8 Post – 112 Comments
Joined 4 years ago

Matrix and clients for it like Element have always been my go to for federated chat like discord/teams/mattersmost. The main missing feature is voice channels imho.

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More detials found here:

Seem more accurate that their public repos will be closed, so now only centos-stream will be public. You will still have full access to source through their developer program or as a paying customer.

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I for one really hope more Russians can peacefully surrender, and that Putin's regime ceases it bloody campaign against people's liberties foreign and domestic.

To be honest I don't think we are ready for that level of scrutiny. I would imagine if he were to agree, he would do research first, and the Fediverse has a lot of unanswered questions for the mainstream person.

Can the Fediverse sustain users, both in usability and costs (see also "Can we keep up with user growth")? How will NFSW moderation work, since so far I see most instances saying it won't and just shutting down that vector of work and questions? How does regulation or working with authorities look like on the Fediverse (this is antithetical to most Fediverse goals, but for main stream people a normal question)? How will user verification work for celebrities or important figures? What are the ethical consideration to support devs, like the lemmy devs, with controversial opinions?

Some of these are whataboutism when comparing to Reddit. Some of these just stuff the average Redditor and Fediverse user couldn't care less about, or frankly don't want asked, but these are top questions I would expect a liberal journalist to be asking, even if they are generally anti-corperate and pro-grassroots.

The snap store is proprietary, flatpaks handle the graphical app space better, OCI containers handle the service space better, and really high reported load times.

Flatpaks are awesome IMHO.

Good thing for FOSS, maybe. Non-profits suddenly not operating effectively for a few years is arguably worse for a lot of people that depend on them.

Start a housing coop and community land trust to keep housing in the hands of people that need it. Rapid public transport for the housing coop for work, groceries, etc. Buy the old tracks and turn them into intercity people carries.

Buy the land from friends and family to pay off their debts and give it to the community land trust.

Start a community coop grocery store, pharmacy, clinic, etc.

Start a community electric coop focused on being a microgrid first and connection the national grid second.

Start a community fiber and wireless ISP coop, and fighting tool and nail to end the current ISPs state monpoly on shitty expensive service.

Try and create guerenteed minimums for both so no one has to disconnect because the money istoo tight.

Man I hope so! The beta is out for element support

To be honest building a edit history views makes more sense to me. This project is opensource we can do more than work around.

surely that will help former redditors support the decision, redditors loved musk /s

Every one learns something for the first time. Expert to noob all start in the same state of knowing nothing.

Flatpaks are great for GUI apps, and have a sandboxing system that allow them to work well on any system that support flatpak. This allows devs to package once run anywhere, saving Dev time! It also has a portals system to allow for better system integration of the granular permissions needed for the app to actually work (nobody wants a truly isolated sandbox for every app).

Snap is less featureful for GUI apps, but work closer to how native packages do. The real issue is the proprietary app store required for it, making non-foss. If you want the same benefits of snap, check out Guix and NixOS both of which have a more cleaner design, and work better IMHO.

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I know a lot of people that work in union manufacturing jobs that have a real sense of pride and feeling of accomplishment about it. Gotta say, having time off, extra money, and voice in how the company treats you probably goes a long way, because some of those same people hated their non-unions jobs before.

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RedHat is a major sponsor of Fedora, but Fedora is a separate entity, so there is no know plan of them moving away from being a registered public good and no good reason for them to.

Dictators flocking together while they plan on expanding their imperial reach, but know they will butt into each other's spheres when it's less convenient.

3d printed meat for sure. Getting food right has more margin for error.

Though the open insulin project has been making progress on open sourcing insulin!

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People are down voting you for responding to someone saying they don't know and would like to know more with "you have no idea do you?". Like yeah, they said so themselves.

I'm choosing to divest and look for more opportunities to help community ran distros to better fill that niche. Maybe NixOS or Guix as system os and rke2 and flatpak for the rest of services and apps.

I'm a /home on separate drive/partition kind of guy. I like it just following my installs. Though seeing some using guix/nixos to create a config for my desktop has got me wanting to spend a weekend trying that out.

