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Joined 1 years ago


And no, I can't simply stop using or ask friends to move to an alternative. I'm from Brazil and that thing is so popular and mainstream, that even stores or public services use it.

Just this week, I had to report an animal abuse case to the authorities, and the official communication channel I had to use was through whatsapp.

It's sad to see how dependent of a single proprietary service for something so important we allowed ourselves to become...

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The incredible thing about these articles is that they don't make the slight mention of lemmy.

That one linked is a well written summary of what happened, but it's partial if they don't include the migration that happened, even if it wasn't that big.

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Let's invert the question: what makes it worth the switch? If I'm going to change something, you have to prove why it's worth, not me proving why I shouldn't.

5 years already? Shit, I'm old.

When I started using the internet, it was a shock, because I got in contact with people from different places and realized how poor I am :(

Even today, I get cultural shocks here and there. Just this week, someone mentioned what they consider the bare minimum specs for a phone they consider to be viable for simple usage, and guess what? My phone doesn't have half of these specs.

I have been looking at this possibility, but running a bridge means that I will need to self host a service, which adds one more point of failure, while not really removing whatsapp from my life, so I'm not convinced it's a good alternative.

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I both agree and disagree. We know how to put a custom rom on it, but most users need to rely on the manufacturer for updates, so it's important to have such support available.

There's something that worries me about GPT-like technologies, and I see very few people talking about it: GPT-based social media bots.

It can give people and groups to create much advanced mass manipulation strategies. Imagine a lot of gpt accounts on all sites creating comments advocating pro or against something, every time it's mentioned, in a very natural language, that can fool most people.

It worries me a lot, and I'm sure it will be done at some point. If recent elections around the world were a mess due to a lot of social media manipulation and fake news campaigns, now imagine that powered by gpt.

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In addition, pirated physical media used to be an easy way for non techy people to acquire media in developing countries.

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Not all violations are ill-intended, and most amaetur devs aren't specialists in licensing.

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By seeying most reactions ro your post, I can only think that most lemmy users don't care about privacy at all. Or, at least, didn't fully understand the implications.

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The thing with grapheneos is that it's not available to anyone. For example, pixel devices are extremely overpriced here in brazil. So, the best we can do is something like lineageos or /e/.

To what extent are we victims, and to what extent are we part of the system? This isn't a simple thing to answer, and there's not a single answer.

Corporations have too much power, but people fell into consumerism and fanboyism, defending their practices.

People talk about reducing electronic trash, but will buy the next shiny device at launch, before the last one stops working, will say that it's a "needed improvement" when someone criticizes things like phones removing audio jacks, and look at people using older stuff as if they're crazy. People talk about damaging production chains, but won't prioritize local small ones. There are so many examples, but this is enough to get the idea.

Somehow, people love brands and corporations.

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They're discussing adding it, with a opt-out option.

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66.6%? Looks like even satan has left reddit.

I remember when they took it off. They probably brought it back because it was giving them a bad image.

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Well... I'm using pidgin right now.

I understand your bad experience with GSIs, but I think it's a step in the right direction. The way custom roms have been made through the years isn't sustainable for the long run. It's too much work for the few people involved, that goes obsolete so fast. But with GSis, the projects will one day be able to maintain just a few images, and the porting community will just have to focus on unlocking the devices.

GSIs aren't working 100% today, but it's something still new in the perspective of manufacturers, and the tendency is to have better support with time.

Just to put things into perspective, my experience, as someone poor from a third word country, is just the opposite. In the past, only the more expensive phones had custom rom support, and the cheaper ones I got access to, wouldn't even get results if I searched for the model on xda. Nowadays, even cheap chinese phones or the ones locally manufactured in here allow me to put a GSI and have a customized experience, up to date with security patches.

Hold on, piracy isn't necessarily not caring about copyright, but can be (and is, in a lot of cases), about fighting against the big corporations who take advantage of historically abusive copyright laws to dominate the market and prevent small authors and companies from surviving.

