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Joined 1 years ago

It's an early adopter problem, and it could be much worse (looking at you, Tildes, where I swear I was one of less than 10 users who were not either well compensated professionals (tech or otherwise), or in school at the time to become one, at least before the latest Reddit exodus. At least most of the Lemmy instances, while tech heavy, don't have the same smugness that a lot of nearly-exclusively highly compensated white collar worker spaces do. (Not that Tildes is unique in that space in the least, Hacker News is utterly insufferable, and the personalfinance and povertyfinance subreddit split arose for the same reasons)

Luckily I think Lemmy has more potential to get more early adopters who don't work with tech professionally, especially on an instance like Beehaw. I haven't felt like some kind of lower class interloper (as someone who is in lower level retail management for work) here, unlike many other super techy spaces.

Another for the get a laser printer train, I got a Xerox color laser printer 8 years ago for a ridiculously good deal (like $130). I finally had to replace the original toner last year, and it took my off brand cartridges just fine at a cost of like $50 for the full set of four. Came with Linux drivers even! Having color is nice too, means I don't have to think about using another printer. We keep my boyfriend's inkjet printer around solely for scanning things at this point.

Right now in summer: 67 overnight while we sleep (helps that we have tiered power pricing where late night power is almost half the price of it during the day), 72 when we're up, and 80 between 2 and 6pm when we have the most expensive power hours. Luckily we're in an apartment that's like three years old, so it's surprisingly well insulated and hasn't gotten above 73 during those hot hours.

and yet the opportunity to have the crab go 'yeeclaw' was missed. I seem to remember seeing a cross stitch of a crab in a cowboy hat saying that before, but still;

Most home processing methods like boiling, cooking, and frying potatoes have been shown to have minimal effects on solanine levels. For example, boiling potatoes reduces the α-chaconine and α-solanine levels by only 3.5% and 1.2% respectively, but microwaving potatoes reduces the alkaloid content by 15%. Deep frying at 150 °C (302 °F) also does not result in any measurable change.

They're no more toxic than cooked potatoes.

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No, never. AFAIK they aren't toxic, just that the starch is poorly digested. Either way, I've never gotten sick from it, so 🤷

It's odd because I have had digestive issues off and on through the years, but the potatoes have never precipitated it. (It's mostly anything spicy, which sucks as I love spicy food-- it's a price I pay willingly sometimes)

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I'm just sick and tired of the "don't you know they're toxic" response to finding out I eat raw ones. My people, if they were toxic I wouldn't be eating them because it would have made me ill. 🤦 Someone eating a whole bag of potato chips is gonna take in more solanine than I will eating one raw, peeled potato.

Hell, there are places that do baked/fried potato skins as an appetizer, when the skin is where the solanine is concentrated, and often can rise above the safe threshold. It's even suggested to eat a small piece of potato skin raw to determine if the solanine levels of a potato in question are safe, as it tastes very bitter.

I'm also a produce manager at a grocery store for a living, so I have a passable knowledge of most common fruits and veggies and what's safe to do with them.

Old Bay on popcorn is amazing, I don't make it any other way anymore.

Or they have and haven't told you, as I've experienced multiple times now (as an adult in my thirties, no less). It's why I fell out of my bar trivia group, they slowly forgot to send us Android users (aka my partner and I) texts separately, so we just drifted out of that circle.

It's comical how petty so many adults get about the bubbles too, and absolutely refuse to consider using anything else. Luckily my partner was on the Pixel train like me before we met, so it's not an issue there, but suggest Signal, Telegram, or hell, even Facebook Messenger (which they all have as well), and you just get befuddlement in response. Even my mother, who is in her fifties and is a department director at her job, gets perpetual shit from her coworkers re: the staff group chats that just can't go into Slack for whatever reason, as she's the lone Android user in that whole bunch. None of these people even grew up with cellphones of any type, and yet they're just as petty about messaging as any socially-obsessed teen.

Oh well, no skin off my back, and if anything this petty behavior from a subset of iOS users is basically an anti-advertisement to me.

I'm just all sorts of wound up--my boyfriend and I are moving in together at a new place on Friday, and I'm just itching to get this process started. Moving sucks as we all know, and I swear I'm just tired of it.

To top it off I'm having to cover for my boss at work until I leave for my move, since they pulled him to another location to help install new equipment that we were a test location for, so work is a chaotic nightmare on top of packing all my stuff up.

Luckily I had enough PTO saved up to take off a full week to do this, so I don't have to panic about getting it all done in one or two days like I have in the past.

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I love eating a raw potato like an apple, for whatever reason. Any time I'm cooking a dish with potatoes, I'll wash and peel one for me to eat. My boyfriend looked like I had grown a third arm the first time he saw me do it.

It's the perfect mix of crunchy and juicy, but not sweet.

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I'm super jealous. At least I'm moving to a new apartment with fiber from CenturyLink at it, but even they are running $70/mo for gigabit. I'm living the T-Mobile 5G home internet life right now because CL only has DSL at my current place, and fuck Comcast in general.

