1 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

5k? What a loser, that Judge should throw it up to 200k and state if it happens again it will include jail time. Why does everyone walk on eggshells with these idiots, I don't care who it is, fine them and jail them

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Said bye bye ever since the blackout, haven't been back. RIP RIF

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I hope he wins and sues the school but mainly the principal into the ether. Good for him and his family for supporting him

The part I thought that was wild was them (DeSantis Administrative Office) calling it a "fad" "We disagree with the court's erroneous rulings on the law, on the facts, and on the science. As we've seen here in Florida, the United Kingdom, and across Europe, there is no quality evidence to support the chemical and physical mutilation of children. These procedures do permanent, life-altering damage to children, and history will look back on this fad in horror," spokeswoman Julia Friedland said in an email.

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Some of the stores by us today have their keyhole glued so no one can get in

I watched both of the videos, it sucks. I like him as a YouTuber, but it sounds like they are about to get in a lot of trouble even if the IRS doesn't do an audit. Very odd they just say on the money, I'm sure they'll be donating it within the next few weeks

You know, I was thinking the same thing. Like sure, I'm not for Republicans, but if they could at least get someone who actually cares about what it means at the core to be a Republican and work for the people and want small Gov, then sure. But here we are yet again, they continue to be an embarrassment. That party is a joke and has been for some time now

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Could be interesting but depends on how it is trained. I know there are hundreds of people that spend hours just chatting with GPT, if trained correctly it could create some very interesting main/side quest characters. Just have to wait and see, not a bad thing since it seems AI is "the thing" at the moment

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I can hear it when I read it

And I thought she couldn't get any hotter, prove me wrong again

Considering all my management besides my direct manager is remote, blows my mind that my coworkers and myself need to be in. I work in IT

I'd say watch both videos, Muta's video is a little more in depth, but it is just odd to hold onto the money for so long. At least they aren't spending it on nonsensical things, but if they get audited, that will be a big problem with how they filled out their taxes. I'm hoping for the best though, I do like Jirard and I can't imagine how it is with your parent/family going through that

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If you really want to go on a date, be upfront in whatever app or service you are using. If you have free time, just enjoy yourself because it sounds like you will be busy wherever you are going. Don't expect to have a long term style relationship in this short time, long distance is difficult and I'd advise against it. But do whatever you think is best, everyone is different including their SO. Best of luck

I'm sure the Tesla shareholders will be so pleased with this change. Rivian won't even need to make a decent R2 to have customers move over, Elon continues to keep screwing things up. He needs to stop and take a back seat on everything, mans an idiot when it comes to most changes/ideas

I was quoted 1200 for just the install, my electrical box is at one of my house and it had to go through a room into my garage corner (about 20 feet). Was shocked, but apparently the cabling is really expensive. Luckily had someone that did it for a living and installed for free. So much better then using the normal wall outlet though

As a mainly Xbox gamer, that sucks, but understandable. Microsoft has tons of money and Xbox has bought up several studios and let them do small or not great games. I think the ZeniMax buyout sucks for PlayStation owners, but here I am waiting on playing FF and other games (which some eventually came out years later). If it's 3rd party, I don't think they (PS/Xbox) should be able to hold a game for longer than a year. StarField is an Xbox and PC release, that is the difference for me. If PS games released along side PC releases, I'd me more inclined to say it's fine. We'll see how it goes, I'm hoping that StarField will be great and M$ will notice and start investing more money and time into exclusives. Time will tell

I highly doubt it will be under 30k. I'm guessing Musk will say due to inflation, but we'll see. An under 30,000 EV that isn't garage would be a pretty big game changer assuming it will have an actual real world mileage over 215 miles

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Baldur's Gate 3 is for me and should be game of the year. No one was expecting it to be as great as it is, received hate from some Devs saying it's unreasonable to make such a good game and has ton of replayability

The new WRX looks like a 2020s civic with a hood scoop. Not sure what they were thinking

Definitely will be voting Democrat next year, I switched from Independent to Democrat because of Trump during the last election. I'm hoping the Dems will win, but I'm not sure. Gut feeling is saying Trump will win and the US will be another shit show for the next 4 years (possibly much longer depending on how Republicans deal with "their democracy")

I have had one since hour 12, I've changed ships multiple times, been all over, still following. It's basically a space buddy now, I'm on hour 96

Second D4, I've mainly been playing with a mix of PC/Xbox, but works with no issue. You all just need to have blizzard accounts and be friends on those accounts

I feel like it is just an embarrassment to be a Republican now. When I was growing up, I saw, from the outside out least that it was focused on small Gov, great military and defense. Now it just seems like trying to cancel everything with reverts to some dump white people. Just embarrassing

That was my go to for Reddit, I will miss it dearly as it was my main daily used app

I am fairly sure Dump will win. I'm already prepping my brain for 4 years of idiots, scheming, sexism, racism, and all hail God. I'm sorry everyone, we have a lot of raging dumb idiots here

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Nothing like wasting my money buying digital Xbox since Xbox One days to have it turn into a subscription based company. I've enjoyed my Xbox, but really sucks. Still hopefully, but highly doubtful they will continue to make consoles. I'm guessing sub and cloud base allowing access on PS and Nintendo. Good for them, but no reason to keep on supporting Xbox. Move on over Sega, Atari, and whoever else, another one coming aboard

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I think the reason for consoles was, you pay X dollars (normally the same price as a decent video card), and you are guaranteed that any games that come out with it works. All you have to do is plug it up to a TV with HDMI and boom, working video game box with smart capabilities. It is/was a good idea, but I'm guessing MS is looking back at their Xbox One always online days and say you can hook up this $100 cloud base console and stream your games (that you pay a subscription for) with little to no degradation. Honestly they could go so far as offering it alongside select or premium TV brands, they are already doing that with LGs. The next battle will be game ownership, Ubisoft has already started that battle. Looking bleak, may be pulling out the old pirate hat

I've been really enjoying the game, just past 70hours on Xbox and starting the 2nd main story mission quest. Planning on starting new on PC shortly after I complete my current character. I don't understand the console hate. I was upset when Spiderman on PS4 was an exclusive, but later I got a PS4, played/beat it, had a blast. Hate for something because you can't play it is just wild. Just like people hating on huge houses or seeing expansive cars just because they don't have it. Underline jealousy. If you really hate it that much because you can't play/have it, work towards obtaining it and appreciating it. I've been really happy with most of the games that have come out/still planning on coming out this year, best in a long time for me

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I'm hoping for a bit of randomness too, like an arrogant driver that still wants to go the slow way. Very interesting in how the car accident mechanics work as well. Very happy so far with their feature lists

Hey, hi, and hello! Once you get your profile setup and find the right subs, it feels great 😃

Never played the original, but always wanted to. Nows the chance, can't wait for this to come out

It looked in what they showed F2P. Super sad, just another way of killing off the Maxis games. Hopefully Paralives will be coming out soon to save the genre