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Joined 11 months ago

Valve are a private company, so Microsoft can't just barge in and buy it up.

Considering the investment Valve has poured into Linux because Gabe doesn't trust Microsoft enough to have his business rely on Windows, I'd be pretty shocked if he decided to sell up to Microsoft.

You're not technically wrong, but it's a nuanced issue and people should treat it as such rather than black and white.

Sunak saying "no one can change sex" without any qualifying statements is just designed to inflame and divide people.

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They intentionally removed this feature years ago. It was possible to reenable via a dconf setting for a while but I believe that was also eventually removed.
So annoying.

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the RM "installed gravel on the bridge to a depth of 13 to 16 inches with an average depth of 14 inches, which far exceeded the specified load."

WTF, why the hell would they go and dump 16 inches of gravel on the bridge? That's an awful lot of weight.

Clearly this guy couldn't have stopped them dumping gravel after the bridge was completed, but allowing the client to save money on critical safety measures is inexcusable.

AI is going to become more convincing by reading articles like this and learning what not to say (e.g. hockey match)

Here's the sequel after they realised there were scientific inaccuracies in the original

I am currently on the latest beta - I'll test the stable/preview channels in case that makes a difference.

Well, it looks like reverting to Stable seemed to at least partially fix it for me. The keyboard is still higher on the screen, but at least it fits to the screen width correctly. Thanks!

I couldn't find any mention of anyone else with this issue around the web or on valve's GitHub issue tracker, so I assumed it was something dumb I'd done rather than a bug.

They were clearly referring to online foreign disinformation, not domestic disinformation.

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What's wrong with the trackpad? I find using the trackpad to look around in FPS games is much better than the right stick.

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I use touchpad to look and spin around quickly, but gyro to make small aiming adjustments.

Their mindset is "Fossil fuels are still needed now, and if my company doesn't grab them, someone else will" and it's just so easy to continue getting those short term profits for their shareholders.

They may have long term plans for investment in renewables, but they won't enact them until forced to (by government or market conditions). I imagine oil costs (and therefore profits) will skyrocket as it becomes more scarce, and they'd want to ride that all the way to the bank (and hell) before pivoting.

Basically, capitalism will be capitalism - its only moral is money. The only way is to have governments worldwide force them to change, and that ain't gonna happen.