0 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm severely depressed and unmotivated as well. I watch a lot of TV. When I get sick of that, I make 3D wooden puzzles, like these dinosaurs. They take about 30-60 minutes each, and when you're done, you've got a dinosaur! Rawr!

It's amazing that not only did they fuck up the regex regetwitter, .


So do Americans.

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Good. Now do it for the rest of the women in Texas who want abortions.

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Making it illegal to take your kid to another state to do something that's legal in the other state? Huh. The Second Civil War is going to be fought over states' rights. Specifically, reproductive rights.

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Only half? I'm surprised.

Thank, NPR, for mentioning migraines as one of the problems.

Now do an article on flickering, eye-piercing, migraine-inducing LED lights on emergency vehicles and crosswalks.

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I've seen this movie. It did not end well.

With open ties to the KKK. The others are smart enough to keep theirs hidden.

If he wins, it puts a far right sexual predator second in the line of succession after VP Harris. I hope they increase security on Biden and Harris and make sure the two of them are never in the same place at the same time

The Venn diagram is a circle

Now that he's been found guilty, I hope that he receives a dishonorable discharge.

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The bill also gives people the ability to justify use of “defensive force” upon an unhoused person in instances of criminal trespass, including “unlawful camping” on the owner’s property. This would allow property owners to use deadly force against unhoused people on their property without facing criminal consequences.

I hope this bill has some "defensive force" applied to it before it becomes a law.

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Didn't Couldn't see that one coming.

The only way to stop a bad guy with an embezzlement is a good guy with a forensic accountant.

Dark Biden: "... and then I'll nationalize them!"

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I forget. 2023 is an odd year, so do we do thoughts or prayers?

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Good. I hope he cooperates fully. If he did anything wrong, let him face consequences! Because you know what? Even though I think he's doing a good job as President, I also think that he's just, you know, a man.

American police: "Only 1,100? Pfft! Amateurs!"

Good. Now let the rest of the women in Texas who want to abort their fetuses do it.

It's not the brightness that's the problem. It's the sharpness and the strobe. Back in the old days, when they were spinning lights, they were nice and bright and got the job done just fine without those two aspects.

I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.


wipes eyes

Phew! Thanks! I needed a good laugh this morning!

Drive out into the desert and find a phone booth. Park next to it. The phone will ring. Pick it up. 50/50 shot it's them or your student loan officer.

It's interesting terrifying how conservatives are using the power of the state to mold the population to their liking.


laughs in IntelliJ multi cursor mode

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Good. Gun violence is a public health crisis. I'm glad someone is finally treating it as such.

This is the second time in this post's comments that I've seen the idea that the pushing of religious beliefs into politics, into non-religious people, etc, is "starting" to become a problem.


It is a problem.

It is dangerous.

It's the reason for the repeal of Roe v Wade, leaving to such atrocities as a 10 year old child being forced to go out of her home state to abort her rapist's baby.

It's the reason Republicans spent so many decades stacking the Supreme Court in the first place, to get outcomes like the above. Remember Mitch McConnell not letting President Obama appoint a replacement for Scalia? That had nothing to do with the people's will and everything to do with conservative, religious beliefs.

It's the reason so many states are passing anti-LGBTQ laws, particularly anti-trans laws, putting queer people of all kinds at risk of violence, depression, and suicide.

It's the reason so many states are banning books and the teaching of accurate history. Suppression of knowledge carries with it a danger all its own.

There is no "starting". The danger is here. Now.

September 13, 2:57pm

SB 1780, would make accusing someone of being homophobic, transphobic, racist or sexist, even if the accusation is true, equivalent to defamation, and punishable by a fine of at least $35,000. If passed, the bill would severely limit and punish constitutionally protected free speech in the state.

W. T. F?!?!?!?!?

Go look outside in your hedge.

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I bought one of those chainsaws 30 years ago, and it Stihl works.

"Even the closest of friends can sometimes hold betrayal in their hearts."

My divorce. I didn't even realize that my ex-wife was abusive until getting into the divorce process. Once I got away and started to understand, I began to take some of my power back and develop even more. I went from terrified of her to strong and confident.

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There are other version control systems out there, and have been for decades. So yes, I would consider git to be modern.

"starting"? I think we started with the gutting of Roe v Wade. Possibly earlier. I already fear for my friends and family who identify as female. And if the Republicans take the White House in 2024, I think it will just get worse and worse.

Step 1. Dehumanize the enemy.

Greg Abbot is soft on immigration!

Republicans are regrssive on human rights.


Seriously! The new model and terminology have been around for a decade or so! Why aren't more people aware of them yet? throws hands up in frustration

But, having said that, now deny that you have an alcohol use disorder without sounding like you have an alcohol use disorder😏