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Joined 1 years ago

Banjo sounds intensify

It's okay, I'm here for you fam

I personally love standards. It's more fun, and it comes with passive theft deterrent

I'm not sure if OC would count this as meat or not, but lab grown meat is currently possible possible but not economically viable yet. Once that changes and cheap, ethical, eco friendly meat that's indistinguishable from conventional products is common, it will be much harder to justify conventional meat farming.

Baring that, plant based meat substitutes may gain a foothold, but we'll see.

As far as religion goes, that's actually a big unknown from my point of view. The "nones" have risen super fast, but a lot of churches have done a lot of aggressive things to try to slow that trend. I'm not sure if they'll eventually find something that works or if their efforts will further increase the secularization of the US. As far as the rest of the world, Europe in general makes me hopeful.