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Joined 1 years ago

/r/gifs currently is following suit! If you still have a reddit account go vote ASAP! (Also unsubscribe from all your "business as usual" subs as possible, immediately, if you can't delete your account immediately for whatever reason)

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Lol, I can't believe what I'm reading. Reddit admitting to the mod community that they have a duty to keep spaces "accessible to users." They've had 20 years to keep their spaces accessible to people who require screen readers and so on. It's been crickets until this week.

Can't be done, admins have it all backed up.

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Whever anyone asks what the internet used to be like I send them to a little old site called It's still up after all these years. Truly beautiful.

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I love this! Agitation and frustration while following the terms and conditions and reddiquette

We are all happy to engage with competing worldviews

What you call "far right" and "extremist" is actually normal, conservative, and Christian. What you call "hateful" is actually just truth telling.

This isn't a competing worldview, or rather, it's a competing worldview in the same way that phrenology and alchemy are competing ways to view anatomy and chemistry. Like, it's possible to genuinely believe in these things if your conditions of childhood existence are so constrained, isolated, or manipulated that you are happier living life in your own personal 'Truman show.' But the rest of us don't have an obligation to play along with your fantasy.

Most of us here on the internet have at some point met someone we've had a reasonable political disagreement with but could walk away understanding each other better due to those disagreements. Most of us would even say thise diagreements have gone in both political directions. The same cannot honestly be said for folks with your version of a 'world view.' It's like a method actor but worse because it lacks any goal, it's like a person suffering mental but worse because the cause (Patriarchal models of religion) is external, intentional, and had been prosthlytizing delusion as a worldview for millenia.

I agree. I also think that beehaw's defederation with and Sh.itjust is a positive thing! If communities want to self censor, let them. If you want to interact with content from both, join both, or join an instance that maintains federation with both.

Microsoft Light Simulator 40th Anniversary- The classic particle / wave physics simulator now allows you accurately model everything from radio arrays and lasers up to particle accelerators and tokamak reactors.

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The beauty is it doesn't matter too much. I'm seeing and replying to this from a kbin instance of this post, you see.

Why do they keep trying to make a game that is everything to everyone? I prefer a game that is 10-25 hours of great content, over a game that requires 60-120 hours of slogging, interrupted by occassional 5 minute cutscenes.

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I'm currently loving a bunch of games in the factory building genre so can I offer you some Dyson Sphere Program in these trying times?

Imagine factorio but you're in a mecha suit building factories spanning multiple planets eventually multiple stars, to build exponentially more complex resources until you're able to shoot swarms of dyson reflectors and eventually build a rigid sphere in orbit.

Still in Alpha after several years, but exquisitely polished, runs fine on legacy machines, excellent responsive dev team, combat is being added soon.

If you live in EU or California it's also worth it to send an official GDPR or CPRA request after deletion; I believe the request form is under account privacy settings. This should ensure they are not changing the state of the data you've erased (in case they have it backed up elsewhere). If they are found to be falsifying this it would be class action lawsuits with hefty fines.

The best de- endorsement will come from people's experience on reddit as the quality of user engagement drops. There are people who genuinely will never give a shit and will stay there, but those are exactly the sort of lazy minds who made up the critical mass of the shallow "hivemind." Id rather we make this a community that encourages independent thought more than bandwagoning.

Don't waste your time engaging them on that platform unless you're a child, douchebag, or troll. If your posts are actually good content, it sends a mixed message that good independent thinking redditors are whethering the shitstorm. Your actions will speak louder than your words, and our collective absence from their platform will speak volumes.

If this was a meeting on gender equality rather than female empowerment your reaction would make more sense. The two concepts are similar but different and apply to different social contexts.

Equality is a political goal, empowerment is the actions we collectively take today regardless of our patchwork of political realities. Do we need men to be the leaders of female empowerment in places where women do not yet feel even close to equal to men? Maybe this would make sense in some places, counties where women leaders are ubiquitous like New Zealand and Finland (they arent really ubuquitous , merely moreso than the rest of the world). But that's really up to the women to decide who empowers them when they feel disenfranchised by their country's establishment.

So do you think Japanese women feel inspired and empowered by this guy? Or is it better interpretiert as tonedeaf homework put forth by someone who didnt understand the assignment?

Because the facts are the facts. The Attny General of the Biden Administration could have conceded the case and the water rights at any point Biden wanted. Biden chose to do the same thing Trump, Obama, and Bush did. The same thing every US president has always done when the indigenous folks rouse some rabble about the promises we made to them.

The treaties aren't some secret, they were written down and you can read them for yourself. The people signing it agreed on the words to communicate their intentions. Make your own opinion and decide whether Bidens administration fought this over the genuine intentions of the promises made in the treaty, or over the modern interests of current and future non-indigenous voters. Think for yourself, form your own opinion rather than wringing your hands over the optics of the headline.

I have a hunch: if you knew how much of Reddit's size was bots or work accounts pushing a paid for agenda, you wouldn't miss it.

