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Joined 12 months ago

Since not everyone is expected to become member of a political party, a more apt comparison would be to membership numbers (and changes in those) for other German parties.

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Thanks for the link. Some big parties seem to have hundreds of thousands of members. Didn’t see much for 2024 other than:

Zu Beginn des Jahres 2024 meldeten mehrere Parteien einen starken Mitgliederzuwachs. Bündnis 90/Die Grünen berichteten von 8.000 Neumitgliedern in den ersten beiden Monaten des Jahres.

In any case, considering the political context of our times, AfD’s growth is nothing to scoff at.

I don’t think they’re infogrames either

A blessing, really, for cities experiencing housing shortage.

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I understand that they are staunchly pro-communist and also take a pro-Palestine, including some of them (many of them?) a more clearly pro-Hamas stance. And that all of this could annoy many of the centrist liberals that seem to dominate here. But from perusing the lemmygrad link I do not see clear signs of hate speech, certainly not a clear hate speech agenda as you would see with some hate groups. And judging by the comments on here many seem to be happy to be “rid of them” because they are “annoying”, or “immature”, or “tankies”, or whatever. It really reads largely like “their opinions annoy me” so I’m glad they’re gone.

There may be more to it, I don’t know, but personally I wouldn’t like lemmy.world, an otherwise fine instance by all means, to become a centrist liberal silo where no other opinion outside (mostly US-centric) liberal orthodoxy is heard. So yeah, not convinced that this was the right decision, basically because of a lack of evidence.

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The sheer scale of this is mind-blowing to me. The very same storm passed over my head (I’m in Greece) and left a trail of heavy flooding that will take years to recover from, but what happened in Libya will affect an entire generation or even generations to come. This is the kind of impact we can expect from climate change,,‘especially coupled with neglect of public infrastructure.

Whoever is managing that account is really reaching here.

“On Thursday, the Israeli government’s official account on X, formerly known as Twitter, likened this to the antisemitic lie that Jews murdered Christian boys to use their blood for religious rituals.”

You mean cyberjunk

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You may be forgetting that Kaliningrad is another Russian harbor in close proximity. Don’t know if there’s any credence to assertion that Gotland is in danger, but just saying.

“Real analytical work” (I will take that to mean work people actually care about and may even pay good money for), is done with whatever does the job, on the given timeframe, and the analyst, researcher, or team are comfortable with. That may well be Excel. Or not. Depending on the task and people. But your audience will always care more for the appropriateness of your analytical approach for the given audience and task, and of course your results, rather than the tools you used to get there. Of course spreadsheets have limitations and one will do well to know them.

That machine is a commercial product. Quite unlike a human being, in essence, purpose and function. So I do not think the comparison is valid here unless it were perhaps a sentient artificial being, free to act of its own accord. But that is not what we’re talking about here. We must not be carried away by our imaginations, these language models are (often proprietary and for profit) products.

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It’s the most impressive video game to come out of china, the first that seems poised to generate significant buzz internationally. Whether it will be any good I do not know, but early demos had been very impressive. So I’d say it is hotly anticipated, you were just late to the party. It may not be that original in gameplay but how many AAA productions are strikingly original nowadays? None that I can remember.

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It’s become more efficient to get basic info on virtually any topic by just asking an LLM like ChatGPT and that could be a serious threat to Google Search. People might form the habit of asking AIs for everything and then go to Google Search only when they want to dig deeper / find relevant articles etc. So I assume they added their own AI right into Search in an effort to continue being the first (and perhaps only) place one goes to for information.

I liked this, but I feel like it is just one possible explanation for the common observation that people feel more conservative as they grow older. And it may seem confirmed when society is growing more liberal. But what if this changes? After all there is no objective reason that I know of why societies will have to grow ever more liberal. When conservatism is on the rise, this may become reversed. What then? Older people will appear ever more radically liberal I guess? Hmmm, it is late here and I am too tired to think this through.

Also why is this in technology and not politics? Although, come to think of it, I am glad it is, because politics is so filled to the brim with US politics that I unsubscribed.

This was a great summary, hope more people read this.

Some schadenfreude is definitely warranted, but the lawsuit may have merit.

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Adrian (the PI) is such an unusual, mad genius kind of guy. Peer reviewed or not, it would be cool if he and others managed to help us understand animals better.

Good idea, if anyone can point me to it or to specific examples, I would appreciate it. Also do not care enough to start an investigation by myself.

Fwiw, I wouldn’t judge an entire instance by a handful individual posts. Users will be users. But still, some evidence would be a lot better than no evidence. Plenty of evidence would be even better.

Although I disagree that the main problem is politicization, a lot of what you said otherwise concurs with my experience. The depth just isn’t there. Maybe it’s a numbers thing. You’d see many simplistic takes left and right on Reddit too, but given the sheer volume of contributors, more often than not someone would have some true insight to share, a well thought out rebuttal, a reasoned argument, or just some humor to lighten up the conversation, and that would rise to the top. So top comments were usually guaranteed to be worthwhile and low effort comments would become easier to ignore. At least in the better subreddits. Not so much the case on Lemmy. A lot of low effort sarcasm, political slogans, and tribalism in the comments. I do like Lemmy on the whole though, so sticking with it for the time being.

