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Joined 1 years ago

Shout out to Plaindealer. The move to remove the pay wall so EVERYONE can read this story online. That's a nice "Fuck you" to the thieves. Haha.

Social media consumption as a whole.

Just want to clarify that I reading this right. They've now counted as many as 93 killed, and search crews have only covered 3% of the search area?!

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First installs for me are always vim and tmux.

You needed to read between the lines. People were clearly looking for piss drinking tips...not actual Italian restaurants.

Issue is with the space in "New Volume", I bet. Should likely be /media/lucky/New\ Volume

Or, I vaguely remember having to add like \040 or something in place of the space. I've dealt with this in the past... And found it easier to use a "-" instead of a space... Or no space at all, obviously.

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Copy. Paste. Enter.

Lindows was my first Linux experience ever. I was in high school (so this was probably around 2002, as I graduated in 03). Being my first Linux experience I remember the KDE DE and thinking how cool it was the I could customize the clock in various ways (digital, analog, etc).

That started the journey. Dabbled and distro hopped for a few years, and went full linux in probably 07. I've never looked back.

I'm not sure I agree with this... I'm using nix on several different generation thinkpads, two older generation MacBooks (one air and one pro), two different older generation imacs, as well as my home built PC, and an OEM built pc.... All with little to no tinkering whatsoever.

All my tinkering was first setting nix up and figuring out how to use it... Then I saved and copied my config and use the same one on all the machines (albeit with subtle changes on first install).

I've used arch a handful of times over the years, and it is without question, significantly more "needy" over time, imo.

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I'm sure Trump just wanted to talk... And... If I'm the prosecution I'd probably be OK with it, banking on this exact outcome. Haha

I'm forced to use windows in my career life.... But I moved to Linux entirely at home back in 05-06.

I'm currently running (and have been for well over a year), an x1 carbon 5th Gen. I daily it for work, running Opensuse tumbleweed.

It's arguably the greatest laptop running Linux experience I've had. I have a 2015 MacBook pro running Opensuse Leap, which is also really good. But the keyboard is far better on the X1C.

Im bouncing between my desk and various buildings all day for work, so I never really stretch the batteries wings. It's good for up to 3 hours (depending on work load) I feel like... But I've not really tested it. I always have the machine with me and could charge it up and put it through its paces this weekend if it would be of interest to you? Obviously this machine has been around awhile, and I'm not even certain of the battery's health.

Edit: Just wanted to add, 10/10, would HIGHLY recommend!

I got the email, also... And like you, I've not used reddit since the api BS. I've not logged in, commented or anything since just before sync stopped working.

Agreed. Although I will say.... While people not reading the articles was extremely common on reddit... Sadly, I feel like Lemmy is even worse about it.

Just to add to this... I rarely print anything, but my wife (an elementary school teacher) prints all kinds of stuff! We picked up an eco tank printer from Epson. We've had it now for a coupe years and it's been fantastic! We would replace ink cartridges a few times a year previously.. Where as with the eco tank we do about once a year. The print quality has held up, and it's just been a good little work horse for her!

Personally I'm not a fan of dual booting. Admittedly it's been many years since I have evn tried (now that virtualization is what it is), but when I did, grub would always break on me. It just wasn't worth the hassle. Now to think of having to reboot to switch just makes me cringe. Lol

That's awful. I saw the death toll rising, which is terrible in of itself. But to hear what it's climbed to and they've only covered 3%...that's devistating news!!

"There is also opensuse Leap wich is a rolling release distribution."

Leap is not a rolling release. Tumbleweed is the rolling release.

I'd do a pool with 2x vdevs, each with three drives in raidz1

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At the end of the day... Cloud storage is just using someone else's computer.

I've always just used audacious. It's been good. That said, I recently installed plex amp and the more I used it, the more I like it!

I picked up an Epson eco tank printer for my wife a couple years ago, and it's been fantastic! My wife, being a kindergarten teacher has a knack for absolutely killing printers... And this little Epson has been a work horse!!! I have nothing but good things to say about it!

Man... That's fucked.... But I sure as hell did just share this with some of my buddies. Haha

I have not.... And in fairness to me, OP didn't mention the need for any of those things. OP mentions having not even installed anything with the AUR in Arch, which to me just means they are looking for something stable out of the box, which nix has been for me across many platforms.

