2 Post – 239 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Death of fast food is a treat we can all look forward to. Keep raising those prices geniuses!

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Hahahaha gotta give it to Pakistan, there’s trolling and then there’s trolling on a global scale. Pakistan aiming and achieving the latter.

Before anybody piles on — I don’t give a fuck about your opinion. I get this because I’m from the region and understand the dynamics between both countries pretty deeply.

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Systemic prejudices showing up in datasets causing generative systems to spew biased output? Gasp.. say it isn’t so?

I’m not sure why this is surprising anymore. This is literally expected behavior unless we get our shit together and get a grip on these systemic problems. The rest of it all is just patch work and bandages.

Should… should we sic EU on them?

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There are more pseudo experts and people that talk out of their asses than there are actual experts on the site. Typically actual experts responses aren’t that popular and are nested beneath various comments. The ones on top just “seem” informed.

It’s scary how these comments pass this off in a matter of fact way and promote tons of misinformation.

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Should… should…. we tell them that hours worked doesn’t equate to productivity?

“That’s cool and all but do you condemn Hamas though?”


Taking a page out of the IDF playbook. (Unsurprisingly).

Not defending Biden because he deserves all the shit he needs to get for his stance on this issue, but this is Times of Israel afterall. Almost all Israeli news outfits have a habit of posturing as if all of America’s political leadership is behind them no questions asked, while the truth isn’t so cut and dry.

Bernie for example has been quoted by Haaretz and TOI where he is calling for Israel’s right to “defend itself”, while Bernie’s stance on Israeli support is more nuanced and comes with a bunch of strings and caveats. He’s all called out Netyanhu’s government as a terrorist/extremist regime.

Israeli media is absolute dogshit for neutrality and is straight up propaganda. Best stay away from it and take it with a grain of salt.

He’s going to say that slave labor is absolutely essential to economic development next…

What a fucking moron.

This is fucking sickening. I don’t know how anybody and particularly our governments in the West can justify supporting Israel when they sort to tacts like these knowing full well they (Israel) have the upper hand, in terms of military arsenal and access to advance weaponry.

The West cannot call itself the bastion of human rights when all of that is ignored for people that need it the most in Gaza and Palestine.

Bunch of fucking hypocrites. It’s shameful and it’s pathetic.

Really? Nobody did an arch review for this and figured this was going to be caught/uncovered/talked about day one?

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US: “Yeah, if you could land grab and displace people without making a massive fuss and killings, that would be super cool…”

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What he actually meant to say was:

“I’ve got my head so far up my ass that I think everybody should be spending $100k+ on a truck regardless of their need or financial circumstances. I’m also incapable of doing my job, which is why my company can’t produce enough units, even though it’s largely a solved supply chain problem. This is how I cope with my shitty existence on this planet.”

Democracy has been dead for the GOP. This is just authoritarianism in action under the guise of democracy. Fucking crooks.

My heart just sank reading the headline… fuck.

Fuck Biden and the rest of the US congress. Bunch of spineless assholes and cowards.

What father/brother/kid isn’t going to join Hamas if they lose their families to these unforgivable acts.

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This. Smells like me too (the expression, not the movement) as opposed to a well thought out plan as to how they’ll tackle the monopoly.

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600 children dead… and the warnings are still private… jfc.

Oh look another “enlightened” nation walking back on the right to free speech and protest when it doesn’t suit their agenda/political goals.

Honestly, what the fuck? Might as well be living under Russian or Chinese regimes at this point.

Also why Israel is after actively banning Al Jazeera. They are trying (desperately) to hide their war crimes and the genocide.

Was it minority report or the matrix that showed humans storing data on glass?

Either way, this is pretty cool.

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It’s just salad, salad bowls, salad wraps and salad more.

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This. This is what it boils down to. This is why Pakistan and India keep getting away with the shit they pull along with all other nuclear nations. The moment Iran claims nuclear capable, “restraint” will be shown. With the amount of back channel communication that’s been happening between the US and Iran over the Gaza and Israel situation, it’s very likely they already have shown their hand and ability to be nuclear, and therefore the calculus is now extremely complex compared to something like Iraq and Afghanistan.

