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Joined 1 years ago

I coalesce the vapors of human experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension.…

It’s not just the look, it’s performative. It can be any sex assigned at birth and any gender - including nonbinary, as the subject of the article identifies.

Depending on your viewpoint, there’s an argument to be made that KISS, Alice Cooper, and many hair metal bands were a form of drag.

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Ha! Was just about to reply with “Dropout subscriber?”

The worst part is that these weren’t even his patients - he just decided to share their private medical records to own the libs

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“…would 100% identify as female just to walk into the girls bathroom”

That’s not “boys being boys” thinking, that’s the thinking of a future sexual assailant.

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That’s because there’s nothing he can do - this was Sony’s decision as the publisher and the developers can’t do squat about it unfortunately

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About time - their polls have been divorced from reality for some time. While previously “leaning right” would be a fair description of a moderate bias, in the last few years they completely went off the deep end.

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There’s actually quite a bit of evidence that post-pandemic price fixing across multiple sectors is to blame for the “inflation” we’re seeing - one example is the energy sector and what the FTC recently reported on:

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Wow, you’re just a sociopath it seems. My condolences to anyone who has to deal with you on the regular

I’m looking forward to this not going as planned - which seems to be the norm for the GOP these days. How wild would it be for one of their witnesses to just add “…as was directed by President Trump” after something particularly heinous? Hell, this will just keep reminding Americans of how crazy the Republicans are and it’s a presidential election year, so even without a bombshell I think this is probably going to backfire.

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This is definitely the work of Sony, not the developer. There is no motivation for the developer to require PSN signups for the game and all the motivation in the world for Sony. In addition, anything dealing with how the game is distributed is solely within the purview of the publisher- the developer almost never has any say in what happens in that case.

“Blue MAGA” - what does that even mean? MAGA isn’t even a cogent ideology, it’s a fawning cult of personality acting in lockstep and built up around a single man – in what way is there any equivalent on the left? Ask twelve liberals for an opinion on something and you’ll get fifteen different answers.

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I think I remember this post - wasn’t this like an eight year old article that you posted to the News channel?

“The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) records the first printed use of the word initialism as occurring in 1899, but it did not come into general use until 1965, well after acronym had become common”

The secret is ICANN never has known what the fuck they are doing.

Wow - while I sympathize with their goals, this represents a fundamental misunderstanding of how the Internet works. They need to restrict and govern corporate entities, not the Internet itself.

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Whenever I see his uncanny face, in the back of my mind I always think he looks like what Mark Zuckerberg’s dad must look like

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You seem very confident in your answer, but the actual text doesn’t seem to match your assertions?

There are three exceptions to the definition of “breach.” The first exception applies to the unintentional acquisition, access, or use of protected health information by a workforce member or person acting under the authority of a covered entity or business associate, if such acquisition, access, or use was made in good faith and within the scope of authority. The second exception applies to the inadvertent disclosure of protected health information by a person authorized to access protected health information at a covered entity or business associate to another person authorized to access protected health information at the covered entity or business associate, or organized health care arrangement in which the covered entity participates. In both cases, the information cannot be further used or disclosed in a manner not permitted by the Privacy Rule. The final exception applies if the covered entity or business associate has a good faith belief that the unauthorized person to whom the impermissible disclosure was made, would not have been able to retain the information.

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Um, I never said it did. I said this doctor released the information to “own the libs” because he’s an asshat.

You know the whole acronym vs initialism thing is a somewhat new idea? And there’s no hard and fast agreement on it. To correct people on whether something is an acronym or not (especially when they are using it within the term’s original meaning) is simply pedantic.

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The fines are limited by statute, so $1k per instance is the max the judge can order

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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

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Panned mainly by folks who expected “Fallout in Space” in terms of open-world and modding, but it was smaller in scope and great in writing and tone. Would recommend watching Tim Cain’s YT channel for the vids about it. The main valid criticism was that it was too easy, but I really enjoyed it.