See... I'm the opposite... I change and hip around and reinstall across various machine so often, changing the setting has just become second nature... I don't even think about it anymore! Hahahaha

Wait... Mine is, too!

Good deal. After my post I saw someone else had also suggested the \040, prior to me... I just hadn't read all the comments. Glad it's sorted.

Cpu is an i5, and I forget what specific model but I can check. My carbon is an older Gen 5. It also just uses the Cpu for graphics... No dedicated graphics card. Battery life is good concidering the age (the battery is still original, and I get probably 3 hrs with moderate use. My carbon also is the 8gb (ram) model. On this particular model the ram is soldered on, so upgrading isn't an option (without replacing the board, obviously).

Now, for me... I use the machine for work. I'm a systems administrator and spend most of my time remotong into servers and end user machines... So the work load on the laptop is on the lighter side. I do have various vm's that I spin up form time to time, but never more than one at a time.

Anyway, as I said before, it has been the single greatest Linux experience on a laptop I've ever had. Everything just works, and it's been rock solid. I've been running this machine as a daily driver for work now for about three years.

Edit: Love the down vote, also. Makes me feel like this is reddit all over again. Lmao. Down vote for sharing an opinion of what's been the best Linux on laptop experience I've ever had. Whoever down voted me.. Can you correct me and tell me the correct answer for what has been the best Linux experience on a laptop? I'm obviously mistaken.

I've run both Opensuse Leap and Nixos with good luck. As someone else mentioned, it really just boils down to the wifi adapter being shit... But that aside, everyrhing else seemed to work well for me with leap and nix.

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I do this for expansion. I can expand the pool three drives at a time instead of 6. But, I set it up knowing the risk with a single parity drive...and I've a counted for that with backups. 👍

That looks... It reads like... "Quick... What can I say to get out of this?!"

With AI absolutely exploding... It's very easy to ask for step by step directions to accomplish things. AI clearly still needs to mature... But... The times I've asked it for some basic, step by step directions, it's been effective.

While I don't disagree videos make a lot of things easier (I for sure am a visual learning, no question), the step by step instructions for things I've gotten have been good, and very easy to follow.

Early 2000's I took a class in highschool called "What's in the box". A buddy of mine and I would hangout after school just talking and building computers. He showed me Lindows. I specifically remember looking at the clock in the dock, and thinking... "Wow!!! Look how you can customize the clock so much!"

It stuck with me. Shortly there after I dabbled with Suse. Then moved to Ubuntu. By 2005 I was almost exclusively using Linux on all my machine. Had one machine running windows for gaming, but the other machines I had were all Linux.

I use Syncthing to do a similar thing. I jus have Syncthing pointed to nfs mount to my Nas. Any files synced to the folder via Syncthing just end up on my Nas.

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+1 for Lenovo. My Gen5 x1 carbon is without question, the single best Linux on a laptop experience I've ever had. Running tumbleweed as my daily driver, fwiw.

I feel like we've seen this show before...

My Proxmox cluster has 10+ distros so I can distro hop my heart out. I like bouncing between various distro to stay fresh with package managers... And more specifically the various synax when using various distros

My preferred daily has been opensuse tumble weed on my self built desktop and Lenovo laptops. I had been using Leap on a couple old MacBooks (one air, and one mbp). I tried nixos about 6 months ago and I've migrated several of my machines over to nix. Opensuse and nix are without question my top two.

Servers, I run Debian server, Ubuntu server, and rocky.

I'm rocking two dailys right now. Tumbleweed and Nixos. I jabe tumbleweed on my work laptop as well as one laptop at home. Rock solid go to that I trust for all the things. I started using nix on a number of other machines at home a few months back, and I'm really really enjoying it!!

Absolutely hate the fact that their drivers and firmware updates (for servers) are stashed away behind ludacris support contracts.

Have a simplivity stack at work, and for two nodes with an off site DR, needed an $8,000 support contract just to get the latest drivers and firmware to upgrade to the latest VMware version simplivity supports.

One shot deal, as we are already planning the move away from VMware and getting plans together for budgets to do so...

Maybe they all do this...? Admittedly I've not had to go looking for drivers or firmware updates on the few dells we have as they are air gapped systems that just run for a very specific purpose... So I honestly am not sure. But HP absolutely sucks in this regard as far as Im concerned.