hehe yes, it's for scientific purposes
the cycling thing does seem likely, but I'm hoping that some other people can confirm this
Edit: wording, formatting
you can omit the unit now
Why do you think that Wayland is necessary for adoption? In my opinion it is the missing hardware drivers, compatability issues and "getting your hands dirty" while constantly tweaking stuff. Yeah it got better over the years, but most people want things to just work.
Do you have any idea how you acquired that? Do you, like me, also cycle a lot?
Edit: wording, formatting
Okay, here's another thought: I ride my bike a lot; could this cause those spots?
the area might be a little bit larger than what is highlighted, sorry
Edit: wording
but WHY is it necessary??
good idea! usually I don't give much thought to that region while cycling 😂
this is unrelated to shaving
the mentioned area is noticeably smoother compared to other hairless parts
Edit: wording
i am talking about those two sections highlighted in red on the sketch to the right
oh, that's interesting... perhaps there's another activity that could be responsible for this?
hm interesting
its quite cold as well where i live 😉
Interesting point of view, but given that I typically wear comfortable clothing and boxer shorts, I don't think that's the case.
he defo be flexin' with them mad dumps he be droppin' on the throne
I never said anything regarding the truth of the original posts claim; it's just irritating when people start asking questions without even reading what was initially written.
no, the bottom of my balls, both have this small area
woof woof
Oh sure, defending people who aren't even willing to read the text of the post while also attacking the one who complains about that circumstance is better, right?
Well, if you bothered to read the text on the image, you would have found your answer.
Seems like I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but I'm all about that out of sight, out of mind vibe when it comes to things that aren't used often.
nevertheless it would not hurt to have at least some options on how to display the scrollbars (if at all)