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Joined 1 years ago

a Half-Life nutjob and an idiotic smartass. more of a listener than an active conversationalist. 🙃

for me, it's weird. sometimes the long post shows up fine, but other times it's blank until i click on the image itself.

remember kids, peer pressure is an absolutely valid strategy to convince someone to try something new.

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reasons #3742, #3755 and #6278 of why i hate summer.

BG3 winning GOTY and LC winning BWF awards make sense. what doesn't make sense is Starfield being innovative, RDR2 having constant dev support and Pizza Tower being robbed for the second time.

there are 2 types of Quora questions:

  • Programming questions

  • The most unhinged questions no sane person could ask in public

Spec Ops: The Line is a pretty decent pick when it comes to having "morally ambiguous choices". the game itself states that there are no "real good choices" and thus, you must pick between the two evils.

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the bottom image is literally the thumbnail for the JohnnyGuitarNVSE plugin.

i can confirm that it's in character.

it's a shame it got the axe.

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i ninethded

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Marge Simpson has had enough of this guy.

finally. can't wait to check the performance difference.

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Alan Wake 2 dlc.

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what's wrong with MIDIs? :)

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good ol' Inspirobot.

Audacious has support for Winamp skins and EQ presets, so you could call it a Winamp-like.

Stanley walked through the red door.

never expected for this to be actually happening!

you're mistaken, since that term refers to the outermost atmospheric layer of the Sun. the term you might want to use here is "histogram".

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having played Noita, i absolutely agree.

wise words, Amity.

oh, so Domino 2 from Amphibia?

also also check out Red Vox - Pale Blue Dot track.

good choice, but i'm a Bibata enjoyer myself.

I am quite certain that's Linkin Park

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...still waiting for whenthe community to get the ball rolling on Lemmy

this totally looks like a Resident Evil thing.

i picked up SPRAWL this sale. really fun retro-style shooter so far, the sense of movement is especially satisfying.

not really right after lockdowns. i started becoming sensitive to smokes a bit before that happened. there is a reason i don't go outside during breaks at my university. place is lousy with smokes.

add a G-Man sighting.

dorcelessness but real.

that one bat boss from Thorium mod for Terraria.

hey, a fellow IPS user! still the only app i bought the pro version of.

initially i chose Linux because Windows on my laptop was way too sluggish. eventually, me and my family made a definite move to Linux because of the continuous enshittification Windows is going through in the modern days. Linux has become good enough for daily driving and even gaming that it just made no sense sticking to Windows.

i wouldn't say i'm fully out of the "distro hopping" phase just yet, but i'm certainly doing it rarely, once in, like, 3-4 months maybe. currently using Void Linux on my personal laptop.

my favorite distro is Mint. yes, it's a basic-ass choice, but it is the de-facto "just works" distro.

as a former AIMP user, i second the Strawberry choice.

my current phone wallpaper is the album art of one of Keygen Church's albums.

that's very unfortunate, curse you, licensing shenanigans!

that's a weird way to spell Pantheon.

this more of a r/sbeve type post.