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Joined 1 years ago

I love to read and knit/crochet! you can also find me or on matrix

They are going to cause issues sooner rather than later in communities that don’t defederate from them. It’s quite literally just a given. I’m shocked some of those instances haven’t defederated from them already.

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Please take care of yourself. We seriously appreciate you and everything you've done, same goes for all other staff. This past week has immensely stressful across the lemmyverse and no one blames you at all for needing to tap out from all this. A lot of people are expecting lemmy and lemmy instances to be like reddit 2.0, but that's just not humanly possible. It also feels like lemmy as a software has had it personally out for beehaw... kind of like a murphy's law situation.

People rely far too heavily on reddit for public resources. Here's hoping that changes now.

This feels quite bad. Anyone here with a bit more knowledge on current German politics able to shed some light on how bad this truly is though? Like, does this seem to be an omen of what's to come or will time only tell?

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His videos are always so random but somehow so entertaining and peaceful no matter what completely random thing he decides to talk about. My man could explain the mechanical differences between industrial farming equipment or something and I’d eat that shit up 100% without any questions.

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I feel extremely silly asking this question, but I am truly curious: Isn't Nazism illegal in Germany? And if so, why exactly hasn't AfD been banned yet? Like, is it a matter of them carefully using plausible deniability, dogwhistles and skirting JUST enough beyond the laws currently to not be labeled Nazis?

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I have to be honest this is honestly terrifying rather than being funny. It brings back memory of Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge and that regimes persecution of those perceived to be well-educated, from those who wore glasses to those who spoke foreign languages due them making an association with those things being a part of the Bourgeois.

I think the whole attitude of "oh just block the community and ignore it" really comes from a privilege of not having to deal with the way those communities tend to intersect negatively with vulnerable communities when they were ignored on reddit and the mess that caused. Blocking their biggest communities from your own account does not stop them from giving them the potential to join discussions in bad faith, DMing threats, open up potential doxxings, community brigading, harassment, etc. There comes a point where simply ignoring them does not work as they always try to force their bullshit into communities outside of them and stir trouble if they aren't cut off preemptively. You aren't deplatforming them by defederating them, you are taking away their megaphone and potential to cause real harm those exact communities have shown to do time and time again in the past.

It feels quite strange reading this as a Jewish person.

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maybe a community thats a focused on being positive rather than negative, news or generally content wise. like, /c/cute stuff/aww or /c/good news. just generally a space to try and take a break from the negativity, not to ignore the problems in the world but rather a break from the kind of doomscrolling that tends to happen on social media and a space to share general means of hope.

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Which apps are specifically turning into fediverse apps? Very curious.

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Fascism is what's going on.

True evil.

Looks like chromeOS a bit.

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Maybe there will be more people arriving because of the shoutout.

Everything I’ve learned about this man has been against my will

Finally I can ditch outlook and still have a nice UI!

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I know the ethics behind it are questionable especially with the way they implemented but honestly for the time when they first started testing it, I really enjoyed watching it break and it be rude/passive aggressive. Like it was clear it wasn't ready at all but it was so funny. When it was breaking I would just sit there having fights with it over random bullshit. That's what made it feel more "real" more than anything else.

In the future if my AI chatbot doesn't have an option to add some bitchiness to it, I don't want it. I need my AI to have some attitude.

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His videos honestly give off the same vibes as mythbusters and other of those random science tv shows of the mid to late 2000s. I feel like if mythbusters still aired new episodes he would fit right in as a regular guest.

I liked it briefly when I logged in but as someone on reddit pointed out, the owner encouraged others to astroturf bringing new users to the site which feels kinda icky given the way other users have also bashed lemmy alongside it.

They don't? I thought they did? I don't see it in their banned instance list.

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iPhone 13 mini. I’m so sad they discontinued the mini, it’s the perfect phone for me so I’m holding onto it until it dies which seems to be coming soon :(

I give it a few months after it launches.

library extension forever until the end of time

maybe. maybe an ai bot that just argues with you would have some potential. like, argue with this AI instead of a random person online kinda thing

I'm pretty sure currently only admins of the instance you are on can block entire instances for everyone, but I think such a move is a good idea to allow users to block entire instances too. Maybe making a suggestion for the lemmy developers for it would be a good idea if its not there yet?

There is a feature in your settings to disable nsfw content as well as mentioned too for the time being, but it won't block that entire instance unfortunately.

I'm sorry did I read this shit right? It's coming to what? And doing what? This is the worst possible application. This is going to end up killing someone, especially with the bias that is already extremely prevalent in medicine. I hope Microsoft and Nuance are prepared for the potential of roping themselves into a landmark AI biomedical ethics court case.

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Ah I meant lemmynsfw, I thought you were saying that beehaw blocked it which it doesnt show as blocked for me. Is there any reasoning why sopuli blocked lemmynsfw? I never saw any announcement that they did about that and am curious as to why.

