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Joined 10 months ago

I'll try to keep this to lesser known apps:

  • Catima (saves barcodes for gift cards, gym memberships, etc so you don't have to worry about the physical card)

  • Cofi (nice timer for active guidance through coffee brewing recipes)

  • 10,000 Sentences (a language practicing app that doesn't have a mildly threatening owl 😉)

  • OSMAnd+ Mapillary, Overlay Maps, and 3D Features (seriously, the best. I only use Google maps to get around traffic these days since, unfortunately, Magic Earth doesn't work very well in my area)

  • Obtanium (as a gateway to lesser known software, no shipping to an app store required!)

  • RethinkDNS (an absolutely amazing piece of software that gives you fine-grained control of the domains your apps are talking to. A bit of a battery sync but it's been a game changer for me. On my GrapheneOS setup I use it in the Google sandbox to reduce the amount of data scraping servers my Google apps can talk to)

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As an avid NewPipe user I like that it's an approximately identical tool with more functionality!

It seems like a fork where (I wish) a plugin could (ideally) be in NewPipe. It may also be a nice nod to the original devs to change the default color scheme of the fork so nobody gets confused as to who forked from who.

Overall very cool work! I hope they continue to have success and make progress.

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Exactly this. In a fucked up way a rule like that would actually incentivise whistleblowers to become martyrs.

Couldn't agree more! Abstracting to a general economic case -- those hundreds of dollars are a double digit percentage of the overall cost! Double digit % cost increase for single digit % performance doesn't quite add up @nvidia :)

Especially with Google going with TPUs for their AI monstrosities it makes less and less sense at large scale for a consumers to pay the Nvidia tax just for CUDA compatibility. Especially with the entrance of things like SYCL that help programmers avoid vendor lock.

*testing :)

Now I don't know enough about electronics to know how wrong this is

Very, assuming the refrigerator in question typically runs on a typical power grid you'd find in the US or Europe (source: am electrical engineer)

Mainly because most compressors I'm aware of use alternating current (AC) motors, or at a minimum accept AC power. Batteries alone produce direct current (DC). The simplest way to make this work would involve an inverter (converts DC to AC). Cheap ones probably have at least a 10% conversion loss, so you're looking at an hour or two at most.

Edit: should also mention that discharging a typical lead-acid battery until it's all the way flat (realistically below ~11V) does irreparable damage. Might be cheaper to replace the contents of your fridge :)

With the rise of these .md based personal knowledge database applications it would be amazing to see some conversion software.

I understand that each has their special sauce. Does anyone know what would be the most difficult part about building a tool like that to copy in Logseq data to SB for example?

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If you don't have a source then you're about as scientific as a TN politician (apparently)

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Exactly what I came here to say.

Prompt me for Ubuntu Pro once (in the GUI on first login)? Shame on you, but I'll move past it.

Put an ad in the terminal every time I update my system though? Straight to jail.

Love me some docker compose! I switched from a manually built VM over to the AIO setup about a year ago and never looked back. It's been rock solid for me and my ~10 users so far.

You can still do that if you really want to

That's awesome! I hadn't heard about COSMIC DE.

Well put. The one thing I would add is using the Nix package manager on a distro other than NixOS! I'm daily driving Fedora 39 + Nix (home-manager) with zero problems. My pick would either be Fedora or Debian.

Tons of good documentation either way. Flatpak the packages you, no kidding, need to be easy / consistent to debug. Non-root podman for containers. Nix for more up to date packages than are available in the native repos (especially useful with Debian) + the other benefits like nix-shell.

Couldn't agree more! Tailscale also lets you use Mullvad (up to 5 devices per Mullvad account, across all clients) as an exit node.

Right!! Just like anything there's a trade-off.

Glad you phrased the well-intentioned (and fair) critique in a kind way! I love it when there's good discourse around these topics

I agree. In my opinion there are two huge dominating factors.

First is the almost ubiquitous winner-takes-all election structure in the US, leading to the two party system. There is, bar none, no fair competition in US government at a level high enough to matter.

Second, the lack of term limits allows certain people in certain positions to perpetuate momentum. In part this happens by hand picking successors through brute-force out funding the competition (in part due to the economic disparity that others in this thread have mentioned).

I tried Debian + Nix once upon a time too. Honestly flatpaks and containers did everything I needed and more, and every dev team I've been on already has familiarity with the container workflow.

I'm a huge fan of Debian and Nix, don't get me wrong, but it was shy of perfect for my use case. Glad it works for you though! I've been using Fedora + Nix home-manager with flakes for almost two years and I don't think I'll ever go back

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It doesn't rely on phone navigation for starters :)

I find it to be especially useful for running, or really sports in general where it's not practical to carry a phone. Accelerometer step counting alone isn't very accurate. Having GNSS on the watch is very helpful in a lot of ways.