Even worse is, the new place has honest-to-God fiber from Comcast to the unit--sadly paired with an RFoG converter, so despite it being more than capable of symmetrical gigabit, they still only offer 35Mbps up there. Leave it to Comcast to make FTTP suck.

It's more of the same tankies vs. anarchists fighting you see in a lot of leftist spaces, if I were to guess, and the Raddle set doesn't notice that not all Lemmy instances are tankie ones by a long shot.

It's ironic that the anarchist devs created a centralized aggregator in Postmill, while the tankie devs who initially made Lemmy, made it a part of the fediverse. I'd honestly expect it to go the other way around.

My partner bought a study Bible for academic use a few months ago, and our roommate bought herself one (for actual worship use) a couple weeks ago?

Sadly disc golf has always also had the super right wing Christian contingent too-- my SO's brother is a staunch Pentecostal and found disc golf through church camps growing up, and is friends with a guy who does DG professionally, who is also a hard right Christian type.

All of this is half the reason I don't pick my discs up anymore, even though I'm a short walk from a course. I'm not here for a sport that's getting a name for being full of right wing transphobes.

Hell, I dealt with that all the way back in 2010/2011 with the Cliq XT. It was supposed to get Android 1.6, and Moto kept stringing everyone along until after Android 2.0 came out, when they quietly stopped saying an update would come. Worst part is, IIRC the Cliq (same exact phone hardware wise, except with a physical keyboard) received the promised update.

Ever since then, I've sworn off Moto aside from the Z2 Force which I managed to get new for like $250, and even that one became my rooted plaything until the charging port fried itself last year.

Moto, aside from the brief time they were part of Google, has always been awful about software updates, unfortunately.

Thank you, we're both really excited!

Just please don't use one of the kid voices for technical videos, a la babywogue and their GNOME development videos.

You're fine, I don't want to come off as if I think it's your fault or anything. Hell, it's not even the creator's fault either, it's a dynamic that's common in media and real interpersonal relationships alike.

It's just kind of amusing that it illustrates both the hurt people hurting people thing and how from the outside, it's easy to write aggression off as unjustified entitlement when context is missing.

I'm not sure, but I would guess that it's for the first, at the very least. At least for my traffic tickets, it was not something asked of me, but was written down by the ticketing officer. I have no experience with the actual trial side, but again, your assumption is mine there as well.

My first guess was crappy airport green chile cheese fries (which nobody outside of Colorado or New Mexico seems capable of doing right either), but this is an abomination no matter what they slap on it. That "gravy" looks like dumpster drippings poured over fries, I'm glad you survived that nightmare dish.

I like the smaller fonts, fits more content onto each page. I don't know what all the angst is about, I can't be the only one who is largely enjoying the design changes. 🤷

Luckily for the few communities that I haven't found elsewhere yet, Relay is still working. I'm almost certainly not going to go for whatever subscription the developer ends up setting up (although I did buy Premium years back for it), so once that's live, I guess I'm out on my phone. I still can't believe how trash the official app is, and how it has moments of stutter even on my Pixel 7 Pro.

We were late to the SMS game in the US as well, most European countries saw mass SMS adoption back in the late 90s and early 2000s, whereas it didn't catch on in the same way till about 2005 or 2006 here. I still remember the days of being limited to 400 texts a month, and having certain friends growing up who I couldn't text because their parents would not get a plan that had any buckets of them.

Another "I know this isn't the point of your post" comment, but that specific "Average Redditor" video rubbed me very much the wrong way.

I was partially raised by a physically and emotionally abusive grandmother, and that level of sarcasm the Redditor character shows is honestly far better than what that woman deserved. I hate how any backtalk to a grandparent is just framed as flagrant disrespect and ungratefulness, without any sort of contextualization. Calling Grandma a simple woman is fair play for Grandma calling you a worthless criminal waste of space, threatening you with knives, and breaking multiple kitchen utensils over your head at the age of six. Money can't buy off past abuse, and lord knows my grandma tried that shit too once I was too old for her to physically abuse.

Sure, Redditors are mean, but that example is extremely mean to survivors of familial abuse as well. The YT comments are even more of a triggering hellscape, it's sad because it's turned me off of checking out the rest of the series, which by raw description I probably would've enjoyed.

On a more topical note, I'm grateful for the welcoming nature of this community, and I'm hoping that keeps going as it keeps growing.

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It's not as bad now, but these used to be on things like IDs/driver's licenses and birth certificates. My parents (both born in the late 60s, one white, one biracial) have the races of both parents listed (and in the case of my maternal grandfather, still listed as 'Negro') on their birth certificates, while mine from the 90s does not, IIRC.

One area of official documentation that absolutely does still are tickets from cops, whether traffic or otherwise, as every traffic ticket I've gotten in my life has listed my race. (Amusing for me as a biracial person because I've gotten three different ones listed over the years, but I digress.) There's still things in the legal system that very explicitly call out race still.

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