Yep. And (obviously) America is going to one day be forced to come to that same understanding that Germany was painfully forced to. I'm just hopeful it doesn't take a genocide or some sort of dictatorship for a similar reckoning to occur. Germany might not be perfect, but there are many things American society could learn from that exist within modern day German culture especially in regards to cultural reconciliation with historical wrongs. It's hard to really describe how happy it makes me feel that as a Jewish person I can say I would feel very safe and welcome living in and visiting most places in Germany, but it also makes me sad to an immense degree that I can truthfully say I'd probably feel safer most places there than in the most places in the states right now... :(

Basically when Tumblr got bought, they progressively became more aggressive in their attempt to make it more profitable. At first, they changed their UI to something so shitty that the site was practically unusable without an external extension, and slowly but surely, they began to aggressively add more invasive advertising. It was like a war; the ads would become more invasive, and users would actively figure out the ways to block it. In this time, it was also almost as if moderation just ceased on the site as they focused their entire time on advertising and making a profit of some kind. Then as things kind of settled and users begrudgingly downloaded xkit, the porn bots started to show up. It was slow at first but progressively it just got worse and worse and worse. As this occurred, moderation on the site was so bad that the iOS app store began blocking the app temporarily due to site failing to take action against child exploitation material. The porn bot accounts hit critical mass, and immediately after they did the site banned adult content to try and get things reinstated on the app store. It was, but users jumped ship en-masse and the site has never fully recovered and likely never will. The entire site dropped in value and has stayed that way too. The final straw for so many people wasn't even the adult content removal was more so the fact they'd rather ban adult content entirely than actually improve their poor moderation.

If reddit ends up banning NSFW content or restricting it somewhat, then I honestly feel like it will be more evidence that for-profit social media platforms are just simply not sustainable long term especially with twitter doing its thing right now as well and Meta just generally becoming a real life supervillain ran company. If things go the same vein as tumblr for reddit, then there will be more drama a lot sooner than people realize and the migration towards lemmy and other platforms is just inevitable. When the mass exodus of tumblr users occurred, the site was so broken it was practically unusable.

Here's to hoping microsoft decides to allow them to move on over to lemmy.

Everyone jumps to the most wonderous conclusion possible when it comes alien life, but this in my opinion is the most plausible likelihood. Humanity is not only a relatively new civilization, but it would also kind of make sense that in the grand scheme of things we aren't really all that important as a species. We only just reached our own moon less than 100 years ago. I think the idea of humanity being just a mediocre species in the grand scheme of things is scarier thought to some people over the idea that we are of some unique importance.

It would also make sense given that lots of "official" declassified reports of UAP/UFOs tend to focus around nuclear and military testing sites as well as active war zones. Kind of like they are checking to make sure we aren't annihilating ourselves. I can just imagine an alien civilization laughing over the fact those stupid hairless apes got into another war and being informed in sheer horror that not only did we split the atom, we used it as a weapon against our own kind just to see what would happen instead of using it as an energy source.

Not a parent but here's my own personal advice as someone with ADHD and some autistic traits as well as someone who's worked with Neurodivergent youth and has received training for such work as well.

I would like to not only echo the weariness of ABA but also of note to be very weary of any medical professional who seems to focus more so on "normalizing" their behavior, specifically in the sense of trying push back against potential behavior and traits that aren't inherently harmful, and if they are harmful in some way they are trying to push back against it entirely instead of pushing for more healthy means. An example would be stimming, stimming is absolutely fine and healthy on its own, but if the kid is stimming in a potentially unhealthy way they shouldn't be directed against stimming entirely rather they should be figuring out ways to make their stimming behavior safe and healthy.

Another thing that applies not just to medical professionals of any kind but anyone in general, be VERY mindful of those who infantilize your child. In the sense of who seem to deny your child's own agency or autonomy from the language they use and the interactions they have with you and your child. A big example would be for instance talking as if your child is unable to comprehend what is being discussed with your child right next to you and clearly able to understand what is being said. Another example would be questioning their autonomy, and just generally treating them in a way that is inherently condescending as if they are toddler when they clearly aren't. Another would be in interactions when you know your child is clearly capable of independence, they try to insert themselves in ways to "help" as if they are completely helpless and it's an instance you clearly know it isn't a support need they have. Individuals who do this aren't always doing this as a means to be malicious, but those who do this are more often than not the ones to do so maliciously. It is a form of ableism, whether intentional or not and if they aren't receptive of correcting that behavior its likely problems with arise with them.

Familiarize yourself with your rights as a parent in regard to school and the rights your child has within your jurisdiction. As well as make sure to check in occasionally with your child as to how they are being treated in school and if they actually being provided any accommodations they are required to give your child. The above pops up quite a lot in schools, with quite an alarming amount of education professionals believing that due to their false perception that your child has a lack of autonomy that they can do whatever they really want to without your child telling anyone.

Very surprised that it was Illinois of all places to pass such legislation first. Good job Illinois!

It still feels very bad to implement in this medical setting whatsoever right now in its current state. Not to be a luddite, but it's just far too risky no matter how small it may be in that industry. I know it's a given and it's already being done regardless though.

That's a little more than horrifying, what the hell????

also, I'm too sure if it solves the problem, but it might make it a bit harder to fully connect identities together.

I kind of gave up trying to convince my family that this isn't healthy, especially my high risk family members. I don't get why they just don't seem to care, especially the ones with major health problems.

It depends on the instance in my experience. Beehaw is a good one though, I feel.

I installed it, looked around, and deleted it.