If you live in Europe or California (or if you pretend you do) you can submit a request to see how information you've submitted has been saved, used, or manipulated by reddit. My understanding is that the laws in those areas give residents a right to have their information scrubbed.

The only thing they 'always' do is mimic human language conventions based on scraped data. It stands to reason that as a higher percentage of people talking about Chat GPT refer to it using different words, the model would take that into account when referring to itself.

I never knew the story behind the downfall of LiveJournal until now. It's eerie to me how you can draw these direct lines between the continuous cycle in digital spaces and the state of the offline world today.

Communities that revolve around a some class of meme format or joke are just the worst type of community.

Don't get me wrong. Memes are great. Jokes are great. Inside jokes are great. But I'd much rather see them in the wild than have them all curated in a folder like its some zoo or a butterfly collection.

God speed soldier! Your account's sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Everyone is writing about it like Prighozin just Order 66'd Putin when that's absolutely not what's going down.

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If federating meant their ads could creep into our spaces, then I bet they would just get defederated by everyone in hours.

As someone with both a college level understanding of German and an understanding of law, it's basically a law creating a special type of lawsuit similar but different from a US class action, that Germany passed into law after the 2015 Volkswagen scandal. It tries to incentivize businesses protecting consumers through actual safeguards by punishing companies when they lack them, rather than a class action that arguably has the effect of pressuring companies to be even more misleading or confusing to deliberately avoid liability. How it does this? Probably gonna have to tap in a legal scholar for that one.

Navajo Nation has been fighting this particular battle against every sitting US government for tye past 20 years. Is the Biden administration one of those sitting governments or not?

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Great post terrible title.

Mostly because Skyrim was still delivering a novel gaming experience of being able to explore for 100s to 1000s of hours without repetition. Despite the bugs it was first to market in an era where WoW and multiplayer was the premiere gaming experience. By the time Cyberpunk hit shelves the format was old news in the sense that we already had "open world explore this map for your entire jaded teenage years" maps for genres from viking to western to future dystopia.

Aside: There is a reason HBO could only reboot Westworld in 2016 and the concept was already stale again by 2018, it would have been unthinkably dumb to try it in, say, 2006.

Maybe without Fallout 4, Half-life 2±, Bioshock 3, and so on, the future dystopia thirst would have won out, but when you put all these options on the same steam library which one do people want to spend their time in?

Clarification: the protocol is ActivityPub.

Lemmy is open source software built on the protocol. (Kbin and others are different sofware but also built on Activity Pub)

Instances,, and are clones of Lemmy running independently but federated.

Unintentionally based Melon Husk destroying Twitter from within.

It feels like part of the beauty of the Fediverse is you can have a blog focused instance, an instance that prioritizes safe spaces and tolerance, another one that prioritizes fact checking, a humor instance, a debates instance, a casuals instance, a highly technical instance, a maximum free speech possible instance, and so on. I'm still learning but very excited to see what the future holds for this type of infrastructure.

Outer Wilds is the most unique space mystery game with rogue-like elements I've ever played (not to be confused with The Outer Worlds). I feel that describing the premise takes away from some of magic of learning the game, but if you like the exploration elements of games like KSP and the puzzle elements of Portal or Stanley Parable I highly recommend giving it a go.

Nah the courts can void an arbitration clause and group the claims into a class action lawsuit when such ""exraordianry"" circumstances arise that make it impossible to settle claims through arbitration.

Twitter hasn't given an official excuse reason, but the reason should be obvious to anyone and everyone who knows what Plainsite does.

This has nothing to do with banning and everything to do with filtering. Especially at this early moment when everyone lacks the ideal tools and functions to curate your iwn content across the Fediverse.
For now, you can always access both kbin and lemmy from a third instance thats federated with both, regardless of their direct federation to each other. When more tools exist for users to curate their own experience we can always federated up again.

Ahh, see this is the moment I realize we're all in a separate instances and all assuming our UIs look identical.

Of course not. But if you date and have relationships the other people involved understand the context exactly. If you started sending random nudes of your "I'm an actual full grown real life 30 year old adult. I look like a minor" self to strangers, how what would the context be.

Now of course NSFW animation is harmless. But you can understand the worry for 1000s of normies who click and the first thought they have is "Fuck is this CP? what am I looking at? I need to reevaluate my website choices." if they have zero reference points from life or culture except what's illegal tabboo and disgusting in their culture.

The great thing about the Fediverse though - there will likely be an instance where a vast majority share your opinion and can connect to all the same instances from an 3rd origin point instance.

I was told that OnlyFans was started by the mods in some of the NSFW subreddits who used their position of power to recruit the early adopters from the highest upvoted posts in their subs.

It's pretty funny to me that Ron was basically like:

"Disney and Lawsuits? What's that?"

Like Mentos and Coke from the classic Randall Munroe "lucky 10,000"

And everyone even tried to warn him! But he just kept going. Lol.

This comic is gonna haunt us for the rest of our days isn't it.

Activity Pub is the open source platform that Lemmy Kbin Mastodon Beehaw and all the rest of the Fediverse is running on top of.