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She's not worse than Biden but not great. He should have chosen Stacey Abrams.

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She would have been such a great choice. Completely unassailable from all sides and sharp as a tack.

I'd be sad too if I lost my precious

I'd be willing to take a wild guess and say that at least 30+ of those new vessels are small support boats.

Stacey or Kamala?

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Journalists do not pick sides. He had email from the RNC and DNC via Russian government sponsored hacks. He chose to release only DNC emails to the benefit of pro Putin candidate Trump. Edit word

Edit edit: can't find any info on RNC hacks parallel to the DNC ones

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I was assuming the comment I was replying to was satire

Had one on my shoulder last week. Thought it was a wolf spider at first. Hid it's legs tucked up just like this and buzzed hard when I tried to pick it up.

Edit: looks like it's an Eastern Eyed Click Beetle

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Power. Super addictive and crazy potent

I know one guy that doesn't like a loser

Heartland is a nonsense term.

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Well shit. That is what I remember. All my searches: 'russia hack RNC', 'republican hack' , 'RNC hack', etc. were flooded with 2021 results from a different hack. Nothing from WikiLeaks, DCLeaks, Gucifer, 2016 presidential hack, or 2016 Russia interference yielded anything fruitful.

Thank you! At least I feel less crazy.

I think you were perfectly reserved in your response. It helped me not dig in or just blow it off and not respond. Thanks!

You're right. I absolutely cannot find that wikileaks had RNC info. I've searched quite a bit determined to find what I remember but nada.

There is this but about DCLeaks having but releasing a bit of republican info on Trump's primary challengers

On August 12, 2016, DCLeaks released roughly 300 emails from Republican targets, including the 2016 campaign staff of Arizona Senator John McCain, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, and 2012 presidential candidate and former Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann.[13] The release included 18 emails from the Illinois Republican Party.[18]

But that is not what I remember and certainly doesn't help my case.

I apologize. Either my memory fails me or I was mislead (or both). Certainly does not refute Assange being a channel for Russia to get trump elected but does make me look like a tool.

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I can't explain their motives. I can only say WikiLeaks had them but did not release.

Edit: nope can't say that. Apparently that was just an embolism. Nothing to see here just mopping up my pride.

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Yeah hard sell on the whiney voice too

"I'm like real religious..." Why does religion always end up being a synonym for ignorance and stupidity.

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With the all-wheel drive Cybertruck’s current $79,990 price, it stands to reason the combined taxpayer cost for a vehicle and new UP.FIT features could easily top $90,000. <

I'd be pretty upset if my municipality was set to dump 100k on this trash.

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“To make this crystal clear, if trial begins and Judge Cannon makes a ruling that is legally erroneous in the middle of the trial, resulting in a not guilty verdict, prosecutors cannot appeal the verdict,” he explained. “That's why Jack Smith wants a ruling before trial, so he can appeal.”

Holy shit! That's a hell of a loophole. Just what trump was looking for.

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T - 8 months until Paul Gosar is found with child porn on his computer.

...and finally something not completely fucked happened. Hope we meet again.

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Not sure why net worth would legitimize his position

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Translation: the few nutty enough to put plans to action will commit cowardly terrorist acts that make magats even more detested. Just because fascist asshats couldn't settle for being overrepresented.

You would think thou shall not kill being one of the ten commandments would be high priority for these people.

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Backs completely against the wall. They install their dictator or go down together.

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Up to 1.5M in penalties if they don't pay the 105k. Total bullshit ruling and bullshit title

Even though he says it's not about NATO, he's trying to lay groundwork for anti NATO posturing. Anything that makes it more cozy for pro Putin sentiment his guy is championing.

No debate unless trump agrees to mic cut off after turns

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Being one-note hyperbolic just makes people disregard what you say. You don't think people wanting to avoid full fledged fascism might unite even the polarized?

The hero we want and need. Bless you John Oliver!

$105,000 if paid by Dec 31?!! Then only increased to 1.2M. No wonder they keep committing crimes.

Another state fined them $2,500! Their donors are eating this shit up. How the hell are these two not in prison for the rest of their lives? Such shit.

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I wonder what the bill is so far?

Yeah but the pious get to feel important

I admit I was on the fence. Now definitely not. Couldn't in all good conscience vote for a convicted criminal.

The hate is proportional to the level of betrayal people feel. These people are scum(Amazon execs). Dave and the band rewarded them with a special people only concert for being extra parasitic on society. Shame is not unwarranted here.

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Guess the PiS party is over. Now do Hungary...then the US

A shrimp? Am I to accept, as God's own truth, that the sea's very own abominable and chittering roach, was the one who took wok into hand and fried this rice?

Yep we already knew this a few days ago. This article just reframed it in the title as a positive for Trump. In all likelihood he's probably going to have to liquefy assets now.

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This may be the one and only time I can say I whole heartedly agree with a trump. Milk the coffers baby, milk 'em dry!

Lawyer people do your thing