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Joined 4 months ago

Never ever date someone who's not done getting their shit together. Like dating fellow addicts in rehab, it can only end badly. You want a partner, not a project. You wanna feel like you're his mom and still have to fuck him? No.

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The real WTF is that someone died and they still carried in with the ceremony, meanwhile other graduations are canceled because of protestors who have yet to kill anyone

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They will if he gets elected, impedes the system by firing anyone with a clue, and shuffles federal money to them without recourse because presidential immunity

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I heard this story earlier and concluded that in order not to be fucked over by the police you should assume any family members they ask about have been killed by the police and act accordingly

They've punished cis women athletes for having naturally higher testosterone levels, so it's all fucking bullshit anyway. You have to portray what they feel is an appropriate biological woman (ha!), which is super awkward for those of us without that 'look' who are now viewed with suspicion. God forbid you have a hormone insensitivity or non-XX/XY chromosome arrangement.

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So he's been weaving these court cases into his campaigning, how is this not running afoul of FEC rules? Surely a massive bond with a court case that's elicited by the candidate would fall under potential bribery?

Would that not irritate the judge? How do you trust a defendant who lies about what they present as legitimate scheduling conflicts? They could just continue to make shit up and delay the trial. I'm sure there are plenty of excuses to dig up involving family he usually ignores who are suddenly in poor health, etc. Hell, he could hospitalize one of them just to point to...

Copper chisel chips on old mining piles, copper replacement agates, lots of small copper specimens that are slowly filling my house. I gave up on the sweeping metal detectors once I got some nice handheld probes that you can shove deep into loose dirt and rocks while digging.

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What, so the police can put anyone they want in a headlock but we can't headlock back? /s

Seriously though, if it's so threatening to get a cop in a headlock, enough that another cop feels they need to use deadly force to stop it, why are cops allowed to continue restraining someone who fights back against a headlock during an arrest?

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The audit that's been happening for more than 8 years? At this point he'll die before it ever gets resolved

Has he actually lost anything but time and attorney fees from those judgements? He still gets to live extremely well for someone who supposedly owes that much damn money to people

Oh oh oh, try using the names of Supreme Court members as the official organizer for any and all protests. Who's going to stop you?

I hope a side effect of the AI training on reddit comments is that text output is littered with Fuck Spez

Oh no...anyway

He talks about supporting legal migration like his ancestors but honestly it's way more American to just show up here and do what you want, how else would this country have gotten started if not for unsanctioned migration and crimes against humanity?

In my state local politicians have started to ban driving on their roads to access abortion

Cheap dry cat food is unpleasant stale savory tasting and the flavor lingers in your mouth. It tastes like cat breath and could really use some salt and sauce to take the edge off.

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I'm cool if we determine Trump is not in fact a 'man' and therefore immune but also not eligible for human political office or any other human privileges like living indoors or accessing businesses

I'll give him credit if he can produce the original, historical "document" he's talking about

Trump can't really go anywhere unscheduled most weekdays due to criminal court obligations so I assume he won't put extra effort in to doing so anyway

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I know how long it takes to recover from birth, and 8 days ain't it

One of the people who can definitely afford to not need to be away after the kid's born. If you have the opportunity, why not spend the time with them?

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Holy shit, do you think the kid's gonna reschedule his development windows for golf? It's his first kid, and he's making a mistake. Doesn't matter if the mom's OK, him being absent means less familiarity with his own son's behavior and needs. Why every mother doesn't insist on massive father involvement during her own recovery from birth is insane.

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What sort of person leaves their 9 day old baby to go play golf? What a douche.

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