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Joined 3 months ago

We literally had Trump instead of Bernie because she couldn't get over herself.

That's possible, but in the past I think Germany stuck with Windows after Microsoft gave them a better deal or something.

Heck, they may have even paid Germany to keep using Windows.

Saving money is secondary.

Weird how that's always the case in a capitalist society.

AMD's core GPU strategy is to be slightly less worse than Nvidia.

Yes, one would hope.

But that's just not how the capitalist world works.

Are you saying it's never justified? Just say that.

Edit: You won't because we both know it's not true.

True, but she also isn't breaking any laws in this case.

Do you people legitimately believe others should be arrested because they don't call you the words you want? Wow.

Crazy how this man was able to reproduce while so many better men end up killing themselves from loneliness.

This comment was removed for saying: True, but she also isn't breaking any laws in this case. Do you people legitimately believe others should be arrested because they don't call you the words you want? Wow.

The reason given was saying "you people." It's painfully clear there is a a biased mod or group of mods on the mod team that wants to censor anything critical of the trans agenda.

Here's another comment with someone calling me a "weird little goblin", but they support the trans agenda so their comment gets to stay: https://lemmy.ca/comment/8395791

Lol. It's so transparent it's actually sad. I hope we get a new news community to replace this one.

Why are you insulting me? Lol.

If you don't agree with them, then why are you commenting?

Yeah, but we need cops because of what happens in places like CHAZ.

It's better not to persecute people just because you disagree with them.

It's sad how you people are literally pushing for a world where someone can get arrested for not calling a trans woman a woman.

You're going to make way more enemies than friends with that rhetoric, trust me.

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So what's the problem? She's not making clear threats to the group or calling for them to be abused, but people in this thread still think she should be arrested.

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It is absolutely a long con.

I feel bad for the Ukrainian cannon fodder that actually believed they had a chance.

Their purpose was to weaken Russia and strengthen profits for the Western MIC.

And increase taxes to do it...

Good. This is war and Israel is the aggressor.

"It's okay to censor people who disagree with me."

Yeah, cause that worked out so well in the past...


Not sure why anyone would by linux certified laptops and expect to be treated with the same level of care as windows users.

Sorry you got ripped off, but hopefully this will be a lesson for the future.

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Awful title that exists to manipulate people's views.

Just because someone is mentally ill doesn't mean they can't be a threat to others and require lethal force to stop.

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It's sad watching you people twist your brains into knots to avoid realizing that some people don't agree with you.

No it's not.

You're just grasping at straws to avoid admitting you're wrong, now.

Goodbye. Gonna block you.

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People are downvoting me because I don't show unwavering support for Ukraine.

It's how tribalism works and you can't see it.

for being idiots whose shitty opinions are not based in reality.

Oh the ironing, lol.

You just don't like what's being said so you want to conflate it with trolling.

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Their economy had the most growth out of any G7 nation last year.

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Not really.

The unbiased signal would be "if you're dissatisfied with your current nation, Russia may take you in."

I dont see what other propaganda this guy could possibly be involved in

Probably because you're biased from spending too much time on these forums.

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You're too far gone. Sorry.

Wrong, but ok lol. Believe what you want sweetie.

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How dare people disagree with me!?

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“Let’s see how long he lasts" implies that he won't last long.

If you can't understand this, then you need to improve your reading comprehension.

I think you can understand it, you just don't want to admit he's wrong so you're moving goalposts like I said from the very beginning.

Neither are you as you’ve made abundantly clear.

Correct, I thought Ukraine actually had a chance of winning at first.

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“He liberated Avdiivka fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with Russians.”

“I definitely would do it again, I’d go back if I could,” Puello-Mota says in the video as he recounts his experience fighting in an “international brigade” alongside the Russian army.

What does it take for you to admit when you're wrong?

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The guy I was replying to was implying he would be dead quickly.

You're now moving the goalposts to "he won't survive the war."

This is how those indoctrinated by propaganda operate.

But let me guess: you're immune to propaganda because the only propaganda is coming from Russia.

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Sure it is.

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