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According to Wikipedia, they used a lot of different approaches. Zyklon-B was abundant, as it was used as an insecticide, but was dramatically more poisonous to humans. 4kg of the poison can kill 1000 people. As far as I understand, it proved itself to be the most efficient method for killing a lot of people reliably

In a game, you're the protagonist. In a movie, someone else is. Two different experiences.

A bit of perspective: During the prohibition in the USA, both cocaine and heroin were sold legally over the counter.

Most illegal drugs today are perfectly legal when a pharmaceutical company produces it and you are purchasing it through channels where the elite gets paid.

It's what you deploy to your users if you want to work around ad blockers and browser extensions. It's a great tool to get operating system level access to exfiltrate information about your users and identify them uniquely, even if they would prefer that not to happen.

All that with the help of Google's telemetry engine aka Chrome, which further helps Alphabet to manifest their interpretation of web standards in the world.

We worked to move things onto the web. Now people bring the web back to your desktop with every application bringing it's own browser shell. We have come full circle and we're now using 10x the resources.

Electron is the prime example of everything that is wrong in IT.

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What's the problem? I gave it GPU access and it just worked. Given Jellyfin is a fork, it shouldn't be too different

What a load of bullshit. If you have a group of researchers provide "minimal human input" to a bunch of LLMs to produce a laughable program like tic-tac-toe, then please just STFU or at least don't tell us it cost $1. This doesn't even have the efficiency of a Google search. This AI hype needs to die quick

This isn't even as terrible as them shoving Shorts into YT Music, but it's definitely on the downward slope. Streaming music was a mistake. You can only keep skipping to the next walled garden.

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I will use it soon. I promise! It wouldn't make sense to sell it. I'll literally need it the next day!

Baby steps that take Proton from a great service to a toy for the masses in the effort to increase revenue. AI features are next

Is the source code available or how does this work?


What source do you need? It's almost literally the mission statement of Electron.

It's going to be a continuation of their previous products. It's just greenwashing through and through. Their update guarantees are worthless, because they don't invest in fixing any of their annoying bugs. I have a FP4 and Android Auto is still broken as fuck. Within the 2 years I had it, they didn't release a single fix in that area.

The fingerprint sensor is a piece of garbage that fails constantly and gets stuck in "clean sensor" faults until you reboot the phone. Also not fixed in its entire life time so far.

It's great that you can replace parts, but even with all parts new it's a garbage phone. Maybe they can't even fix these things, because they used inferior hardware where they don't even have control over the problematic behavior.

They continue to release new garbage to the market and they really do not give a single fuck about the quality of the products they already released to market. They just don't have any good products. Sure there are people who claim "it works for me", but the bugs are real and so is the poor customer care of this company. Stay away as far as possible. You're being scammed.

I'm waiting on those reactions :D

Great. Now tell us about your flights on Epstein's plane.

No. The product sucks

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