These AI companies, despite being copyright violators, are much closer to the big IP monopolists than the small authors, which are victims of both groups.

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I agree, just like debian package statistics

The posters/commenters/lurkers ratio of reddit is highly disbalanced. If enough posters (which are a tiny fraction of userbase) come to lemmy, the rest will follow.

People also have that tendency to personify AIs. I don't really understand why.

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To be fair, I don't feel comfortable with that. I believe people are so excited about ditching reddit, that they're in denial about any possible flaw or inconvenience about lemmy.

I hope future updates bring more privacy to the users.

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Even more important is to see the windows downtrend. We need competition, keep it going!

Do you think it's safe for the average joe to forward ports in the router to access things from the outside?

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With all the respect, to deny the progress we had in the last decade seems a bit stubbornish and counterproductive.

In the 2000s, uo to early 2010s, not even a basic non techy user could properly use linux without assistance, and nowadays, they can use it normally. Most of them just need a working browser and a good UI.

I don't say that out of nowhere. I've been doing some work in initiatives for digital inclusion in my country, and we're having great results with linux nowadays, while it was impossible some years ago.

There's still a lot that needs improvement, but we're nowhere near the state we were just one decade ago.

Even places like lemmy or mastodon aren't safe anymore. Everything that is public can be, and is, data mined by some corporation. There will be bot accounts or paid people pushing their agenda. And several other things.

It's not a technical problem. We can have places that are better than the average, but the corporations will still put their tentacles in.

I feel the same. I can't recommend it to anyone anymore.

Depends on the device. Some allow the bootloader to be unlocked officially. Root is usually needed when you unlock the bootloader unofficially, using some hack.

Also, /e/os supports an official gsi, which can be installed without root.

That said, these phones aren't suited for people that need absolute security and privacy. They're more experimental and aimed at enthusiasts of the project who want to support it.

I can see why eos raises some concerns, but i find it to be an interesting alternative with moderate potential. We definitely need more alternatives to standard android.

I joined the community before the 1% mark. It has been such a nice journey.

Whoa, I didn't know tiktok was so popular. it's like 1/8 of the entire world population, and considering that only about 70% of the world has internet access, it's like 18% of all internet users.

Or are lots of these bot accounts, like other social media, and the real numbers are lower?

The weird thing for me is that by paying to use, you will need to be uniquely identified, and that opens doors for losing privacy in several ways. How is that addressed by kagi?

The ethernet standard is awesome! It's the proof that we can create upgradeable technology, capable of keeping up with modern advancements, while having backward compatibility.

Happy birthday, and long live the ethernet standard!

But what do you do when services and institutions in general require you to use whatsapp? That's what is mostly keeping me from deleting that app.

That's amazing.

Here in Brazil, we had the government encouraging free software in the 2000s, but the projects and policies were all abandoned.

And to think we could have a similar adoption to yours today... sigh...

Back then, people didn't understand how such projects give benefits in a long timeframe, and wanted immediate results,, something impossible.

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We are trying, but the bootloader seems to be unlockabe, and that's pushing us back.

No, but they accepted to publish political fake news ads for one of the running parties (the fascistoid one, of course) in the last elections here in Brazil.

That party has lost, but it was too close. In the 4 last years, during their mandate, hunger, violence, discrimination rape, and other problems rose to the highest levels in the century.

Google and other big tech companies have been influencing elections in a lot of places, and the consequences are enormous.

But a lot of things changed in these years. Installing software, for example, became so easy using the gnome store, that it lowered a lot the entry barrier.

The few times I find myself using windows, I realize it's not easy to use, as many claim. I believe it's mostly a matter of a computer culture that created around it, and changing cultural traits is really hard

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Looks like your boxes will soon need to meet a new antarctic friend.

I know you're asking about linux, but just pointing out that you can try android x86 on it, just in case you don't know about the project.

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