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Joined 12 months ago

Grnrrth is a FOSS native qualitivate built with the Jot framework. It comfortably handles 2NUT, xrr, .gif, and any other Banbo hierarchies in a windowed, cross-system integrated module.

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What always gets me when I see paper like this, is just how much manpower, engineering time, experimentation, materials science, and just sheer concerted effort went into making paper this fucking thin and useless.

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Easier, more precise clicking

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I'm happy they've moved on from testing on unwilling monkeys, to willing humans.

Without knowing the setup, it's all guesswork- But if I had to guess, the program the robot ran through would be a series of movements that results in a box that is this size and this shape in this position being moved perfectly well to this particular spot.

Humans are not that size, that shape, or in that position.

I've not worked industrial in Asia, but where I have worked there has been stringent protocols around locking out machinery that has the potential to kill. For someone to enter a hazardous area, they have to remove any potential source of energy (eg, disconnecting power to motors, draining hydraulic pressure, lowering suspended loads, etc) and use a lock that only they have access to to prevent that energy returning. I'm guessing that this incident either did not have that procedure in place, or it was in place but not followed correctly.

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Sandwiches are eaten like a typewriter.

I'm so confused. You pivot your elbows and smash the sandwich into your face like the letters hitting the page? You take lots of fast, noisy bites like the sound of typing? You nibble the top piece of bread from left to right, then the filling from left to right, then the bottom, going 'ding!' in between?

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Are you using a hardware DVD player? Google the model number +region unlock or region free code.

As someone who knows that they know very little about git, this thread makes me think I'm not alone.

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The region was defined by constant conflict and instability before Britain and France were even a twinkle in a Celtic eye.

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I'll tag onto this- not because I think my option is better, but because it's a complimentary thing that hits a lot of the same points in different situations.

My bike has given me joy, fitness, new activities, and new friends. When I didn't have a car it got me to work, gatherings, shops, etc. The enjoyment of riding got me out exploring nature around where I live. I've done multi-night bikepacking trips. I've met friends on rides. I've made new friends at work when we discover we both ride in sometimes. I chat to people at the bakery about their bikes.

All that, with a side effect of keeping me healthy and fit.

I'm about to sit down for the next six hours. I'm happy to stand for a bit.

My buddy upgraded to a mesh network and named it 'one wifi to bind them'

Heard a story about a wifi network in an apartment building called 'We can hear you having sex'

I don't know if I would consider Voyager to be 'dead' if it stops transmitting.

If I put a message in a bottle, with a blinky light on it, then throw it into the ocean, the message is still there even if the blinky light goes out.

Terry Pratchett.

The Discworld books can wrap a particle physics pun in a fart joke. The cheeky cleverness that Patchett writes with, along with the keen eye for making fun of the absurdity of human existence, could be right up your alley. Start with "Guards, Guards!", or whichever one you spot on your local second hand bookstore- they are pretty much all able to be read standalone.

Seriously. Pratchett will scratch your itch.

I've wanted aeroplane mode for a car since I was a kid.

It just means something different now.

Aussie reporting in. I can't recall the last cafe that I went to that did not have avocado on toast, in some form, on the menu.

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We lost a land war against birds.

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It's like, gotta be just one line of code, right?

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It's a very good lesson- to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if the teacher is deliberately putting an arbitrary restriction on the assignment.

If you want to have a career, the people that pay you are going to make you do things that you consider to be ridiculous. That's work, that's life. You've got three options- Just smile and nod and do it their way, get huffy and tell them that you don't like their yapping and you'll do their project your own way, or politely suggest there may be an alternative way, and ask if they are willing to be flexible with some requirements.

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When people say 'Can I get the password for the internet?' they are undoubtedly referring to the wifi password, which is an Australian invention.

Internet is 40% American?

Looking at that, I reckon it's easier just to pay for all the streaming services.

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"I've had an idea... Lightning has just struck my brain..." "Oh, that must of hurt!"

It's in that part of my brain that was written before I understood media being 'good' and 'bad', so my memory of it just is, I've never stopped to think about its quality.

Intuitiveness comes with usage. When I think of a kilometre, I don't think of a lot of metres, I just think of it as a single unit. A centimetre doesn't send me dividing metres, I just think of a length about the width of a fingernail.

It's not even a case of 'everywhere else', it's actually 'everywhere'.

It's just that some sections of that 'everywhere' take the metric system and add an abstraction on top of it.

The imperial system literally defines itself by the metric system.

If there's something that landlords and tenants can agree on, I think it's that real estate agencies are the absolute fucking worst.

It's not so much about the audience perspective as it is the layout of the building. Just like backstage is the area behind the stage, other areas like behind the bar, or the storage areas, green rooms, offices, tech rooms, weird tunnels full of mysterious cables, etc are all collectively 'back of house'.

Like when you go to a big box store and they see if they've got something 'out the back', the back of house areas are those generally not seen by the public. The term front of house likely evolved as the opposite of this.

I've got the R3, love it.

Genuine question - why would the house numbers be different?

In urban areas, I'm used to house numbers starting at 1 at one end of the street, then incrementing as you go along. Usually odds and evens are on the opposite sides of the street. So the house on the corner will be 1, the house opposite it will be 2, the house next to 1 will be 3, and so on.

Each street starts the numbers again.

Is this not the case where you are?

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I've got a whole library of upvotes that I haven't even used yet.

At least they aren't trying to use Powerpoint for computation....

So, no such thing as renting? If I move to the city I'm just homeless until I can afford a house?

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I'm just happy to be doing my part to make copilot worse.

Wanna talk about poisoning LLMs? Just assume the coffee in my repo is in any way good.

Almost 24 hours and no one has commented on MMDDYY? I don't know whether to be proud or disappointed.

I always forget- is that 100 fuckloads?

I believe it's more a case of most plastics being produced using a by-product of the oil refining process.

So the use of plastic is subsidising the oil and gas industry.

If I recall correctly, it decreases. We lose more weight of atmospheric gas than we gain weight of meteorite material.

I would love a SpaceX without Elon.

But the thing that made SpaceX what it is now is largely that it is not a government entity.

But once you find one that hits that hyperfixation itch, ohhhh maaaaaan.

For me it's gotta be the right level of challenge. I want to like the loop in Souls games but can't get past the frustration. Hollow Knight, however, was just right and I loved it.

Other things that work for me is the Factorio style- especially Satisfactory because when you fuck up you don't need to tear it all down and rebuild.

It's ok. We all know you secretly want sweet little Taylor to beat you with jumper cables.

Also, if space starts decreasing much more rapidly than normal.