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I honestly started out not liking systemd at all, mostly due to the reports that it did waaay to much, but nowadays, I like the concept.

It is basically officially moving daemon management from a script-based approach to a table/database-based approach. That improves static analyzability, therefore increasing clarity, and probably even performance.

I agree that we should abandon scripts and move towards declarative software management, and abandoning sudo for a more declarative system seems like a good step to me.

Year Of The Linux Desktop

Basically, the issue is that this Golden Rice is a foreign species in Philippines. That comes with a lot of complications.

Most importantly, local farmers don't have the knowledge how to deal with this new type of rice. They are worried that their native species are being replaced and could go extinct, which would be difficult to revert. It would lead to yet another platform lock-in.

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Well yeah, they look the same because they solve the same problem. How to transport stuff safely from A to B.

republicans are raping the planet.

Nono you misunderstand. It's not "non-binary".

I'm calling myself enby, which is short for ein bisschen gay.

IMO the only way to not be infected by bot content is to not be popular, or small enough to be irrelevant.

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I'd like to point out that Greenpeace or the local population doesn't have to prove that GM rice is bad. It's the other way around:

Big corps have to prove that GM rice is good and has no adversarial long-term effects, which is impossible to prove.

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How to write spaghetti code:

This reminds me a bit of this photo:

We thought the data was forever, but somehow not so.

I think it was a joke...

As the saying goes, there's only two hard problems in IT:

Caching, naming things, and off by one errors.

Note: I had posted this before from another account from another instance (, but the federation seemed to be broken and the post didn't show, I think. Sorry if it appears double in your feed.

GIMP feels non-intuitive sometimes.

For example, layers.

I expect that GIMP internally has a list of all objects that I added to the file. Like, text, brush drawings, pasted images. Instead, I cannot find that list anywhere.

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I imagine it's similar to marihuana.

If people find out there's an easy, relaxed life, they don't work so hard, hurting corporate profits.

How about better public infrastructure, like trains and tramlines? They don't require lithium, and are fully electric.

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If you have no money, and throw away all of it, you still have no money.

For every completely unhinged and stupid statement, there surely is someone who believes it.

Now, you see, if we didn't put /s behind these posts, it would be impossible to tell whether we're joking, or whether whoever writes the comment is actually that stupid. That's just how it is on the internet.

IMO the best knowledge comes from doing practical examples that actually interest you. I wouldn't rush that.

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Well, I guess it's not only that. Psychedelic drugs can really fuck you up, if you aren't prepared. People talk about set and setting a lot.

I suspect that these drugs sure help a lot of people, but can also fuck a lot of people up really badly. It's like, people who don't go along well with these substances, avoid them instinctively.

Now, if someone would prescribe them, I'm pretty sure that a lot of people who are simply not prepared for it mentally (instead blindly trust the medics), would take them and get hurt pretty badly because of that.

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highly interesting. I assume it is the abstract thinking process, combined with dissociation from yourself?

Then maybe, any puzzle computer game might provide similar effects.

The problem is that they're not really made for this task, both in hardware and available software. They typically specialize in routing and switching, but have insufficient internal hardware (memory especially) to run a full-blown OS.

So whatever you install on these devices, will probably not give you all the features that you would like to have. (For example, a full linux command line with all the typical programs installed.) Also, it doesn't allow you to use HDMI to connect to a monitor, so there's that. But basic linux things can be done on it, if you figure out how to get to the command line. But it's very limited.

Well, what we need is some dedicated non-profit company making chips.

nooo the muffins 😭😭😭

how could you encrypt them 🥲

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Two plates of rice or noodles with vegetables and salmon. Delicious. Actually, highest ROI that you could possibly hope to achieve in the universe.

I ask you to recognize that "women" are as diverse as humanity as a whole.

Saying that all women are equal or want the same stuff, is like saying, all humans want the same stuff. Which just isn't true. Maybe you should consider that doing statistics like "most women want that" is not going to give you a full picture of the situation.

They predicted pron would condition men to expect sex on demand and sexual assault rates would skyrocket when in fact the opposite happened.

Reminds me of "computer games turns teenagers into killer machines" saying.

three, on three different instances. It's called redundancy.

you're on a highway to hell.

I suspect it's probably because of stress.

Overfishing, temperature changes, medical substances, ...

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Does she have no shame? How can she lie like this?

While "having fur and producing milk" may have been the original description of mammals, biology no longer classifies things that way.

Today, all of the classification is based on Clades, which can be established by doing DNA investigation (similarity matching). So, "mammals" are defined as a clade. And whether somebody falls into it or not depends on their DNA similarity. And coconut clearly do not belong into there.

It's a Zen Koan.

Basically, the meaning of it is "live your life proudly, and don't let other people dictate whether your rules are right or wrong, because your rule just is".

I don't think so.

For one, natural selection selects the "fittest", but what the "fittest" means, changes over time.

Also, there's lots of other factors that you may have overlooked, such as sexual selection probably playing a bigger factor.

the John Smith of our times