
1 Post – 195 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Two other states have similar laws: Texas and Arkansas.

Why am I not surprised? The sad part is, Texans are delusional enough to think they're better than Florida, lol.

I genuinely believe texans are the most delusional people in the entire US.

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Please put me on that jury so I can vote not guilty.

"Stealing" from the ruling class is always okay because it's not stealing, it's reclamation.

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No, that Ukraine is forcing captured Russians to fight for them.

I'm assuming you're a legit Russian troll, because anyone with at least a 5th grade understanding of English wouldn't need this spelled out for them.

Like I say, you're either playing dumb or you are dumb. Which is it?

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Is there any evidence to support this claim?

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I totally agree and share this sentiment among MMOs.

If you design your game or product like shit and there are exploits, it's YOUR FAULT for designing it with exploits, not the customer's fault for actually using them.

If they don't like it, then they can do better.

Please put me on this jury. Fastest not-guilty verdict ever.

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Seriously. Once we nationalize it and it starts operating like it used to, it would be a shining example of why nationalization works.

It's also why you're going to see an tsunami of useful idiots saying we shouldn't do it.

You can tell there's an election coming up.

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Yep. It's the exact same reason why boys will always be subjected to genital mutilation in the US without scrutiny.

Could you imagine how Jews would react if it were illegal?

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I was just thinking about it.

I think the motive was the guy was angry at the world and wanted to kill as many people as possible before killing himself.

A man that feels he has nothing to lose is a dangerous thing.

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as psychologically destructive as any crime.

...what? Just because something is a crime doesn't make it "psychologically destructive."

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Well, considering the article is about Russians forcing Ukrainians to fight, that's what rational people would think you meant by "Ukraine is doing the exact same thing."

No. Ukraine is not doing "the exact same thing." Both Ukraine and Russia are forcing their own respective countrymen to fight. Only Russia is forcing Ukrainians to fight for Russia.

If you had a point, then that would be Ukraine forcing Russians to fight for Ukraine, which isn't true.

But I've already given you more than you deserve. You are clearly a sad Russian troll who is just doing his best not to get fired.

Good luck coming up with a response to this, I can't wait to see how jumbled and illogical it is.

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Earn above a billion a year and park outside the lines? Gallows.

Making these people members of the working class is a fate worse than death.

I think we should just do that.


The ruling class has been successful in making sure we have to spend as much money as possible to just be accepted by our peers. This keeps us separate unless we're supporting them.


As for us, our Iraq was invaded in response to pressure from capitalists with greed for black gold, and you continue to support the oppressive Israelis in their occupation of our Palestine in response to pressures on your administration by a Jewish lobby backed by enormous financial capabilities.

Straight from the horse's mouth, Osama bin Laden.

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I have never seen that document.

It went viral on tiktok a few years ago and they started banning anyone who shared it.

The propaganda war goes both ways, but a lot of useful idiots don't realize that.

I think it's sad how most people, including myself, only saw it after it went viral and not before we invaded.

Edit: It's even sadder because my original comment highlighting how 9/11 happened because of Israel was removed.

This is what I mean by propaganda and indoctrination. There are even people on the mod team that have a vested interest in keeping the truth from people's eyes if it's inconvenient for Israel.

What is this? They have to pay their competition?

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"Don't fight your oppressors cause they may fight back." -losers

They're experimenting with how to build planes as cheaply as possible, and anyone who dies is just collateral damage.

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Could you imagine a politician running on withholding support for Israel? Tarred, feathered, fired from their job, and probably put on a Shin Bet hit list.

It's disgusting how absolute their control is, and only reinforces my support for the Muslim people.

Israel is a bully. They need to be taken down a few notches.

This is how bad the trade war and propaganda has gotten.

I have no hope for this nation or the useful idiots that inhabit it.

Hey, but imagine how much their dicks get sucked with all that money?

That is the end goal, yes.

I will never befriend a Zionist.

They are religious nationalist scum, through and through.

Yep. Reading up on the history of Hamas is interesting.

Apparently, they didn't start targeting civilians until Israel did it first, lol. This is all pretty well documented for those who are willing to look.

I, personally, am ashamed at how little I knew about the affairs of the region until recently.

Spoken like a true texan.


Yes. This should 100% be illegal.

It's clear the ruling class is desperate to squeeze us for even more profit.

Let's not be useful idiots and go along with it, eh?

Looks like allying with Israel has only been detrimental to the US. It's been great for Zionists who need the US' protection, though.

Osama bin Laden cited US' support for Israel as one of the reasons for the 9/11 attacks.

Think about the billions, or perhaps trillions, of dollars the US has lost out on because of its support of Israel.

We need to drop them like a bad habit.

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Oh no. Only wealthy americans are allowed to control their elections.

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FUD wins.

It's better to be screwed over by [YOUR COUNTRY'S] ruling class than [OTHER COUNTRY'S].

Buncha tools, the lot of you.

Yeah. Can't trust'em as far as you can throw'em.

Religious nationalism is even worse.

SXSW has always been consumerist garbage.

New Nazis.



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No. I'm just highlighting how you spout bullshit with no source to back it up and think it's true.

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Nice to see dems and republicans unite on spreading FUD to benefit their ruling class.

Gross. Useful idiots are the worst.

I'll be looking for a new instance, pronto!

I don’t understand why it’s done.

Useful idiots proud to work for their overlords.

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You can't steal from corporations. It is always reclamation.

That must've been one cushy job.