It is a very good game and makes an admirable job of showing you the branching paths and impact of your decisions. Presumably creating incentives to replay, but personally I was just satisfied to get my own story and knowing how it could have gone different in many ways. Also well written, they tend to get flak for their writing, but compared to most video game writing it’s pretty good.

I am not sure that I would share your attitude in “benefiting” a developing nation with your perspectives, but yeah, death threats not cool in any case. As I said in my original comment, there may be more to this than meets the eye. Maybe these guys are being jerks and intolerant of other viewpoints more often than not, can’t tell. As far as I’m concerned it is ok for people to argue passionately, angrily even, so long as they do not seek to undermine discussion or, worse, hurt others just because they disagree with them.

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We need to look outside of social media. Doesn’t mean the media we consume don’t play a role in shaping opinions. The short attention spans and highly simplified messaging encouraged by endless scrolling on social media platforms play right into the hands of populists who trade in slogans, scapegoats and easy solutions. The algorithm takes care of the rest. Once you’ve expressed an interest in politically edgy content, you will be served more of that, to the point where your perception of reality will be completely shaped by that.

I honestly don’t know why some on here seem to think that any criticism is a defense of Russia. I did not say anything in defense of Russia but assumptions were made regardless.

Ah sure I was afraid I might have forgotten something. Though again a very different category and not the kind of game I’d play. It would be more accurate to say I guess that Black Myth is the first game out of China that seems like it could make it big in the full price AAA single player action market. I can’t recall another Chinese game of this type that has held similar promise.

I got burnt out on the first one. Pretty setting and some neat ideas aside, I do wonder how many people would be interested in a sequel to this. It wasn’t exactly gripping in story or gameplay to begin with. Though I’m happy it was made, it was something unique at least.

Exactly. As a liberal myself I feel strongly about certain things and am all too aware of that supposition of moral superiority and self righteousness that have been very characteristic of western liberalism. In the meantime, many countries in the “free world” are inching closer to authoritarianism by the day. Sure, Putin bad, but leaving some room for nuance would go a long way. The idea that one need only get rid of “bad actors” is flawed. Especially when at the very same time western powers are enabling what more and more people see as genocide in another part of the world. And the country that has brought a case against that in court is South Africa, The world is changing, the global south is rising, China is rising, Russia is also seeking to extend its influence and global cooperation is needed more than ever.

Sure, ok; it just read like that. Maybe I misunderstood.

Still after all this time? What platform?

Well both crypto enthusiasts and art collectors are very used to the notion that an asset is as valuable as what people are willing to pay for it, regardless of intrinsic value, so I don’t find it too surprising.

The amount of anti-Russia comments on account of a known issue in competitive sports is disturbing. Does everything nowadays have to be about either “Russia bad” or “China bad”? Can’t it be about how exceptionally talented young people are pressured into doping because of ever increasing and often impossible to reach performance standards? I feel we have collectively lost a sense of measure in our response and have replaced a global outlook seeing global solutions to global problems with a nationalistic and sectarian us vs them attitude. And shudder to think that inside those countries it is exactly the same in reverse, possibly worse even.

It looks like with some updates it could become a very solid 8-8.5/10

So there is no evidence, just speculation. Nothing to see here then.

I am sorry but as you can tell by the number of downvotes received logic, nuance, and difference of perspective are not allowed these days on some English language forums when it comes to Russia. You must qualify all your statements with “Russia bad” and just join in the warmongering /s

I think you will do well to do with less certainties and interrogate the very essence of the concept of the “free world”, a term introduced in the Cold War to demonize communism and basically any challenge to US hegemony. Unfortunately todays polemical and self righteous western liberalism plays right into the hands of the alt-right and fascists in more ways than one. I personally worry more for what is happening in the West right now than what is happening in Russia/Ukraine, because the West is a lot more powerful and is itching for a larger military confrontation, while liberalism continues to fail more frequently back home except in minor wins on identity politics. In this climate I find it disturbing when people dig up Cold War terminology to creat camps and draw lines in the sand.

Indeed, it was a rhetorical question. And it’s ok, I wasn’t expecting my comment to be well received, I was just hoping that at least some people reading this would ask themselves why Russia triggers Cold War reflexes and what those reflexes mean. I still hope for some diplomatic end to the war in Ukraine and the demonizing of one’s enemies only serves war.

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This is part of the problem. That feeling of unexamined moral superiority that I am much afraid will lead to the downfall of western liberalism, its replacement with local fascists and all out war. But not enough people are willing to listen sadly.

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Many atrocities have been committed in the name of the free world, but sure you guys keep with the circlejerk if that makes you feel morally superior

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“The free world”? Seriously? It would help to not think of the world only in terms of heroes and villains.

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