There are a few ways around it. The simplest is to add the --privileged option.

The more secure method with podman is by specifying a user (ex -u 10001:10001) from your extended subuid:subgid range after your full and proper setup of rootless podman :-)

Then instead of chown you'll want to use the oddly named podman unshare tool to automatically set the permissions of the host directory. You would then want to start your service with systemctl --user instead of sudo systemctl

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In my mind an eGPU has a very specific use case.

My previous setup:

  • Framework 13 (12th gen i7)
  • Arch Linux (btw)
  • Akitio Node Titan w/ a 1070ti

It worked... ok. The lack of a USB dock really hurt the "desktop and laptop in one" concept that I was shooting for. I had to plug / unplug 3 things to get into "desktop mode" which was a hassle for how much I switched between modes. It ran things like Valheim really well but utterly failed at FPS games like Apex (<15fps, horrible stuttering, totally unplayable).

If you already have a laptop, a GPU, a desk, a decent monitor, and you typically play low-requirement games and just want to play on high settings -- then by all means it'll be great for that! Another way it may make sense for you is if you play around with CUDA and need a compatible GPU on a budget.

That being said, don't convince yourself that you'll get full use out of something like a 4070. If that's what you want then, as of now, a desktop is almost certainly your best option.

Happy tinkering :)

Ah! I think I see the confusion.

# /etc/subuid

This denotes the range of subuids that are available to your user.

-u 100000:65536

This part specifies two things ([UID]:[GID]) even though it's the same syntax as the earlier part that specifies one range :)

I suspect what you will want to do is use the following:

# change ownership of the directory to the UID:GID that matches something in your subuid:subgid range, in this case 10000:10000
podman unshare chown -R 100000:10000 /home/privatenoob/media/storage1/Filmek/

Then we can specify that the user in the container can match the user (UID) we specified above:

ExecStart=podman run --name=radarr -u 10000:10000 -p 7878:7878 -v radarr-config:/config -v /home/privatenoob/media/storage1/Filmek:/data --restart unless-stopped

As a note, if you copy/pasted that ExecStart line, you might have gotten the invalid argument error because you entered 100000 (outside of your subuid range, i.e. >65536) instead of 10000.

There's a nice guide that gives a great walkthrough. I'll dig through my bookmarks and add it here when I get some time.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for putting this out for public benefit! I haven't messed around with MacOS much but the things you've mentioned are nice to know.

I believe that’s a shell/bash standard variable, but I need to learn where it came from and how it works

You may know this already, but I've found the man (as in manual) utility to be one of the most useful things in GNU/Linux user space. I don't have much insight into '${file##*/}' off the cuff, but I can tell you there's manual entries for file, sh, and bash that may help you track it down.

# simply type man [some-command]
man file
man sh
man bash
man man # very useful for getting started!

Manpages are local to your system so they're extremely fast to pull up and searchable!

Here's some online info on man if you're interested:

(30 sec read) Unix stack exchange tips & tricks

(5 min read) It's FOSS writeup

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I'll assume you mean what I mean when I say I want to be safe with my self hosting -- that is, "safe" but also easily accessible enough that my friends/family don't balk the first time they try to log in or reset their password. There are all kinds of strategies you can use to protect your data, but I'll cover the few that I find to be reasonable.

  1. Port Forwarding -- as someone mentioned already, port forwarding raw internet traffic to a server is probably a bad idea based on the information given. Especially since it isn't strictly necessary.

  2. Consumer Grade Tunnel Services -- I'm sure there are others, but cloudflare tunnels can be a safer option of exposing a service to the public internet.

  3. Personal VPN (my pick) -- if your number of users is small, it may be easiest to set up a private VPN. This has the added benefit of making things like PiHole available to all of your devices wherever you go. Popular options include Tailscale (easiest, but relies on trusting Tailscale) or Wireguard/OpenVPN (bare bones with excellent documentation). I think there are similar options to tailscale through NordVPN (and probably others), where it "magically" handles connecting your devices but then you face a ~5 device limit.

With Wireguard or OpenVPN you may ask: "How do I do that without opening a port? You just said that was a bad idea!" Well, the best way that I have come up with is to use a VPS (providers include Digital Ocean, Linode to name a few) where you typically get a public IP address for free (as in free beer). You still have a public port open in your virtual private network, but it's an acceptable risk (in my mind, for my threat model) given it's on a machine that you don't own or care about. You can wipe that VPS machine any time you want, the cost is time.

It's all a trade-off. You can go to much further lengths than I've described here to be "safer" but this is the threshold that I've found to be easy and Good Enough for Meâ„¢.

