1 Post – 14 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Maybe the whole concept of "human races" is unscientific anyways?

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Try to do better than the average human: Try minimizing your personal footprint, participate in some nature related NGO, etc.

Only by acting can we escape this feeling of depression and discouragement 💪.

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Not every country is the same as the US. Other countries' conservatives aren't necessarily the same as yours. Sometimes conservatives and left-wing parties even work together to solve issues.

The story of this community 😂

Seriously though, people are not black-and-white. You cannot just state some random criterion and postulate that whoever doesn't match it, is just as bad as the Taliban themselves. Black-and-white is never how real life works.

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She... she... she might have stood on that office chair.

Fortunately I've learned to start a bit earlier than that, most of the time, in my late twenties 🥲. To regular of an adrenaline rush is detrimental to health, so I would recommend trying to mitigate it...

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No, an average German speaker from Germany wouldn't understand it. It's basically an extremely heavy German dialect, belonging to the group of Allemanic German dialects. Non intelligible dialects are not uncommon in many parts of Germany, though. In some German regions (e.g. southern Black Forest), the local dialects also belong to the group of Allemanic dialects. The locals from there might have a somewhat easier time getting used to Swiss German dialect varieties.

Isn't there an age limit in the other direction, too?

Most projects nowadays use auto formatting tools for convenience. Any python auto formatting tool will automatically convert tabs to spaces. Tabs are a no no in python, as their rendering might depend on the settings of the IDE. Spaces are nice and constant.

How about updating the constitution to solve this specific problem, which is quite significant for the populace? After all, it's the constitution's job to serve the people.

What's not democratic, that's how important your personal wealth is for financing your election campaign in the US. And personal wealth tends to accumulate as a person ages. Other countries have laws in place to mitigate this problem and allow for an even democratic battleground for the non-rich.