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Joined 12 months ago

Short quips based on American exceptionalism get low effort responses ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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Yeah dude, all these Volkswagens driving around really piss me off!

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"Bruh why would you compare them to the largest surveillance state in the world bro. Saying how the EU would be more like the the most widely-known example of government surveillance and blocking of Internet traffic is just saying China bad, bro.

inb4 "bUt mUriCa bAd ToO"


This guy licenses his comments under creative commons for some reason.

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I think you may be mistaken.

By definition, if the user of the software is not free to do as they wish with the software, the software is not free/libre. It could fit the definition of open source, but it is not free/libre if you are restricting what the user can do with your source code.

And starting comments with "Wrong." Is just rude.

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Them's the customers.

😮‍💨 I understand too well. "Average" single family homes in my area were like $400,000, now it's $820,000. Rents for single bedroom apartments went from about $800-900 month to $1,600+ per month. I live in a town of about 65,000 in the Rockies, middle of nowhere, like minimum 5 hour drive to a city with more than a million people, yet somehow, people are still flocking here from all across the country.

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Tesla's self driving appears to be less safe and causes more accidents than their competitors.

"NHTSA’s Office of Defects Investigation said in documents released Friday that it completed “an extensive body of work” which turned up evidence that “Tesla’s weak driver engagement system was not appropriate for Autopilot’s permissive operating capabilities."

Tesla bad.

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You should go outside.

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Please make sure you read up on how shorting a stock works! Your losses are theoretically infinite if you short a stock.

Here it refers to hot dogs rolled in croissant dough and baked.

I work in a hospital pharmacy, and I had to compound some custom eye drops for a patient the other day. I have to wear a hair net, beard net, shoe covers, a gown, and sterile gloves to even enter the cleanroom. Being barefoot in a cleanroom for sterile manufacturing is a hard no.

Just like money.

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Except for delicious meat, of course /s

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Most of the claims of artificial sweeteners being carcinogenic come from the sugar industry, if I'm not mistaken. There are plenty of epidemiological studies they show no increases in cancer among populations that consume artificially sweetened drinks compared to those who don't.

In addition to being free, the 7z file format seems to achieve slightly higher compression ratios.

"I don't understand your point of view, so I think you need therapy" is a very condescending point of view.

The comment above you is making the point of

Angry at society -> Take out anger on society

The shooter doesn't give a shit about the victims as individuals; to him they're just components of the society, or actors within the society that he thinks wronged him somehow. They're part of the problem to him.

I think you're assuming that the shooter was seeing and experiencing the world and interpreting it the same way you do. THEY DO NOT, they are mentally ill, and have different thought patterns to people who are neurotypical. They have managed to convince themselves that they don't have a problem, that society is the problem.

My piece of shit smart TV flashes the power light when it's not connected to the network. 🙃

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If anyone cared about security, they would use free software.

All of these locations (Alaska, California, Hawaii, much of eastern Europe) are ones that Russia has at one point in its imperial or soviet history had either outposts or territorial claim to.

Come on dawg, you can't just drop Hawaii in there and not tell us what the fuck the Russians were doing over there!

An imperial pint is 20 fl oz, a US pint is 16 fl oz.

Sex. It refers to sex.

Yep, probably why people end up here instead of the more conservative shitholes.

I knew, even with the sarcasm tag, there was gonna be one. Had to be the user with the name MilitantVegan 🤣🤣🤣

They're using "order" as a command, not physically buying medication. Outpatient pharmacies receive the physician's order as a prescription, but in hospitals and clinics they're just referred to as "orders" and could include everything from medications to diet, scheduled treatments, physical activity, etc.

I mean, it sounds like community points are fungible, so not "Non-Fungible Tokens." Still a terrible concept regardless.

Hang on, hang on, I think you missed it. It applies to "ALL PERSONS." You'll note that it does not include "unless you're an illegal immigrant."

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Wilcoxson's! They have all sorts of interesting flavors, love their stuff!

It would be cheaper at first to promote the idea

That's a pretty charitable take for a multi billion dollar company.

For anyone else who didn't read the article:

“My time in a straight marriage and in the “ex-gay” world was genuine and sincere and a rich blessing to me. I remember most of it with fondness and gratitude for the joy and growth it caused in me and many others. But I had stopped growing and was starting to die. So I’ve embarked on a new life-giving path that has already started a whole new growth process. I wasn’t faking it all those years. I’m not renouncing my past work or my LDS faith. And I’m not condemning mixed-orientation marriages. I continue to support the rights of individuals to choose how they will respond to their sexual attractions and identity. With that freedom, I am now choosing to pursue life as a gay man.”

Yes, he was a victim, but this dude has no remorse WHATSOEVER. Hopefully that changes with time.

My bad, thanks for the source!

Dawg, you just fabricated your idea of what the other dude thinks in that second paragraph. Touch grass, call someone, go outside.

Miss ya, big man

You are correct, it's "pasteurized processed cheese product," but for brevity most of us just call it cheese.