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I mean, being a death nail on a corporation's IPO for spite and content is on brand for him

Does Creative Commons and the RAILS licenses not cover most of these models fairly? That is what I tend to see them under.

Matrix integration really is the move to make imhol

I also blame the education system, the fact that my computer teacher thought that opening R, trying to reconnect to WiFi, and opening the cmd prompt were all attempts at "hacking" is sad. The fact our robotics class shut down when the exchange student left, because he was the only who knew how to program was sadder.

Part of the problem is the people making the standards don't even know how ignorant they are themselves. Like I at least recognize I have a lot learning to go, and lean heavily on people more experienced than me in fields I'm not the expert.

"Technical fowl!" From that animated Adam Sandler movie about Hanukkah

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I personally 100% support the use of peertube as the primary video platform. It really seems to go towards addressing the cost issue with being a video hosting platform. The only step I would take further is having IPFS being the cold storage backend for images as well, and integrate both into the app/website levels, so clients can participate in contributing sharing. If needed, a proxy service so that clients that are concerned about IP leakage, but can't use TOR or a VPN have an option.

Dang, Suse really coming in strong with this. I still wish they offered openQA too. Between Rancher, and Suse they really do go pound for pound against RedHat.

Agreed. Its news for sure, and maybe it speeks to some broader topics (like if the wider linux community wants things what RHEL offers, how would we go about doing that), but this isn't some Judas kiss to the Linux world.

I am contributing to the topic though, because people are taking it to an extreme looking at even avoiding Fedora, the community ran distro, that have nothing to do in this decision.

Any issues with CentOS stream for your work? Could always switch to Fedora server too if you wanted to keep the same structures and such, but separate some from RedHat.

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Oh no, those judged seem touched. Maybe the need another sponsored yaht trip to clear their heads.

Sweet! This is great for people that want to enjoy content people are posting here, but want to avoid places like youtube (where most video content is coming from, even with peertube on the Fediverse or Odyssey having built in payment methods.).

I will say I saw your bot, triple comment on a post.

Same reason I want more forums like Fedora Discussion, Ask Ubuntu, and Stack Overflow on the Fediverse. I like the Fediverse as a way to see information and have discussion on it. More good content, the better. Without good content, I would never have used Reddit in the first place.

Discord -> Element(matrix) is my go to

I only respond to comments when I have something to say. If people leave comments that have no room for me to add I just vote up or down and press on.

"Plague dogs" is the most depressing movie I have ever seen, I was in a funk for a few weeks after seeing it. In terms of conveying an emotion no other film has lived up to that movie for me.

I don't recommend it.

I haven't had Element crash on me in a while, but that was a big annoyance for me too for a long time.

The video conferencing on Matrix has been really good for me so far. FOSSDEM 2022 was hosted on it and that really sold me on Matrix as a solution tbh. The recorded talks played smooth, and the chats worked no issues, while the break rooms gave me that genuine "I'm actually at a conference" feel, because it was so easy to just join a room and talk with our cameras on and everything.

Teams has been mostly up and working for me, but we have "sorry teams wasn't working" issues all the time, so that bar is low to me. Even more, matrix better fits larger organizations that frankly should be using the federated approach for a lot of things, and stop trying to have IT policies that fits hundreds of thousands of employees over large geospatial distances.

Yeah, I realized I started to sound snarky when I said "I work on computers" when people ask me what I do. Didn't mean it to sound dumb, it was just honestly the level of understanding about computers a lot strangers had when they asked.

Saying I did networking or worked with servers didn't mean much, but sometimes people would ask me to work on their WiFi...

They should challenge him to get a peer review through a respected journal instead....

Sensational Advertising, and maybe just advertising in general. I would love to see what society would look like if people only used and got things because they wanted it, or because someone they talked to recommended they used it, instead of billions going to the most advance technologies and largest organizations in the world to manipulate people into buying more.

If you can't imagine why someone built the fence then leave it alone until you do.