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Def not Kamala. A buddy and I were throwing around ideas earlier and he mentioned Michelle, which threw me off but I think she would have just as much of a chance as anyone.

I like exploring old buildings like churches and hotels. I feel like architecture has been optimized so much to fire codes that most modern buildings have pretty boring layouts. But older buildings are completely batshit in their designs sometimes. Like woah there's a second little staircase down here that goes to a single room not accessible by anywhere else, or just random little hallways to nowhere. Also secret little closets everywhere, it's way more fun.

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My favorite is when he got caught masturbating in public and responded with "If only it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing the belly." Or when Plato was teaching a class and defined a man as a featherless biped, and Diogenes brought a plucked chicken to the class and said "Behold, Plato's man!"

My first thought is that maybe because women's chests have been sexualized, men are more hesitant to perform cpr on women in a public place. Not saying that either piece of that puzzle is right or rational, by the way. I'd be interested to see the numbers on the gender ratios of people giving cpr to women in public places to see if that lines up.

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This is just misinformation, Linda Yaccarino confirmed that Twitter is down from 140 million daily users at the end of 2022 to 121 million daily users now.

I was playing pokemon with my 7 year old nephew and he kept saying "{x pokemon} has sick moves bro", so maybe that time has already come. Although to be fair he also said "These noodles are on god" and then leaned over and whispered "that means really good." So maybe he's not exactly the best arbiter of gen alpha vernacular lol

I think some of these people have to be trolls. We're basically in the trolley problem where the trolley is headed for 100,000 people, and if you pull the lever it will only kill 1. You can't abstain from pulling the lever and act like you're completely innocent of the deaths of the masses.

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Just like God intended

One more hoopy frood who knows where their towel is!

What a stupid thing to spend energy getting upset about. I'm a bigger than average dude and I'd pick the bear as well; humans are capable of all kinds of villainy, bears are just bears. I'd like to find the statistics on women attacked by bears in the woods compared to women attacked by men, it has to be overwhelming more common to be attacked by a man.

Tree law was one of the few subreddits that I would actually read everytime I saw a post pop up in my feed. Something so satisfying about a good case of tree law.

I imagine they thought it might sound better coming from a person of Jewish faith rather than from an 81 year devout catholic.

Most of the legal minds I've heard discuss this think it's pretty interesting philosophically, but not at all actionable. Former US attorneys Preet Bharara and Chuck Rosenberg mentioned it in a recent podcast that I found super insightful.

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Am I missing some context for the original post? The above commenter didn't say anything about getting sick and going out, I read the comment as being about going out in general.

I started reading the Wool series after recently watching the Silo TV show. Pretty good so far, the world building is surprisingly fun.

I'm a complete layman when it comes to law so forgive me if this is an ignorant question, but would the official in question have to be actually convicted of insurrection/rebellion before this comes into effect? I assumed that's what they meant by "It's not self executing" because otherwise would it not just be up to each state officials individual discretion to exercise this? Thanks so much for the detailed breakdown, Preets podcasts have turned me into a bit of an uneducated legal nerd so this is all fascinating to me.

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I loved Shogun by Clavell and I always get recommended Musashi as being a similar vibe. I'll have to pick it up sometime

Those are the different soil horizons, which are basically just layers of soil with different properties. If you're interested in checking out actual soil profiles, the NRCS Web Soil Survey is a super cool website for the US.

You know that's right

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It is some places, in the US it varies state by state.


I started out on django and ended up switching to flask for all my python backends, but it depends on what exactly you want. Django is very hand-holdy and does some of the work of setting up new pages/routes for you, however that does put you on rails a little bit compared to flask. Flask is more performant and customizable, but it's slightly more effort to get going in my opinion.

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I'll be honest, the only reason I originally switched was because I needed to learn flask for a work thing. I didn't really notice any major differences in performance, but it was a pretty light website at that point anyway. I do prefer flask now, but that might just be because I've used it more.