when i took the back off, people's mind broke. this created a segway for me to talk about right-to-repair with people who otherwise would have never cared. it's a great tool to open discussion into ethical hardware and software. i miss having those conversations as regularly as i was.

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i'm 21, it wouldn't be weird if you were gaming at 77, let alone 47 lol

maybe it's not intergenerational :p

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common gaywallet W

i dont know how you have so much emotional energy to share here as much as you do, especially in the face of so much intolerance. much love.

beehaw is a safe-space, we shouldnt villify the experiences/needs of people who need alt-text. this could be game changing for people who need it.

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just as a side note, you have a LOT of comments. if you can bring yourself to do it, it'd be cool if you could just not delete the account. it'd be a shame to lose all that content, lemmy is in its' early days still. sometimes it's non-negotiable though, i get that. good luck.

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This is a comment from alyaza, one of the mods:

vote brigading is one part of it, but another influence of this decision comes from Tildes, where the emphasis is on quality of discussion and the site accordingly has feedback mechanisms to reflect this–most prominently in lacking a downvote button. (although i should also note we’re going for a more laid-back attitude than Tildes has.) while i’m sure there’s a theoretical way to minimize their impact while maintaining their function, downvotes can easily be used to artificially sway opinion, punish unpopular opinions, etc, and their utility is actually somewhat minimal as a website feature and community control mechanism.

the going theory in removing them therefore is that to express disagreement, you’ll have to at least put some thought into why you disagree with a post, and ideally that will be expressed in the form of a comment which can be used as a further jumping off point for conversation and dialogue. (alternatively, i guess, you could also just accept a disagreement as not necessarily worth your or another person’s time, and move on.)

i just tried this and got a more fence-sitting result of "here are the pros and cons, there should be public discussion before we know if it's good or bad".

but your result is fascinating.

if the law is telling you to die, don't be afraid to break the law :)

just so we're all clear on one thing, generally frontends still contribute to traffic of the main platform. it's most likely that using these frontends is still contributing to reddit's traffic, even if you're not giving them any semblance of ad revenue.

if you're doing this because you don't want to contribute to the data-mine and don't want to give them ad money, this is a good tool. if you're doing this because you don't want to support reddit, there's a good chance you've been misguided there-- you'll still contribute to the numbers they show investors at the end of the year.

please correct me if im wrong

to add some nuance to this, if anyone would like to listen. a cry from a cishet to the cishets.

beehaw platforms safe spaces. within that, this is a community for queer people. coming into this discussion as someone that isn't queer, a person needs to be aware of the nature of safe spaces. this isn't the same as seeing a post from r/cars on the front page of reddit and adding to the discussion that trains are more convenient for you. to queer people, many of these discussions are existential in nature. this will not carry the same weight to you, because it does not impact you in the same way- if at all.

take a moment to reflect on how irritating it is to see average people turn into experts on twitter whenever a new topic is trending. understand that in queer discussion, you are that person, but your words aren't simply annoying, they're harmful.

a common response to this is "well you can't have discussion with only people that agree with you, that's an echo chamber!". sure, you can put 100 men into a discussion about feminism and hear a hundred different opinions, but none of them will be a womans. there's enough cishets discussing this, respect that this space is designed to amplify the voices of the minority.

stay quiet, recognise that you have privilege blindspots, and say "thanks for sharing".

im not adding to the discussion, i just want to give a quick opinion.

i know this isn't the ideal solution, but the admins are limited right now. there was a post from one of the admins that highlighted the importance of trust. i trust our admins to do what's best right now.

i did not know any of this, thanks for sharing

i used this phone for a year. the phone is a bit bulky and heavy, but not much more than a flagship phone with a case on it. i never needed a case because of the metal build, and the back is this rubber/plastic material that's really nice. no stupid glass that will crack if u drop it.

the back comes off nice and easy and everything is removable with a screwdriver. the battery doesnt require a screwdriver to remove if i recall correctly. the replacement parts are available on fairphone's website. the bootloader is unlockable so you can change the OS if you wanted to aswell. the stock OS isn't so comfortable so i do recommend trying out alternatives, i had good experiences with /e/ and CalyxOS.

