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Seriously, there's better eating on a pigeon, and they're easier to catch.

This man is a martyr and a hero

He's a man who, in a less dysfunctional society, might have gotten the mental-health treatment he needed. He's neither a martyr nor a hero.

and he didn’t kill himself

Oh yes, he fucking did. And Netanyahu cares as little now as before this poor suffering fool offed himself. The grand gesture accomplished nothing.

That's good. Those goods are straight from factory to landfill, with only a brief operational life.

Do you think we have ORIGINALS or Greek or roman written texts?

In some cases we do. For example, the documents at Pompeii, those at Qumran, and other rare instances where documents have been preserved from the time they're written. It's also true that we have far more copies than originals, and that we've lost most of the works of many ancient authors.

There wasn't a first debate. That was more of an ass-whipping. It was like watching a has-been WWE clown try to go into the ring with Tyson at his prime. Trump never engaged in debate, he just blathered and yammered like a demented, incontinent old racist.

Always double down, never admit fault.

In that way, he's predictable.

I have only two questions:

  1. Who elected Elon Musk?

  2. What can we do to make him go away?

Because he's a fucking idiot. There are no limits to his ignorance.

And hand Trump over to the Kurds so they can show him their appreciation for his betrayal when he was President.

The best form of regulation would be to shut them down entirely for the energy-wasting, scamming money launderers that they are.

Yeah, the Russians are winning at the rate of 1000 dead or injured Russians per day and are having trouble press-ganging more young Russian men to be thrown into the meatgrinder. Their own manufacturing capability can't keep their troops supplied, their losses of artillery and tanks exceed their ability to replenish them, and they're buying ammunition and light armaments from Iran and China with money they don't have.

And their three-day war is well into year 3.

If Russia is rewarded for its aggression, they are not going to stop with Ukraine. You're not getting peace by appeasing them, you're getting a guarantee of more war, more massive civilian casualties, more refugees, increasingly close to currently secure Western countries. Russia will not stop until it is forced to stop.

1 more...

Wouldn't that have been nice.

In other words, morons.

Why would anyone believe him?

How convenient for them.

Black magic, no doubt.

3 more...

Paper doesn't last centuries. Anyway, punched cards don't have a storage density that's adequate for modern data volumes. You need something that'll durably store nanometre-sized marks.

I've been called weird my whole life. The only ways to handle that are to betray your own nature, or to own it.

"Yeah, and the weirder I got, the more your mother liked it."

He loves backstabbing allies. He's a dishonorable man.

And yet Xitter, Farcebook and similar platforms still publish their stats as if all their users are real human beings. So why isn't that fraud?

She played him like a fiddle. She herded him from place to place like he was halfwitted livestock.

The commonly used optical disk technologies degrade over time. CD-RW more rapidly than CDR. It's even worse for higher-density media.

That's what he did (and more) for the Taliban.

Yeah, I'm thinking more North Korea.

Even at the time, most people know homeopathy was a crock, even when Hahnemann started the quackery.

And Mary Baker Eddy was so mentally ill that she believed her own bullshit. Just another example of the infinite gullibility of cult followers.

There have been more casualties in Ukraine this year than in Gaza.

Ukraine's population is 36M. Gaza's, a bit over 2M. So comparing rates rather than absolute numbers might be less bad.

But it's also a bad idea to get into contests about which catastrophe is worse, when both are appalling crimes against humanity committed by imperialist/colonialist nationalist aggressors.

And what's happening in Sudan is even larger-scale.

He said “we are all culpable” not “I alone am culpable.”

And that's stupid binary thinking and he was wrong.

The difference is that Richard O'Brien is a decent guy.

It's Intersectionality Woman!

in a world where the winner is decided by < 5%

It's a false analysis to claim that. Using that same reasoning, you could as credibly claim that any election is decided by a single vote, the one that gives the winner the majority (or plurality). But that's not actionable information in any way, it's just tautologically true, as is any salami-slicing analysis.

Someone must have thought that's where the pet kitchens were located.

If he weren't so obese, he could be paved over and used as a speed bump.

His dithering, weak, incoherent performance in the debate? Or is that already forgotten?

But anecdotes aside, how common is it?

The word is "falsified" not "manufactured."

What, are you 16? Do you think this is some kind of life-changing insight?

Very few policies are determined by party platforms at election times. There were no pro-civil-rights-movement candidates from the major parties back in the 1960s either. Events drove them, and those events didn't just randomly happen. There were decades of organizing, recruiting, training, planning, and hard debate that went into them, and people laid their lives on the line in furtherance of actual goals, not empty gestures.

Similarly, neither major party opposed the Vietnam war, or either of the Iraq wars, or the invasion of Afghanistan, or gay rights. That's all just an excuse for inaction. Public opinion can be changed, even if it sometimes happens too late. But if you're not willing to get out in the streets, nothing will happen at all.

It's just advertising, or if you prefer its name in a political context, propaganda.

Time for a law to be passed that kills off this bad idea permanently.

The main cause of fatal accidents is driver distraction. Anything that adds to it is moving in the wrong direction.

They should also ban the use of tablet computers in place of proper displays and controls in vehicles.

Candidates often conceal their real intentions (or don't even know them).