
33 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It is time for Signal.

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The C standard library function int rand(void) returns a pseudo random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX (which should be at least 2^15, depending on the actual implementation).

Depending on the distribution of the pseudo random numbers, it will be true for over > 99% of its applications.

Source: trust me bro, and C++ reference

Furthermore, there is no integer between 0 and 1, but I guess you mean a real number between 0 and 1.

🎶 This is America 🎶

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I am German and believe me the Nazis were worse.

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Although the best-before date had already passed, the chewing gum was still good.

I seems that I have triggered something, but keep that going, it’s quality content generation. 😬

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I am sorry, but I identify myself as a lemming.

I like swipe gestures as well I guess it is about what you are used to and what not.

This has to be this hoax thing, what is it called again? Climate change?

Mankind have to act now…

There is one / to much, well it isn’t but the URL formatting isn’t working for me. 🥲

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That are great news 🔥

Supported by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure Germany


Risky lifestyle goes pew pew pew.

Create one 🤗

Ok may bad, it’s the client I am using, it works on other Apps.

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It doesn’t feel right.

This is an know issue, you have to downgrade your jerboa app, or wait for either an update of the feddit instance or an fix on the app side (which I guess won’t happen).

This is due to a breaking change in the API of the Lemmy backend, in version 0.18.
And feddit will wait for 0.18.1, because of problems they experienced with 0.18.

This 👆

Name checks out. 😏

Titan Quest was the first PC game I bought.

How, if I click on the removed post in the modlog, I get this error message:

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This is just an URL, you can also open it in the browser. Depending on the client you use, videos will be played inside the feed. What client do you use?

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Okay I see.

I request a proof.

Aren’t there already a lot of these communities out there? Like:

There are more communities for this topic as unsers users, where is the point?

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While I think that you are partly right. There is also a problem of a fragmented user base with nearly the same interest. Because a lot of these communities will become forgotten earlier than later.
Lemmy doesn't have a huge user base like Reddit currently, and maybe will never have one. So, in my opinion, it doesn't make sense to try to create a new community for every niche topic out there if there is already a suiting community, while existing ones do not get any attention. Lemmy is federated, not decentralized, which is somewhat part of the difficulty.

Furthermore, did you try to be part of one of the existing communities because you mentioned different rules and mods? I think that might counteract the fragmentation.

This being said, feel free to create whatever community you wish to create, I just wanted to point that out, and might be helpful for those who like to join one of the existing once.

Note: When I referred to unsers, I, of course, meant users the lemmings using this platform, this was a misspelling.

Same for me on feddit.de with itookapicture@lemmit.online

I am not able to finde it.

Well I still think it’s strange, both is strange.

I hope they keep their shit overseas, don’t need it here.


Well, I don’t have a plan about Android Clients, but I guess other clients will support video playback in the feed.

The code is open source on GitHub and the backend is written in Rust.

I have no idea how it goes in terms of scaling…

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We don’t know what switching a sub to private, will trigger on their backend. Maybe there is some internal shifting of data somewhere, or something similar to this. Doing this, on a lot of the big subs, could lead to large-scale performance issues.

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You are also able to block communities, I have done this already.

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Esteemed Jeena,

I humbly beseech your indulgence and extend my sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused by the recurrent cross-posting of content on the esteemed platforms of !programmer_humor@programming.dev and !programmerhumor@lemmy.ml. I am acutely aware of the vexation such redundancy may cause, and it is with the utmost regret that I admit my failure to employ the built-in cross-posting functionality within the esteemed realm of lemmy, which would ensure the display of said content in your esteemed list but once.

Pray, permit me to express my profound remorse for any distress or disarray this predicament may have occasioned. I implore your benevolence in granting me the opportunity to rectify my missteps and adhere to your esteemed request for the exclusive manifestation of content on a singular occasion within your discerning domain.

Verily, should you deem it necessary to withdraw your subscription from either platform owing to this grievance, I shall ruefully accept your decision whilst bearing the burden of my own negligence. Nevertheless, I earnestly beseech your forbearance and entreat that you afford me the opportunity to make amends, so as to retain your valued patronage.

Please accept, dear Sir/Madam, the most sincere apologies of this humble servant and trust in my unwavering commitment to rectify this issue posthaste. Your considerate understanding and magnanimity in this matter would be esteemed beyond measure.

Yours apologetically and with deepest contrition,


Proper integration is needed, and I mean really really good integration, gov. funded!