1 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nope. If you open a nonexistent path and you have permissions to write to that directory, then that file is created.

If you're looking for legitimate advice, you're in the wrong community. Anarchychess is for chess memes.

That said, what my noob brain sees:

  • it attacks white's c pawn
  • it activates black's queen
  • it prevents Qa4+, allowing black to castle

Edit: Qa4, not Qh4

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As long as they're using standard Wayland protocols like xdg_toplevel::set_max_size/::set_min_size, I'm sure the rest of the ecosystem will be on-board for this.

Valve should get on this for gamescope, imagine Steam Deck doing a system update without closing your game.

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Like a normal horsey, but the square it leaves behind remains on fire, destroying the next piece to land on it.

Only the most recent square it was on remains on fire.

Optional crash reporting was merged. Most of the backlash in the PR is about the significant dependencies (Google's BreakPad) which were pulled in with it.

However, by default Audacity isn't built with it, you need to specify a CMake with the URL to send data to. No distros that I know of enable reporting.

When in doubt, ~/.zshrc. It's the right choice 99% of the time. Otherwise, there's a chance you fuck up scripts you've installed which assume no shell options have been changed in non-interactive contexts.

It varies. Reddit is/was the primary forum for a number of projects, and as each sub is community moderated, could be quite rich, even if the whole is "generally full of garbage".

Select the color which matches the steps before filenames ((non-)login and (non-)interactive), then follow that arrow the rest of the way. There's more colors in Bash because Bash makes a distinction between remote and local shells.

Another way to look at the same data for Zsh (note: $ZDOTDIR will be used instead of $HOME if it's defined at any step along the way):

File neither interactive login both
/etc/zshenv x x x x
${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zshenv x x x x
${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprofile x x
${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zshrc x x
${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zlogin x x
${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zlogout x x

One confusion on the Bash side of the diagram is that you see branching paths into ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bash_login. Bash will use for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and execute only the first one that exists and is readable.

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I have it on Steam Deck since it can be launched with a CLI argument to force a 1280x800 window.

Vivaldi pretends to be Edge when visiting Bing to unlock GPT-4, and prefer that to Edge on my other devices. (Secondary to Firefox, ofc)

I'm pretty sure both are possible in xkb. But you'll have to learn how to get a custom xkb_keymap into your DE of choice. I only learned enough to do one mapping:

xkb_keymap {
	xkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
	xkb_types     { include "complete" };
	xkb_compat    { include "complete" };
	xkb_symbols   {
		include "pc+us+inet(evdev)"
		key  {
			type= "TWO_LEVEL",
			symbols[Group1] = [  Multi_key,                Caps_Lock ],
			actions[Group1] = [ NoAction(), LockMods(modifiers=Lock) ]
		key  {[ Escape ]};
	xkb_geometry  { include "pc(pc105)" };

This remaps Capslock to Escape, Escape to Compose, and Shift+Escape to Capslock. Not what you want, but hopefully this will give you a starting point to playing/breaking xkb.

Another benefit of doing this with xkb: it's now a separate codebase from, and is used in every Wayland compositor I know of.

If you're asking for CLI or shell help in particular, I'm a mod at ! and ! and we'd welcome it there. But those aren't as big as this community.

Excuse me, OCI container, we're a runtime-agnostic family here.

CSS is turing conplete.


There's also a fork called fast-syntax-highlighting, I use it.

I know that "Vanity Addresses" are a common thing for onion sites, and there are tools which generate tons of keys looking for prefixes. I haven't seen such a tool for ssh host keys though.

I put newlines in my filenames to break both CLI tools and Windows filesystems

I think this is a good default.

An impossible dream of mine would be to check a list of devices with haptic touchpads, and disable tap-to-click on those.

Fwiw, gitea has compatible actions. Not sure how compatible, though.

Others have mentioned disk usage and desktop integration. There is some truth to them, but shared runtimes keeps disk uasge down (although worse than native apps). Desktop launchers now search /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications by default, but I'm still having issues with themes in one or two niche apps.

Trust is the big one. The benefit of your distro's packages is that they are maintained by a limited number of maintainers. Flatpaks have a much, much larger number of maintainers, which is where sandboxing comes in. Flathub now marks apps with lax permissions as "potentially unsafe", which is a huge step in communicating this to the average user.

Most desktop apps can get away with having next to no access, as long as they support the appropriate XDG desktop portals.

Ultimately, your mileage will vary, as there are many classes of application which are ill-suited to being sandboxed. Program launchers, programming languages, IDEs, file managers are a few.

Taking courses which involve subjects that you will likely never encounter in the workforce is a thing in every discipline. Most engineers don't need to manually solve differential equations in their day jobs, they just need to know that they exist and will often require numerical solutions.

Getting your hands dirty with the content provides a better understanding when dealing with higher level concepts.


