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So, the author mentioned a couple of delightfully strange recent games. The thesis of the article is way too broad and unsupportable. If you're sick of mainstream settings, then stop playing AAA games.

I agree. This is a David Brooks level of stupid, focusing on aesthetics rather than substance. A

OC is a politician with 4 years of experience from a state with 26 representatives, some of whom have been in the house for 25 years. That she has had to compromise and work within a system is not a great shock -- power is not something she has an abundance of!

Nobody could accomplish what the author seems to want; that doesn't mean AOC has accomplished nothing.

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Remember: everything is projection

I let out an audible "no shit" when reading the headline, but I guess it's important to demonstrate even obvious relationships

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The cruelty is the point

This is objectively false. One party deals entirely in culture warfare with no idea how to govern. The other at least tries to interface with real world problems.

All this "we" shit smacks entirely too much of cis het white middle class privelage

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If you read the guardian article, students barely remembered the lt gov being mentioned, and it was in the context of medicine, which the lt gov has made a habit of inserting himself into.

Also: A professor criticizing an elected official wrt their specialty is how the system is supposed to work. Experts ought to call out bullshit when they see it. An elected official using their office to silence that critique is gross at best and unworthy of our democratic ideals

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The model is intended for commercial use, uses the entire work and creates derivative works based on it which are in direct competition.

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Call me when I can pay my rent with your monopoly money. Until then it's all monopoly and no money

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Doing the CCPs work for them, I see

Climate change really has to be solved in this generation. You're thinking too long term, we don't have that kind of time.

Additionally, not all children of climate sociopaths become sociopaths. The planet increasingly makes a convincing argument even for those who weren't taught to hear. That's why the old propagandists have to ramp up their effort

BG3 actually has micro transactions

No it doesn't. There was a preorder bonus that was free if you preordered. If you didn't, and you want the art and music, then it's $10.

This tastes the same as right wing efforts to convince people making $50k a year that their enemies are those making $100k a year when, in fact, the enemy of both those groups is billionaires.

If you're a climate activist, your enemies aren't those with a carbon footprint 2x or 5x what yours is. The enemy is those with 10000x the carbon footprint

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As another poster mentioned, this isn't dog whistling. I think it's close to the card says moops

Also there is the famous quote by Sartre:

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

No, this is false. That way lies fascism. Anyone with expertise, academics included, has a responsibility to call out elected officials who are acting badly or advocating bad policies.

Elected officials have a responsibility to the people, one of which is to not punish private citizens for speaking their mind.

I mean holy fuck. Abuse of power doesn't get much more obvious then this.

The chancellor was texting about her to the lt gov's chief of staff, as per the article. That's fairly damming -- there's no legitimate reason for the lt gov to get involved with a university professor.

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Somehow, this is the bit that offends me most

Ever had to write a research paper where the books didn't want to let you read them?

While ad blockers are definitely a thing, I'd also like my favorite channels to get paid. And, honestly, it has to make money somehow -- it might as well be off my relatively stable back

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Just follow a YouTuber with similar tastes and play the indie games they play. AAA is creatively dead

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To be fair, I don't think deBoer is really a leftist, but someone who claims to be leftist to seem authoritative when he shits on leftists, ala David Brooks. He's a high school teacher with a handful of bad articles and a book that argues people are born dumb or smart and can't be changed.

Not to mention her ethnic minority romantic partner

The Guardian has a more in depth article and mentions that Texas A&M has recently been under fire for bowing to political pressure

If you would both rather trust .....

So in other words, no. Nowhere.

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And no SO means worse LLMs. Chatgpt relies on scrapes of SO, reddit, forums and GitHub discussion pages.

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Dude, touch some grass. You're being way too aggro at someone explaining why a person might use a particular browser

It took all of 6 years for banks and scams to be reinvented -- mt gox was in 2014

I work for a large agency of the US government. We get the "choice" between chrome and edge.

That's not Ukraine's question to contemplate. Zelensky is responsible for his own citizens, and if Putin doesn't show the same concern for his own, that isn't Zelensky's concern, and Russians need to reconsider their own leader

  1. Willing to paint an entire swath of people with a broad, negative brush
  2. Unwilling to spend any effort finding media you might actually enjoy.

The problem might not be with the industry.

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Chicken broth. I started buying the cheap bone in chicken at the grocery store. Toss the leftover bones/fat/tendons into a crock pot and toss in the vegetable bits you would have thrown away otherwise. Cook it on slow cook while you're asleep and strain it in the morning. Now you have liquid flavour to add to rice, sauces, soups, etc., and it's full of vitamins, too

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Graphics for Kerbal Space Program have really improved a lot

We're living in a golden age of tower defense games. Sanctum 2, elements td, dungeon of the endless/endless dungeon, rogue tower, dungeon defenders awakened, orcs must die 3, bug tdx, tiledeck td ...... Seriously there are so many. Even Path of Exile has a tower defense mode.

This is literally the blog of some dude in Texas.

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Hey! I resemble that remark!

You should really have the decency to contemplate why a woman would not want that before you tell her she's wrong for not wanting it.

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Have you played Everspace and Everspace 2? They're more arcade-y but they scratch the same itch for me. The core gameplay is just fast paced space dogfights

None of the other things you mentioned have 5% price swings every single day. It's a mere facade of a currency fit for insane people

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That is how the line of thinking goes. However, most arguments are wrong, so statistically speaking, that argument about simulation theory is probably wrong

The existence of those bases means we can negotiate with soft power where instead we might need to make a show of force. Intimidation, aka diplomacy, is superior to actual fights.

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