This also explains why Iran demonstrated and telegraphed their attack the way they did and the US agreed to it, despite the “Iran is the devil” rhetoric being perpetuated worldwide.

Hate to say it, but might is right and has always been.

Edit: To add, if they admit they are nuclear capable publicly, they are inviting more sanctions and another escalation which is the last thing they need given the state of their economy. They will also be on the back foot because Israel gets the moral high ground for being right about their nuclear ambitions.

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The left lane is a passing lane, not a I’m going to go 5 over speed limit and coast lane. Learn to move over to the right. Please and thank you.

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Right, this was never a “war”, just atrocities and genocide.

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“We’re incompetent at our jobs”.

Step down if you can’t keep up.

Consequential election + Stewart… America’s back baby!!

*IDF loves to murder.

Right? The normalization of occupation and stealing land in this day and age… it’s downright insanity.

And then people wonder why organizations like Hamas exist…

Oh? Whatever happened to freedom of speech and “protecting it at any cost”? What a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

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Littlejohn just pulled a big john in my pants move.

The best part about Lemmy/Kbin etc now are that downvotes aren’t hidden, rightfully so. Just because a set of people don’t agree with you doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the same visibility as somebody that is more agreeable to a set of people.

Niceness… will change and evolve over time as more and more people join. :-)

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Neither the US or China is going to honor this. We all know that. I’d rather be comfortable with some body that mandates war-time guidelines ala Geneva conventions than outright bans, which don’t really work

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Try browsing Reddit on this issue. Holy hell are bots gone all insane justifying that “Hamas needs to be crushed” on any civilian death. It’s a fascinating case study on how perceptions and narratives can be morphed and controlled.

Feels like a slap on the wrist for, you know, stealing actual fucking land violently.

It’s something, but there’s so much much much more that can be done.

Hi :)

Go fuck yourself.

Provided to him on a silver fucking platter… I mean, it’s astonishing how incompetent he is/was/or is becoming. Holy shit.

This war uncovered the conventional one sided “reporting” by most big media outlets especially here in the US which was in favor of Israel, turning a blind eye to the blight of the Palestinian civilians. People called them out because of social media and media outlets changed their tune to be more “neutral” as a consequence.

Social media sucks and but one thing it’s extremely good at is disseminating information, good and bad, and it should be used with that in mind.

By comparison, that Atlantic “article” is paywalled and can’t even disseminate its point beyond the headline.


Oh it’s a long complicated history which is worthy of a niche and focus in history within higher education for example.

I suppose you could start at 1947 when Pakistan and India gained independence and even then depending on how you view it, you could claim that the British screwed both sides during the event furthering animosity between Hindus and Muslims in the region. The dream of a Muslim independent state starts at ~1857 when the Mughals who were primarily Muslim ruled over India for about a ~1000yrs lost out to the British which would then become to displace Mughals and rule over India and pillage it’s natural resources, not to say the Mughals weren’t guilty of their own set of atrocities. Again depending on how you look at, you could also consider Mughals invaders to a certain extent when they started gaining influence around ~700s with arrival of delegates of the Ummayad Caliphate and imposed themselves over a local populace that was primarily Hindu and Buddhist which existed in the region for 1000s of years prior with their own rich histories and cultures.

Forwarding back over to after the events of 1947, which lead to the creation of India and Pakistan and present day Bangladesh which was part of Pakistan as well. Bangladesh’s independence from Pakistan, 4 wars between India and Pakistan and regular skirmishes over the territorial dispute of Kashmir later, you have a very complicated and deep history influencing feelings for almost any individual that belongs to the region.

Largely, the people actually love each other and are fascinated by their similarities and differences in cultures, only to be manipulated by their governments for political favors and votes like any other region in the world.

Like all history, there’s numerous takes and narratives on any detail you can pick, so consider this as just one take of it.

Putting a note for further clarity just so we get things technically clear: “The Mughals” as in the actual dynasty didn’t rule India for a thousand years. It was Muslims and their presence in general. The Mughals were a part of the Muslim presence in India which shaped the subcontinent before the British came in.

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