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I do as well - just because I live in a backwards country doesn’t mean I have to be backwards too

It’s not a census year (only on the 10s in the US) and I’ve been involved in politics for more than three decades and the federal census has never been used to remove anyone from the voter rolls anywhere I’ve been. The personal data is not publicly available for 70 years except as anonymized, abstracted data.

EDIT: I did double-check myself and yeah, the Fed census has no impact on voter rolls. There are some places that do a city/town census - especially in Massachusetts - where you can be marked as “inactive” if you don’t complete a local census. You can still cast a ballot and are still on the rolls, but it will require some assertion that you still live in the same residence. But that’s a pretty limited edge case.

Just curious as why not Portal 2? That’s honestly one of my “chicken soup” comfort food games - Portal 1 is great but to me, Portal 2 is so much more.

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Much like one of the ways stained glass was colored in the medieval period involved adding materials to the glass that acted as nano materials. For example this one particular shade of red needed gold.

Good article but I think the thing it misses is those that currently make up “the base” on the right seem to share the commonality of wanting to be conned. The Christian nationalists, the conspiracy theorists, the buyers of whatever snake oil are currently on offer all want easy, unnuanced answers that continue to validate whatever they’re used to. They ignore systemic issues in favor of the fear du jour because solving the real problems strike at their sense of identity and they’re willing to believe literally anything rather than face the issues that really matter. A feedback loop has taken hold of the GOP which just keeps cranking them further and further away from any sort of reasonable ideology and instead replaced it with spurious and unfounded anxieties and fears. The media has constantly exacerbated this because it increases their metrics and ad dollars to sell the side show.

As far as the decision behind the policy goes, the game’s community manager said on the game’s official Discord server that it was a Sony decision, not Arrowhead

Probably less geo-location and more just shared IP block/address

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I agree that as a free product, the ads are less loathsome. But from a company that just posted a 265% increase in revenue, it’s not like they’re worried about keeping the lights on

The big difference is that all those exceptions only apply to an authorized party, i.e. a health care provider authorized to care for the patient. In this case, the doctor in question was never authorized - none of the patients were in his care.

…like some sort of animal!

With IVF, multiple embryos are grown and then analyzed - the best are implanted, the rest are usually either destroyed or (with the donors’ permission) used for research. You literally can’t conduct IVF without destroying some of the embryos.

So let me get this straight in terms of your POV: things that are incorrect shouldn’t be corrected? Especially in the context of a bunch of neckbearded incels who doxxed, swatted, and generally hounded people during that whole GamerGate stupidity?!

Yeah, I really can’t understand why someone looking at the history might want to investigate and correct if needed wildly inaccurate claims. /s

Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the studios’ requirement - every big streamer I know of requires certain platforms for HD and higher streams because of the copy protection required.

Wasn’t it in Early Access before? I think this is about it coming out of Early Access?

That may be the dumbest take I’ve heard on this. With that kind of “logic”, it would mean maybe the Earth really is flat, because so many people are outraged that someone could believe something that stupid. More “We’re just asking questions here” bullshit used as a smokescreen for rampant bigotry and misogyny.

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There’s a well known issue of YT slowing down on FF clients. It’s not a FF issue, it’s Google being Google

So you’d hire a full time employee while paying for a recruitment process, on-boarding, and then full pay and benefits to help write a game that may take three years to complete and may never actually be completed or released and may never receive a sequel. Oh and your next project might not be suitable for their skills. Genius! Can’t wait to see what games your gaming company releases!

Hell, why stop there - Every Hollywood movie studio should also just hire a bunch of in-house writers and have them write everything. You think movies are bland and unoriginal now - just you wait! And why do book publishers work with so many different authors? They should just hire 12 or so and have them write everything? 🙄

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Weird. I’m on desktop with an RTX 3080 and both super resolution and HDR are working just fine for me in both full screen and not. Results are actually quite good for me.

I think the default setting for auto depends on source resolution and desired display resolution from what I can see, so it’s variable depending on how and what you’re watching.

You on Windows 10 or 11?

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