2 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Pictures you can feel ☺️

My dad was gifted one of these bug-a-salt salt guns for a birthday. None of us had ever had so much fun killing flies lol.


Why does this woman look exactly like Sigourney Weaver in a comically large wig?

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Apple's gonna need you to get ALL the way off their back about this.

Is it just me who feels like he'd be a good target for early efforts of AI impersonation because he speaks in such a disjointed sort of way to begin with?

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How does enabling third-party repo use prevent one from using the F-Droid repo?

I'd say continued improvement of third-party support suggests the main repo could be losing its value to users. There are apps in there over a decade old without even an anti-feature warning.

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Just because the phrasing of this post implies Obsidian is OSS, just FYI to others, it isn't 😢

Also +1 for Vikunja! 👍

Take my angry Australian upvote 😝 (actually am upvoting because currently in North America)

Wish I could give you a bonus upvote for that last line 😂

Congrats on keeping a sense of humor mate, and positive vibes coming your way for the sciency bit 💙

The "founding fathers" argument is pretty much pro-republican at this point. Unless you're a property-owning male the founding fathers didn't want you involved in their "democracy" either.


Where are all the programmers in these comments? 😁

Even the SO knew this one was you 😂

Also "ladpoles" 😂😂😂

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And I jizz. In my pants. 🎆

Yep thanks mate! We've seen this, both the nyt repo and the Forkyz list but I removed it from the post as it didn't seem relevant for this community (I may have been overly liberal with my editing there). It's just that the NYT crosswords are a bit too americentric (and honestly probably a bit too advanced) for her.

Need more beans.

Nice, thanks!

I'm still wrong all the time, but this one was just perfectly Stamets I felt lol

Absolutely! Services that are provided for free with no (reasonable) way to pay for at a hobby level are a huge bugbear of mine.

Sorry for posting and then passing right out 🤦‍♂️ Definitely American-style, but I could see her getting into cryptics as she got better at it. There was a progression from easy through to the hardest sudoku I'd given her. Thanks for the reply 🥰

This is a fascinating concept, thanks! Just based on looking at it I get the feeling it wouldn't be as quick/easy to pick up and put down as Sudoku or typical crosswords. Would you agree?

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Thanks 👍 That's not available in AU AFAIK (I didn't mention that limitation so that the post could be useful to everyone, but it's true in my case). I have seen doshea/nyt_crosswords which is probably what I'll start with despite expecting it to be a bit too advanced off-the-bat.

I also had the same setup and the same result from the A2P bullshit. Switched to email and DeltaChat instead and will be happy when I finish it lol.

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If you're after some help with the WebDAV part I set it up for myself recently and would be happy to help adapt my stuff to your stack (mine is Apache + compose, but would be about just as easy with anything else). Reply here or DM any time 💯

And good on you for being turned around on your original premise and being so gracious about it in the comments mate 👍

I agree that what you've said is correct, but I don't see how it would impede someone using the official repos. If telemetry is of major concern, there are alternative approaches (e.g. PiHole).

How do you mean?

Came to the comments hoping for an Achmed mention, and this is perfect 😂

Last I used Namecheap they still didn't support Let's Encrypt and were charging for DV TLS certs. Noped right back out.

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Awww yisss I called this one being you Stamets 🖖😁

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For me that would be swapping out one rug pull for an inevitable other down the road, but thanks for the suggestion ♥️

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A company's business practices are relevant regardless of which of their services you're subscribing to.