If I were starting over I would start with Tailscale and work up from there. There are many many good options and only you can decide which one is best for your situation!

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You make a great point. I really shouldn't contribute to the boogeyman-ification of port forwarding.

I certainly agree there is nothing inherently wrong or dangerous with port forwarding in and of itself. It's like saying a hammer is bad. Not true in the slightest! A newbie swinging it around like there's no tomorrow might smack their fingers a few times, but that's no fault of hammer :)

Port forwarding is a tool, and is great/necessary for many jobs. For my use case I love that Wireguard offers a great alternative that: completes my goal, forces the use of keys, and makes it easy to do so.

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My process for project identification has been:

  1. Be annoyed at ads/payment structure/whatever in some app or service
  2. Search for alternatives to the thing I'm annoyed with (filtering by Open Source and my devices)
  3. Try out 1-2 of the top alternatives
  4. Settle on what service I want to run
  5. Install, route the subdomain, etc. if necessary (otherwise just access via my tailnet)

As for how to deploy, docker / podman are great! With podman I'd recommend looking into their systemd integrations too. Incus is a neat LXC option too, meant more for longer term services (less micro service focused, good and bad).

Hope this helps!

You're missing the entire point of the free software movement. Free as in freedom does NOT intrinsically mean free as in absence of cost. Linux exists because of companies like Cygnus who successfully marketed the Bazaar, as opposed to the Cathedral, to investors.

Stallman and Torvalds themselves have gone on record multiple times stating the utter lack of political motivation in being able to modify the software on your machine.

Open Courseware is excellent so far! I've done their intro to C (as a refresher) and Intro to Algorithms courses. It's definitely worth the time.

Cool! Thanks for finding that article. I keep hearing good things about Burlington but wouldn't know from experience. My understanding is the rest of the state is pretty rural but at least somewhat affordable and small business friendly.

It's definitely a skill that I haven't mastered either! That being said I think it's one of the pillars of being a bonafide "super user" and I'd like to set there one day :)

Maybe I'll take inspiration from this post and write something up about what I learn in the future about manpages.

Cheers and happy tinkering!

Oh cool! I didn't realize pandoc was extensible enough to deal with this kind of conversion. I'll give it a look!

This is a bit of a Pokemon starter question. Just pick one and see where it takes you! They do roughly the same job, especially now that docker has a rootless mode. At the end of the day you're learning a new technology and that's a positive thing.

For the self hosters -- Nextcloud news!

But the underlying answer for me is an RSS feed aggregator. Set up your own feeds and tweak as needed.

Or a Bangle.JS 2 if you like GPS :-)

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No experience living in SLC long term but I've heard enough to trust your judgement.

That being said there are plenty of awe-inspiring places in the state, especially down south, that are pretty peaceful. The trouble there is the lack of consistent economic opportunity and overrun of tourism. Also unfortunate that those spots are typically half a day's drive or more from commercial airports.

Didn't Vermont outlaw billboards?

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Haha I've had a journey to get here, all because I have a 12th gen Framework.

Initially I got Debian Sid working but ran into power management issues with the module system. I switched over to arch and loved that for a while but frankly I was too careless and kept breaking my system. The way I use Arch it wasn't a stable daily driver. Then I switched over to NixOS and loved it, but I bricked 3 of 4 ports with a firmware update (again me being careless). Graciously, Framework helped me fix the issue.

After all of that I decided to go with a distro that is officially supported by Framework. Between Ubuntu and Fedora I choose Fedora since they don't have ads for Ubuntu Pro :) I also like SELinux by default and wanted to broaden my horizons

Others are recommending Obsidian (which I have no experience with, it may be the right way to go).

Myself, I chose Logseq on a whim a year or two ago and haven't looked back. In the backend you get a nicely composed set of plain-ol' markdown files that you can cp/edit/merge as needed.

I see a lot of love for proxmox in this thread.

Word of warning from my experience, sometimes PfSense seems to get confused with virtual interfaces. It works flawlessly once it's up and running, but every time I reboot I have to assign interfaces. It will hang until I do so and will not completely come back online until I manually intervene.

What no love for Incus round these parts?

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On that point I'm with you! It's painfully obvious in today's wealth disparity in the US.

Where it breaks down for me is your argument that it's only possible to have a dominating dynamic in a right wing regime. Would you really argue that the CCP does not impose a dominating dynamic over the people of China?

Sure, buy an inverter and burn up 10% of your energy in the conversion if you're lucky. That inverter will cost roughly as much as the contents of a standard fridge + freezer, by the way :)

At that point just buy a well insulated cooler and always have some ice on hand. It'll last much longer.

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