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Joined 11 months ago

I call that following the same successful recipe that got us the Falcon 9.

The mindset that considers those tests failures is the same one that would still be in bureaucracy hell determining what 40 year old technology we should repurpose to get a future over budget, late, and under performing solution designed and built.

They didn't mean the backdoor was (or was not) an accident. They meant the backdoor was implemented sloppily enough to be discovered and maybe that was not an accident (as in, he wanted it to be found, but still wanted to plausibly be seen as trying his best to keep those coercing him appeased)

You seem to be doing the same duality thing: "If you are against Trump, you must be pro Biden and that is just as bad!"

How do you think they just skipped the parts where they would state the actual alleged crimes? They in fact didn't skip that part.

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Please take a moment:

They're - they are (the ' replaces the space and the a)

Their - belongs to them

There - not here

Or that didn't happen and you think it did because you listen to and believe lying liars who lie.

No but it can definitely work around issues like a congested link between isp and Google, resolving network-related YouTube performance issues.

After realizing both shavers and cordless toothbrush chargers are going this route, I gave in and installed these in the bathroom

Leviton T5632-BW R02-T5632-0Bw...

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They don't expect them to be perfect. They expect them to be accountable for the consequences of their mistakes.

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It seems like you are trying to protect against a compromise of the user's device. But if their device is compromised then their session is compromised after auth anyway and you aren't solving much with extra auth factors.

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I'm assuming the original post you replied to was meant to be a joke, since, like you pointed out, many or most people use RSA. I assume (using Occam's Razor) that is more likely than them not knowing that and intending their post at face value.

I'm not sure that conclusion follows. There are many more potential future users than there are current users.

You're just imagining facts that are convenient to what you want to think but are not true. This case has been in the works for years. It didn't just happen recently all of the sudden because it is election season.

Again, do you think they can just ignore things like statute of limitations and proceed anyway just because they don't like Trump and are out to get him? The case would not be in progress if that claim of yours was accurate. The charges were indeed filled before the statute of limitations expired. This is a real court with real rules that apply and matter. It isn't a clown sham court like Trump wants you to think it is. Facts do indeed matter. Stop fabricating them (or believing someone else's fabrications) to fit a narrative that you want to be true.

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The company is cards?

Ah but how convenient it is that anything we look up that doesn't fit your narrative can simply be dismissed as being the MSM which obviously has an anti Trump agenda and therefore is a lie. That's pretty convenient, yes? It is almost like that's exactly why Trump made up this whole MSM is liars who are out to get him thing. He has even tried to turn "doesn't like Trump" into an insult that he then uses against anyone not supporting his lies to try to discredit them so that his own lies seem more believable.

I hope you can eventually see out of his cloud of lies, deception, and manipulation. It may be painful briefly, but you'll eventually start seeing all the ways you have been manipulated. It will eventually feel good like a nice warm blanket to finally be free of it.

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Only the April releases in even years are LTS

In all my cases where I installed those, I got lucky and the GFCI protection is upstream in another outlet somewhere.

Why don't you use an apple kbd/mouse/trackpad with your macmini?

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Your first sentence suggests you're disagreeing, but nothing you said after that is incompatible with anything gp said.

But in this context, desktop includes laptops. People still buy those.

Did you ever wonder if maybe it is because she has a horrible piece of shit for a father?

But how is that a criticism of the Mac mini? All it does is give you purchasing flexibility (eg if you already own Apple kbd/mouse). It is like you are implicitly arguing that they should raise the price and include those components. But that would be bad for some consumers that already have those items and would help nobody because you can already buy those separately.

Woosh? (Probably)

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It sounds like you are already doing this!

Congrats and good luck!

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Well, this stranger is happy for you! Here's to a much happier and healthier future.

She did sign that letter. But she had previously said they did have the affair (and described it in detail). And shortly after she signed that letter, she admitted to Anderson Cooper the letter was a lie. She explained that she lied because... Get this... She was concerned about legal complications because she had accepted the hush money to not reveal the affair.

She also admitted that statement was a lie during her recent testimony while under oath. Signing that statement was not likely a crime. But if she had lied under oath this month, that would be a crime.

So, she was clearly lying at some point. Why do you choose to believe the much less plausible option that she was truthful the one time in 2018 but she was lying all the other times? There's no logical explanation for that, yet the opposite (lied in the 2018 statement you posted) has much more logical support. The only reason I can see to believe her only that one time when she had reason to lie is because it lets you believe Trump's lies that you really wish were true.