5 Post – 133 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

I am installing fedora kinoite to most of the people I install gnulinux to. All noobs.

If you needed a light car with simple mechanics, it was kinda fitted though

I've tried many things in this situations (seeing other girls, distracting with alcohol/drugs, etc) but they all just seem to alleviate the pain when they just throw it under the rug for a while.

For me, the best way to handle this has been to face my pain altogether. This pain does not come from this event. It is my own ancient pain that has been triggered by my now ex. Staying with the pain, listening to it, feeling it in your body and letting it be there is a transformative act.

I recommend listening to Pema Chödron's videos or books. Maybe "When things fall apart". I personally have been helped a lot by doing the "tonglen" meditation.

Snap is not good. Flatpak is.

I used to contribute to google maps. I had the same vision you do. But then I learned about their dark way of stealing people's data. All your contributions to google maps are now property of google. You are giving away your efforts so one of the richest world companies becomes richer. And keep abusing their users. So now I use

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I did the same of you. I reached a high level as a google guide, was invited to google map meetings and everything.

And then I suddenly realized all my efforts were just helping this company get bigger and achieve more monopoly. The terms of use of google maps state that everything you add becomes property of google.

And then I Found a lovely community in which you really are building a community effort in which there is no company monopolizing and all data is open. Sadly, you can't import all the work you've done on google maps, because now it is copyright protected by Google. So we have to start again, but it is worth it.

OSM is the future if we are to hope for a fair future in online maps.

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or configure your keyboard as English international, dead tildes. You can use ~ with an n to produce an ñ. At least in gnu/Linux that's easy to do

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AAMOF, I install Fedora Kinoite (Like silverblue but KDE plasma) to people coming from windows, first GNU/Linux Experience.Practically unbreakable. does its work.


Keepassxc works great with nextcloud sync

Ok. Yeah, commenters are right. First of all, congratulations for switching. Enjoy ubuntu as a great first step. If you have issues, consider it might be ubuntu and not linux as a whole. In the future, consider other options like the ones I gave. Sorry for the not-contributing comment.

That's another thing. That's organic certification.

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A lot of us here are on the same boat. We don't know each other but deal with these same issues. We know the truth behind proprietary software and surveillance capitalism and we know that we can only succeed in our efforti if we bring together our loved ones. We need to find the best language and ways to let people know the reality behind the software they use, the dangers of using it, and the marvelous solutions of the free software community. We are a community. Let's hold ourselves together and keep going. The world may be based in libre software in the future. If it doesn't, it will be not a good place to live on. But at least we tried. If not for us, for the ones that'll come in the future.

Yep. If you are not having fun, probably pick something else... Although you have to know that sometimes you have struggling stages and you should persist.

But why a proprietary AI chat like chatGPT and not an open one like the ones on (mixtral, gemma, llama, etc) Each time you query something on chatgpt you help strenghtening it and giving more power to a private company.

Yes. There are no reasons to use Ubuntu nowadays. If you are on that track, skip to mint or mx linux.

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Here might lie the answer to your question:

Mandrake linux on 2001

I understand there is an open engine for morrowind with better graphics called OpenMW. Look for it here:

Have you deepened into jazz harmony theory? What about permaculture?

Learning buddhist meditation is also a great asset IMHO

The way of using their voice

Signal with a view once message is better than a lot of the available options. Also maybe threema, simplex or session but Signal is more popular nowadays.


Are you working on ods formats? Anyways... We need more people using LO so we'll have more developers and rhen comes a point in which LO surpasses everything else. Meanwhile, if we stick to proprietary software,we would be stuck in a vicious loop. We need to break trough and sometimes inthat transition there are some concessions to make. If we manage to make it aa a big collective of people,the transition process will be shorter.

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Onlyoffice by default perpetuates the problem of using microsoft ooxml standards instead of opendocument ones. We have to set opendocument as the de facto standard.

Discord also makes you pay with your data.

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I agree. You are helping in the short term, but in the long term, you are not. In the long term, you are empowering a monopoly that steals their freedom.

It is becoming each day more critical to choose open source over closed source. It's a matter of security, privacy and concentration of power

Is friendica appealing for teenagers? does the UX feel modern/polished? (this is non relevant for me, but sadly for teens it is so important)

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Onlyoffice works with microsoft ooxml standards by default, in other words, promoting them and encouraging its use. OOXML is everything but efficient. OpenDocument, instead, which is used by LibreOffice by default, is the open and efficient standard.

Meditation is the best for me. Not striving to get out of the "down" state, but just being there, present, watching it, feeling it, being with it. You know that sooner or later it'll go. Just as being cheerful also goes. Arts are also wonderful. For me it's music. For some people painting or writing. Those are ways in which you can connect with your feelings and discover some really neat things when you can really connect. You channel your complex emotions into creativity. I personally think that playing a videogame or having a distraction can some very specific times get you out of a mood, but most of the time it will just be avoidance of something that is happening within you. We are so used in avoiding ourselves. Be it a videogame, TV, a reel, a joint, a beer, a chat, whatever. For me there are few things better than what happens when you manage to overcome the boredom, fear, anxiety or whatever keeps you away from being just where you are and decide to just stay there and look at it with eyes wide open. Something opens. It's probably not fireworks nor spiritual epiphany, but a subtle thing that has the taste of real. And that real is oh so liberating.

This is cool. I am trying KDE and sway variants now. I work installing Linux on people coming from windows. Always looking for the best and most stable distro. Fedora atomic might be my next favorite.

Is sailfish OS on a libre software license?

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It's purposely designed to get you in the ecosystem easily an comfortably and make your exit hard, so you stay and keep buying all gadgets from them

MX Linux, Linux Mint, Endeavour OS

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Ah I see. I don't have access to that store. And connect is not on f-droid store because ot's closed source. I wonder why using a closed source lemmy app if we have open ones.

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Then I guess I would not put muy 5 cents there.

Wow. i dont know. Ive never used calc nor excel for things that big. For that Ive used python or php/mysql. I use spreadsheets a lot, even complex ones, and calc always work for me. Anyways, you are right in regarda to the lack of support/books. Of course. Same happens with a lot of things. They are not mainstream (yet) because they are projects that havent had the money or power corporations like microsoft has had for lobbies and marketing. So we can struggle a little on the transition (some very brave pioneers have already paved the way for us, so its not that hard anymore) and hope we are contributing to a libre/free future in which digital technology helps build a better and fairer society for all. And then, they'll become mainstream and we'll have more books, support and communities than we ever dreamed of before.

Yes I've tried them and they could be used but aren't really made for a corporate website

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looks wonderful! do you know of the differences or why you would recommend gancio over mobilizon?

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