  • mixed refresh rates
  • (not GNOME) mixed VRR/nonVRR
  • (not GNOME) Better mixed DPI?
  • (not yet, experimental in gamescope) HDR support
  • (not yet, experimental in KDE) persistence through compositor restart

It was the inability to add features like mixed refresh which caused Xorg devs to push for a new protocol. Otherwise it would be yet another series of janky patches to break assumptions made in a 40 year old protocol.

Other devs have been working on it. Valve's contributions to wlroots, KDE, and gamescope can't be understated.

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My experience is still a good success rate there. Back in ~2015 my family got an USB WiFi card which needed an out-of-tree module, which the manufacturer had on Github, complete with DKMS instructions. It was upstreamed after about a year, though!

The only completely unsupported device I've had is my laptop's fingerprint sensor.

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This isn't true. Shellcheck doesn't insist on braces unless it thinks you need them.

I get your point. Since a .tar.zst file can be handled natively by tar, using .tzst instead does make sense.

My Linux review: 10/10, would recommend, but would not install for someone and let them use it for the next 5 years.

8GB memory + two Firefox profiles makes things difficult on my laptop.

Typically find "$HOME/docs", but with a few caveats:

  • In Zsh or Fish, the quotes are unnecessary: find $HOME/docs

  • If I'm using anything potentially destructive: mv "${HOME:?}/bin" ...

  • Of course, if it's followed by a valid identifier character, I'll add braces: "${basename}_$num.txt"

I'm a fan of this; it's how Slide handled it.

I also prefer Slide's method of collapsing comments; it only collapses the child comments, not the one you pressed on. (although it also has an option to collapse it too)

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They are becoming more essential by the day. HDR and VRR is supported by just about every graphics card for the last 5 years, and displays which support both can be found for $200 or less. Valve had a reason to add HDR support to Gamescope/Steam Deck; it is a highly requested feature.

I will agree with you on one point: Xorg is not bad code. Xorg is an awesome project, and has developed and changed to the needs of users exceedingly well for decades. But X11 itself is tech debt. The first ten years of Wayland were spent paying that debt off (while simultaneously continuing Xorg development).

If the features aren't what you need, then Wayland wasn't built to support you today. But you might find yourself in 6 years looking at a gorgeous HDR display which works out-of-the-box on your favorite Linux distro thanks to Wayland.

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"Always configuring" isn't what Arch requires. It requires you to be tolerant of every so often dealing with a bug or two. Currently, the Arch-packaged version of Waybar has a regression which prints fractional seconds when using %T or %S specifiers. A tad annoying, and I could fix it by switching to waybar-git, where it's been patched. But that hasn't hit my threshold of annoyance, as I bounce between Sway and KDE.

The grub issue was a bigger deal, and while I knew how to resolve it (liveboot → lsblk and fdisk -l got me all the info I needed, then cryptsetup, mount -o subvol=@, arch-chroot, grub-install) the EOS blog had a nice guide.

But the reason why I chose it? Firewalld and Pipewire by default, customizable welcome app, and pretty simple otherwise.

NixOS will probably fully convert me in a year or two, but I've greatly enjoyed my time on Endeavour.

It's interesting, the results here are way different than the Code Golf & Coding Challenges Stack Exchange. I would never expect Haskell to be that low. But after looking at, I realize it's because I/O on CG&CC is more relaxed. Most Haskell submissions are functions which return the solution.

Sidenote: I like the CG&CC method, it's semi-competitive, semi-cooperative.

  • all languages welcome
  • almost all users post "Try it Online"/"Attempt This Online" links
  • most users post explanations under their submissions
  • often people will post solutions beginning with "port of user1234's excellent Foolang answer" when there's a clever shortcut someone finds
  • or people will post their own solution with "here's a solution which doesn't use user1234's algorithm"
  • or people will add comments to answers with minor improvements

IMO It's geared towards what is the best part about code golf: teaching people about algorithm design and language design.

Exact same. Sway's 1.0 release was March of 2019, and it did everything I needed.

Even playing games on my desktop, Xwayland worked fine for me.

Most Reddit apps I used worked like this by default. It's not my preference either (I liked Slide because I could swap the tap and long-press actions) but I'm not complaining.

manually call the others

Yeah, most distros will set up source chains to make things nicer for users.

Judging purely on the dependencies I see in pacman, nsxiv depends on imlib2, which pulls in a lot of libraries, while imv links to a subset of those libraries directly.

I was going to say "At least I can click 'Continue reading' and it actually goes away immediately" but actually, no. This is still enshittification, I've just gotten used to shittier versions of it.

You're deluded if you think that "everybody" let alone a large minority of people say that the Linux desktop is "good, perfect and polished".

type -p is a shell builtin though, and one character shorter :)

Although you may prefer tool=$(command -v tool)