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Joined 1 years ago

The company, because the creator gets paid either way

This is interesting, and I personally feel he is fighting it only because it buys him more time. In a different article (linked in this one), where they announce Alabama's plan to use nitrogen it says:

Smith, in seeking to block the state’s second attempt to execute him by lethal injection, had argued that nitrogen should be available.

So he literally asked to use nitrogen, they said "ok" and now's he's saying "how dare you try to use me as a guinea pig"

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It means a functionality that used to work stopped. It's used in software development. It's common for software to go through "regression testing" to see if everything old still works after a new feature is added.

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It's because they were giving free domains for a long time. Then when they were recently being revoked, Dessalines paid for the domain to keep it (I'm guessing to avoid losing the current community+their m+l origins?)

Canoeboot is more of a sister to libreboot than a replacement

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My company buys a specific board from an Israeli company.

We have been working on an in house alternative for a few years now. Now we're scared to actually perform the switch because of the anti-boycott laws

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My childhood pitbull bit me in the face and I have permanent face scarring from it. I had to get 60+ stitches to reconstruct my face.

It's not a valid point to say "most don't attack people" when the breed is much more likely to attack a person compared to other breeds. Then it's made worse by the fact they've been bred to be extra good at attacking.

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Do you think he was related to the comet cult from the late 90s? Can't remember they're name rn

Did you read the article? The verbatim text is, in one example, including email addresses and names (and legal boilerplate) directly from

Edit: I meant the DeepMind article linked in this article. Here's the link to the original transcript I'm talking about:

Download Wikipedia and put it on a USB drive. Then buy a portable solar panel so you can charge some electronic device to view the wiki. There's a lot of farming, gathering, hunting, etc knowledge on Wikipedia.

The text only download is way smaller than the media download, but the media may be worth it for identifying plants.

"Cartridges" which are just SD cards in reality are a thing

It gets real crazy when you're sending remote commands so you have to escape the escapes so that the remote keeps them and properly escapes the space

ssh -t remote "mv /home/me/folder\\\ with \\\ spaces /home/me/downloads/

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It's essentially just calling someone a nerd

It's cheaper to make a shitty time based solution.

It's been on the steam page since day one, so I doubt they'd refund. It was agreed upon but not enforced until now.

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Thanks for spreading correct knowledge, as someone who works for a manufacturer of heat pumps it's refreshing

The old Fable games were really good too

But... google podcasts was already owned by them. They aren't gaining any users by doing this

Yes, I've held coal and touched crude oil.

Coal was common along the railway and I would pick up chunks cause it was interesting.

Crude oil I saw / touched because I would go along with my dad who would measure the tank level for oil on the see-saw style pumps

Are there good audiobook trackers? I've used audiobookbay and haven't failed to get a book I want so far

That's great that you've fostered a love for reading, I believe that's an incredibly important thing for a young mind.

But i also don't think not allowing video games at all isn't necessary. I grew up reading and playing online games, it's possible to ensure a balance. And today online games are a huge part of the socializing that happens. It sucks to sit at the lunch table and have your friends talk about conversations they had that you couldn't be a part of.

However, a number of studies suggest that poor health in "food deserts" is primarily caused by differences in demand for healthy food, rather than differences in availability.

Low healthy food demand == choosing sugar

1 more... is just running mlmym, btw. There is another one running at, where you can use any instance. Or you can run the software yourself if desired.

Just buy a smart tv and don't connect it to internet. You'll get to buy from the same selection and enjoy the subsidized price.

Do you recommend

Look up "2014 sea lion comic"

Fair. I've heard kbin allows viewing, so there are federated sites which can see them without needing to be an admin or run an instance.

It's made from crab, obviously! Why do you think there is only one crab in the whole town? Because the rest were turned into patties

They also killed YouTube DMs

I wouldn't bother with a paid dynamic DNS. Most domain registrars let you change your DNS record with an API call (I know GoDaddy does because I use them.)

Then you just set up a cron job to fetch your IP and then change your DNS record to match. I use a subdomain because my main domain hosts a blog and some other stuff on a VPS, while my jellyfin server is at home.

A good search would be "[registrar name] dynamic DNS script"

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Or you can learn? It sounds like a skill worth learning

Yeah that's why they had to put down the dogs

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Futuristic Sex Robotz?

I'm using GBoard on grapheneos with all permissions removed basically. Not quite what you asked for

Jesus, I forgot I used to do this

Everyone knows they're eyes for the Dark One

HomeAssistant is HomeKit compatible and could probably do everything you've got going now locally