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Joined 5 months ago

So that's the most un-American crap I've read all day... The power belongs to the people damn it!

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This just proves that the "border crisis" is nothing more than a political carrot on a stick for Republican leaders to manipulate their base with.

I'm sick and tired of violent extremism and the people profiteering from it being treated as "just another point of view" because that leads to this leads to these crimes being normalized.

It's hard enough being trans without being actively hunted by psychotic overzealous and cruel people. What can individuals possibly do in the face of such societal cruelty?

Something needs to change.

This is a catastrophe - a complete affront to the very idea of the First Amendment.

I wish the media would stop reporting on MTG's various brain droppings. It's like, "We get it", ok? She's both irretrievably stupid and an unnecessary mean CUNext Tuesday, can we please move on?

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Gee, it's almost like corporatizing real estate rental property without proper oversight leads to robber barons trying to squeeze blood from a stone, inevitably resulting in a collapse of the entire system...

"Free speech absolutist", my ass...

🤢 "wHoLeSoMe" 🤢

The cat doesn't look happy about this development...

Forgot the bullseye in the middle 🎯

Yet we still can't crack Denuvo...

Good luck, Pooh bear...

Where have all the good men gone and Where are all the gods...?

I know but I didn't feel like it

I agree with a lot of your opinions here, I just don't understand what makes these examples intrinsically conservative.

I'm a liberal, but I don't believe in the breakdown of structure. A lot of those rules are in place for a reason - I'd argue the difference lies more in response. were banned from a social media site for saying someone should pay back a debt?Which one, I'll stay as far away as possible, that's crazy fr 😯

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Yeah but now we also know that he routinely shits himself as an expression of dominance.

Well, I've never found Trump appealing... 🥁🥁🥁

Ubisoft needs a gut check to the bottom line...

A Chad in his own mind - a deluded persona.

Force this unnecessary tech bullshit to invest in becoming self-sufficient through green energy

Your eight year old has good instincts.

Foo Fighters - The Pretender


It's really easy to call alarmism - it means nobody has to do anything about the problem and no one is to blame. We've got politicians quoting Mien Kampf almost verbatim, but sure, it's just an overreaction 🙄

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There's so many quick painless ways to go, how come the stake only wants to ok the ones with a good chance at failing or being torturously painful?

Life must be nice with blinders on, buddy... 🙄

Time and place, Jon...

We're on the cusp of an actual fascist uprising in America, let's not disparage the guy standing in the way of that, yeah?

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