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Anywhere in Colorado use paper and pencil anymore? I’m picturing election day when his supporters are so pissed he’s not on the ballot that they write his name in themselves and cast an invalid vote and burn remaining GOP candidates in a blue wave.

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This is from Prosh! The students at University of Western Australia release their satirical newspaper “Prosh” once a year as a fundraiser for charity - flooding the streets of Perth in wild costumes selling the papers at intersections, train stations, cafes - anywhere people will be passing by. It’s a tradition, and quite the spectacle. Locals are greeted in the morning rush hour traffic by the most jovial, and largest group of young adults they’ve ever seen before 8 am - wondering why there are nurses and T Rexes and boys in sexy police skirts running through traffic. Then the penny drops, they fork over a fiver for a paper, and everyone goes about their day.

Get some enzyme spray specifically for addressing pet urine. There are lots of varieties online from pet warehouse places. Nature’s Miracle is a popular one. Get the urine destroyer, the stain and odour eliminator isn’t as good.

It actually breaks down the urine residue as opposed to the other suggestions here which mask or encapsulate the smell without addressing the source.

I have used enzyme on quite a few things I thought would never be usable again - def worth their weight in gold in my experience.

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I had to look up what they actually do - although I’ve known the term since I was a kid. Basically it’s like a pipe bomb full of smaller explosives that is supposed to explode mid-air releasing LOTS of other explosives across a big area indiscriminately destroying anything in the little blammo’s radius. The baby bomblets can be fragmenting to destroy flesh, incendiary to explode and burn shit up, they may be anti-tank/vehicle, or even pressure sensitive mines waiting to be disturbed by a passer by (just like land mines). Now I understand the controversy.

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They actually just meant it was suitable for use with the Nokia N95 phone.

Damn that was my favourite phone. sigh ‘Twas a simpler time.

Colloquially a “blast from the past”

Cheers bud, I was here for the calf!

Carriers have an optimising function which used to be called voting (no idea if is this way) where the connection between a phone and a tower is determined by geographical mapping of signal strength. Think: a tech driving around neighbourhoods with a briefcase computer logging signal strength from each of their towers.

That data governs which tower subscriber devices use. If this optimisation is insufficient, or if circumstances change which affect signal strength, line of sight, interference etc. your device may be connecting to a more distant tower.

There are apps that can display a map of all radio towers, the carriers that have transceivers on those towers, and which tower you are currently connected to, along with signal direction and strength data. Most phones also have a diagnostic mode you can enable which provides more data about your device’s cellular connection.

The data from such apps can be useful if you raise a complaint with your provider - of course no guarantees they’ll do anything, but providing them with quantitative data to support your request gives you the best chance of their taking action.

Handwriting - my god, their handwriting.

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What about a bolt that passes through the door and can be secured and released on both sides eg

Might take some fiddling to get the bolt back… hmmm

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Yeah, hence lying there like land mines. Its Vietnam again.

Wtf did I just watch… and why did I watch the whole damn thing!?

Hanlon’s Razor

Love this reference! It got me thinking - is Eric more like Buster? Jnr is Gob. Baron is George Michael. Melania is Lindsay, ivanka is maeby, Ivana was Lucille, Lucille 2 is about to take over the RNC. Michael cohen = Barry Zuckercorn and Trump is George Sr who may have committed some light treason and definitely hires the worst lawyers.

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These days with climate change - all I see is an all-encompassing bushfire.

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Owning your computer is an ILLUSION

I’d have agreed with you a decade ago. Having seen huge parts of North America reduced to ashes and embers in recent years - I feel like I can’t rule anything out.

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First up - I’m not a doctor, just well versed in this subject as a layman, I’m offering reassurance not medical advice.

If you’re talking about serotonin syndrome you might be worrying too much. It’s a very rare condition, and it is important to understand the side effects and what you need to look out for. If you’ve been honest with your doctor about what medications you take and how much you drink etc, their job is to provide you with the safe medications and advice to treat your condition. Try not to let anxiety about potential side effects creep in. You’ve done the right thing and informed yourself. Stick to your prescription, follow your doctor’s advice about alcohol and lifestyle, and don’t fuck around with your dosages. I’m sure you’ll be ok. This is an exciting time for you. You’ve been working towards this for a year and a new chapter in your life starts tomorrow. You have every reason to look forward to it Waker.

yvan eht nioJ

I’m Derek.

I’ll take a shot at the metaphor. Delete: telling someone they can use the whiteboard (but you didn’t erase it) Secure: cleaning it off when you’re done for the next user.

Wrong good sir, it’s on the level.

Razor blade ftw!

With a giant archer’s spirit levelling harpoons at your abode.

Handwriting - my god, their handwriting

Basically the Blighters from Assassin’s Creed Syndicate.

Holy over-saturation Batman!

It sounds like you might be seeing a specialist which is so important. I don’t know if general practitioners can prescribe stimulants in your country, but a good psychiatrist as your partner in the journey is vital - all cases are unique. I hope you feel like you have a health care provider who listens to you genuinely looking to understand your experience and work with you on improving it. I understand it’s good practice to start with the antidepressants as they can offer significant improvement without stimulants. If stimulants are deemed necessary they can be introduced once the depression stabilises. Rolling along for two years, sounds like a journey but you’re getting some traction now. Have you struggled to find the right antidepressant?

I live somewhere that by writing on the ballot other than expressly indicated you would void the ballot - was curious if that was possible in CO.

They were being a wiseass about literally adding a box to the form rather than the work it would take to include voter registration in the process.

Baywatch opening drum beat commences

Dan Le Sac - sweet reference.

Sorry, trying to follow here. Three locations: front door, kitchen and living room. 4 detectors: original front door, new front door, kitchen and living room?

Original front door went off in situ and in the living room while holding it?

New front door went off at front door. Swapped NFD with living room - NFD went off in living room.

Moved NFD to kitchen and it went off in there too?

Where are the K and LV detectors now? Have any of those gone off anywhere in the house? Are THEY functional? (Sorry if you already said, I’m trying to piece the bits together and mighta missed that)

Have you ruled out other types of fumes? Eg fresh paint, perfume, scented oil diffusers etc.

TFW… SMH Not sure I can unlearn “that face when… so much hate”

Are you being sarcastic?

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It is because everything must end that everything is so beautiful.

I truly don’t know. To me, in war there are no wins, only losses. I believe everyone has the right to defend themselves against an aggressor. “The problem with living outside the law, is you no longer have its protection.”