
1 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

oh no, anyway

exiftool might be, what you are looking for.

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vim users: you guys got buttons?

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bavaria doing bavaria things...
lets see how the north handles it...

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I vote for 60 day lease time, iirc the clients try to get a new lease when half of the time is over, so they can keep the ip.

waiting for Firefox release...

sad pluto noises

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antix never let me down...
looks like they have an i386 iso.

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might be a broken config.fish

don't be evil...


been distrohoping for a long time, tumbleweed kde changed that...
been using it for almost 2 years now.

for older hardware i always stick to antix.

inserting the magnets was pure comedy.

TIL reddits homefeed had a limit

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opensuse always had a special place in my heart. it was the first "linux" i successfully installed 17 (welp) years ago. with kde desktop, wich became my goto desktop. both are based in germany, which makes it easy for me to support local open source organisations.

my notebook is running tumbleweed for over 2 years now and i had no problem at all.

for the switch, tho, i'd stick to an ubuntu based distro. there are ubuntu tutorials for litterly everything. i guess mint might be a solid choice. the debian edition is also cool. for the moment, you don't need a rolling release. you'll install another distro before eol either because you wrecked your current one, or you want to "try something else".

if possible, have a sepperate disc (at least partition) for your home folder.

and always keep in mind:
no backup, no merci. =]

bavaria... we are different.

how is this legal?

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edit: damn it, still don't know how to link posts properly...

except that microsoft headquarter moved near munich after they moved back to windows.

otherwise cookies might stay on your computer for 9993 years.

neo(n orange)vim

inbox going brrr...


and i'm thinking about switching to doas.

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that looks promising.

guess i'll take a look at caddy.

thank you very much.

good point

but octoprint was more of an example. not the best, for sure

i'm using it for a long time and always thought google wouldn't let you open youtube links in other apps.

i always copied the link and pasted it into newpipe. thanks to your comment i checked and diabled youtube automatic opening.

If you puncture one with a nail or something, you can see the liquid drip out... /s

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have you tried the non-free iso?

had to scroll way too much...

but someones gotta pay the server costs (electricity, etc)

haven't testet, but looks like there are bookworm i386 isos.

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maybe create an account on an other instance?