85 Post – 240 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Freedom is a synthetic enterprise, not a natural gift

There's a nice little project called Lemmy, have you heard about it?

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The rumor is fake, the devs have said it multiple times. If they would have wanted to do some funny Marxism meme they would have used .su

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No, stop spreading this nonsense, it was never chosen because of that. It was used because it was free and the developers don't care about creating funny names with the DNS or for glorified expensive DNS.

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Yes, as there are plenty of other developers who are openly liberals or some other flavour of capitalism. You don't need to agree with the developers political choices all the time to use their software.

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That is not true, he has said multiple times it was used because it was free.

It is amazing how copos try to reinvent shittier versions of trains.

What is exactly being measured here? Someone care to elaborate what kind of things they kept into account?

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Because spam.

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I tried to read you in goofld faith but the moment you basically said the dev shouldn't be able to have a side project, or a life for that matter, because they should be working for you to get the feature you want is unforgivable. It is libre software, you are free to contribute and add it yourself. Value others' work, you entitled fuck.

They didn't.

Hey, that is me from the past.

It always has been.

Lol, this is straight up bullshit, there's no fucking source for anything, it's not even an article, it's a video where its "proof" is that some Spanish speakers called Ukrainians nazis (disculpenos yanquis si aca en latinoamerica no nos tragamos la mierda a palazos como lo hacen en el norte) and then goes on to CITE EXPERTS AND THEY SHOW A CLIP OF ANOTHER OF THEIR VERY OWN VIDEOS AND YOU'RE TELLING ME RUSSIANS ARE SPREADING DISINFORMATION BY JESUS CHRIST.

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Who would guess the West does all of the things they accuse China of doing.

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Hello there comrade! Nice to have you here!

Afaik you just email him and he will give you one it is not like they are overwhelmed with people.

This is not unchecked capitalism, is capitalism working perfectly as intended and there's no other way.

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You still need a terminal emulator capable of displaying images, though, right? Like Kitty, Allacrity won't do the trick.

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Why do you think that happens bro? Why do you think people in those wonderful nations have such high living standards? Because they live off the backs of the exploited.

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It wasn't a war, it was an invasion.

Jesus Christ you people are just lusting for war.

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The letting tens of thousands of civilians die.

Because the same people or friends of the people who work at corporations are the ones at congress. They are just doing theatre while shaking hands in meetings.

I've installed W10 like 2 years ago and it was one of the worst installing experiences in my life, so many unnecessary barriers.

I think he thought was going to get support from Russia's military and he didn't, so this is the best he can get without getting him getting MIA'ed.

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What country are they occupying?

I disagree, of course you can't learn just using Duolingo, but it is like saying X textbook doesn't teach you anything because you are only using that. Learning a language is a process that never ends and that requires a lot of different processes, maybe Duolingo doesn't have absolutely all of them but if you finish a tree of the main languages and some other digging around you will have learnt quite a lot.

So funny latinamerica can't be equal partner because they are poor dumbs, top comedy!

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Like that picture in the train with ppl with phones and before with ppl with papers.

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Hello from Taiwan, everyone! I haven't lived here for all that long but it's really a fantastic country. It has it's problems for sure but it's a great place to visit. Here are some other random things about Taiwan:

Is there a specific reason for you to use the .ml domain? Have you considered changing to something else (.social would be nice since Mastodon, Pleroma, Pixelfed, Peertube and BookWyrm official instances use it)?

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We just talk about the genocides committed by the baddies.

The location of the last Argentinian Skyvan was a mystery for decades. But it was recently found in Florida and returned to Buenos Aires: a powerful symbol for families of victims of the regime, as well as for survivors.

Wow, I wonder why did an airplane of fascists dictators ended up in the US, the land of democracy and freedom, it's probably unrelated.

So Europe will send support when US installs fascist regimes?

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It's still in alpha, so maybe, I guess you could open an issue and ask about it, maybe even help. 😁

Which again the West is also guilty of.

We like Lula, not Bolsonaro or Trump. It's such a suspiciuous coincidence that all liberals don't know how to read.

By the the way, did you know in Argentina leftists call right wingers liberals? It's funny how our right wing is your left wing.

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What money? China is the one who brings the most money to the Global South, you just steal our resources. Look at this news article.

US reluctance on trade deals sends Latin America towards China

Chinese trade with Latin America has exploded this century from $12bn in 2000 to $495bn in 2022, making China South America’s biggest trading partner.

Meanwhile, this is the "keep the money coming":

The US and EU, meanwhile, have been focusing on corruption, democracy, the environment, human rights and the risks of doing business with China. The EU’s Global Gateway initiative, envisioned as a response to the BRI, has pledged just $3.5bn to Latin America.

It is less than what China was offering us in the 2000, so keeping in mind inflation, it's a joke that doesn't make you laugh.

send us all of your cultural exports, too.

And with this comment I simply cannot understand your level of ignorance, how can you believe we consume Western media by simple choice. We do it because thanks to your imperial attitudes during the industrial revolution and before, you got the upper hand and that allow you for faster development which positioned you in a place where you are more favourable to produce more, this includes cultural commodities. We don't consume your terrible Netflix films or boring Marvel series because we want to, but because you need to export your Western propaganda disguised as entertainment. If we could get more funding and the world wouldn't be so centralised on only consuming media from your countries we could be more noticeable.

So basically we have Hungary which is pretty fascist, Poland, Italy and France going fascist. Mmm, I wonder if there's a pattern here.

What do you mean?

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