0 Post – 139 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

You can't imagine that half of the world's population lives on less than $360? You sweet, summer child...

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Greg Abbott would certainly ignore any decision he didn't agree with.

Where's the love for white Gatorade? My extensive research has proven this the best color to prevent hangovers.

Even worse: Imagine being the guy working on this and being proud of yourself.

I have a special hatred for school police officers.

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I guess AI is next.

We can hope.

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So they are introducing ads and removing the download option, both moves unfriendly to consumers. Sounds like they plan to do a "We've listened to consumers and" shelving one of those moves for later (probably the download option) when the hubbub over the worse option dies down.

The article is about things that happened in Australia 🙄

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It won't matter, they would have all of your comments archived already. Even if you overwrite them AI will be scraping the copies they keep.

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Her first name is Eboni and she lived with her girlfriend... I don't think she's the kind of person second amendment people generally care about.

The X-Men was originally a civil rights allegory... It's been woke since the beginning.

It is surprisingly inexpensive to buy a US congressperson or a senator. So yeah, I'd bet less for a judge.

He asked them to show their butt holes and masturbated in front of them

Yeah, gonna need a source on that...

We should be passing laws making these types of restrictions HOAs illegal


I forgot how much I hated that commercial. And I hate even more that it was ahead of its time.

The Roku TV remotes don't operate via Wi-Fi like remotes for the dedicated Roku boxes, instead they suck. The Roku TV ones are simple IR remotes.

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Pfft. You're underestimating the human liver.

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This person will obviously never be professional. How many others you work with are also traumatized by those videos but don't say anything, I wonder. Get this scumbag fired for your coworkers if you won't do it for yourself.

Congratulations on finding a €1500 dumb TV.

It has very few side effects and is completely reversible.

You made a coherent argument as to why you use a service, specific to yourself. You get downvoted for doing so. Never change, lemmy.

...Or, perhaps, do change. Y'all can still sniff your own farts if y'all pull y'all's heads slightly out of your asses.

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If you don't want kids getting pregnant, yes.

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We're about to see a lot of "unlikely voters" turning out....

I'll fucking believe that when I see it.

No you fucking haven't.

Is there a word for mansplaining to poor people? Because that's how that came off.

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Good thing puberty blockers are completely reversible should the child end up being wrong. But if they are not wrong they are spared living through their body changing further into the opposite of their gender.

I suppose looking at the ground is beyond the intelligence of most pigs...

Your both sides bullshit is designed to keep people away from the polls and I see right through it.

I thought Google Glass was a really cool idea. I actually liked Google back then.

Congrats on *ensuring you'll never have a shred of credibility on this subject!

Who carries cash, though?

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They opened the door for even more fentanyl to take the place of actual heroin, something that will cost countless lives. I'm having trouble seeing how that is a good thing.

I don't think glorified predictive text is posing any real danger to all life on Earth.

It's still fucking gross. He was almost 40 and dating someone far less mature, rich, powerful, and famous than he was. A young person doesn't magically grow up the day they turn the age of consent in their home state.

Cops are tools of the wealthy to oppress us.

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I mean, it is possible to care about yourself while caring about others, yes.

That's why I'm not on Reddit.

Well that was the behavior of a jerk.

Hey. The jerk store called, they're out of you!