the fairphone marketing is a bit gross in my opinion. removing the headphone jack right as they release their own wireless accessories. having the hardware inside the phone for a second SIM, but making it inaccessible to end-users. promising 5 years of warranty and software support despite using old hardware that will not have 5 years of firmware updates, let alone security updates down the line. they base this on their long-term updates to fp2 and fp3 which also lack these critical components.

the phone's specs are nothing special. which is fine when you consider that the premium you're paying is for your own ethics; NOT the quality of the phone. but remember, fairphone are no stranger to misleading marketing and greenwashing. if you care about security updates, this isn't a 5 year phone as they're promising it to be.

i ended up installing grapheneOS on a used pixel, that's my phone now. it's a much, much better experience and i get to know that it will hold this quality of life for a long time to come. i do miss the removable battery, though.

please correct me if im wrong on anything.

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it's just got a photography-centric userbase i guess. how it's used is down to how people choose to use it :p

it's a platform for personal posting if you want it to be

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i think platforms like youtube strongly benefit from a like/dislike system because it performs an entirely different function. beehaw is about conversation and dialogue. the way that the downvote button is used on these types of platforms disincentivises meaningful dialogue and silences unpopular opinions, which in turn can further silence minority groups. that's not what we want here.

there's arguments for both sides, but i really like the lack of a downvote button here.

join guys, she's coming together really nicely

if it makes you happy, use the term. no need to get caught up in all this nonsense unless you see it's hurting somebody (which im sure it isnt) :p

youtube music shilling incoming, ignore if dont care :p

awesome if you're a spotify user, but to anyone on the fence, youtube music is just so much comfier. and if you're a privacy advocate or anything adjacent, i'm sure you're still using youtube in some way anyway so you may as well cut out spotify, another exploitative company, and just leave yourself with youtube.

there are plenty of free services that let you convert spotify playlists into youtube music ones, and you can listen to them using mobile frontends like InnerTune or web frontends like HyperPipe. free offline listening, no ads, good frontends, it's just comfy and you can cut out a dependency on spotify. besides, if you do end up ever trying to export anything from your spotify (playlists, downloading songs, etc), chances are it'll use the youtube api anyway.

it's comfyyyyy

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thanks for this, i'll include your name in my will.

i think you should read the replies to the hackernews post, there's some interesting discussion there with more nuance. particularly the thread started by user "kens"

i feel like this incentivises 'controversial' posting. content that is designed to illicit a response, good or bad. i feel like this is another avenue to creating an inflammatory space.

a bit off-topic but relevant nonetheless:

i know i'm probably in the minority opinion here, but there are better privacy-respecting (and google spiting) platforms for viewing these videos than the official youtube website and rossman has been vocal in his support for these; particularly Odysee. below are 3 different projects, Odysee which is a whole separate and sustainable project, and piped & invidious which are privacy-respecting frontends to youtube. i think in future it'd be valuable to link these alternatives instead of the official youtube link. -- Odysee -- Piped -- Invidious

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sucks to hear that your feelings have changed, but im glad you see the value of the comments and posts this way. content is invaluable, i hope it doesn't have to be deleted. best of luck on your journey <3

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everyone hurry up and join, she's coming together but there's not much time left. come help!! :p

i'm sure it can be nerve-wracking, i can sympathise with that. i can see why you'd be nervous.

to any lurkers, this is just another component of why representation is so important-- it signals that it is okay, normal and in no way conditional to our love. if we simply operated from a default perspective that is not heteronormative, then we tacitly tell others that we, individually, have moved on from the era of anti-queer hatred.

i'm not queer so i don't want to impose any uninvited advice, but i really hope that you can find peace with your family and with yourself.

i agree in terms of what we have right now. but without users engaging with the videos on alternative platforms, we'll never see any platform change unless there's spooky investor money thrown into it.

as "power-users" (ew) or tech-literate people, i feel like we should be the ones doing the early adoption.

for anyone who doesn't want to use odysee because there isn't many videos, I recommend the Watch on Odysee extension. when you open a youtube video it'll automatically redirect you to the Odysee upload, if there is one. it's available on Chromium and Firefox.

become the change you want to see :))

great point. i love the term "Schrödinger’s Politician", thats so good

their other tools seem to be equally as good, i'm really impressed by Judge. to any lurkers, check out the other tools on the page.