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Joined 1 years ago
  • Ublock origin: block ads
  • Vimium: browse with vim like keystrokes
  • Firenvim: edit text areas in neovim
  • Dark reader: dark colors on webpages
  • Containers: isolate browsing data
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I think firefox should ship with ublock origin installed. (Perhaps also containers).

Hopefully then more people will migrate faster

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This made me chuckle. Where is it from?

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I use pdftk. Its command line only, but does most things well

I love jitsi,as a concept. Before the pandemic i tried to schedule video calls on jitsi. Unfortunately it required more tech savvyness from people to get everything connected and working, and we ended up using other services.

I would love to go back to jitsi. Im hoping getting connected, and the call quality are better now. Id really like to see jitsi be the top choice for video calling ...

I use arch too. Mainly because of rolling releases. I love the install once last forever philosophy. i also like that arch ships vanilla upstream packages, quickly.

That said arch makes very few choices for you. It aends you to the excellent wiki to make your own choice. So the first install may take a bit of time if you're new.


total commander (file manager + ftp/sftp client) for android,


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Looks like if i edit on mastodon, it updates on Lemmy. Hopefully it shows up correctly now. (Looks fine on jerboah for me now)

Dont sleep 1&. Instead sleep 1;

I started there. But then it migrated to pentadactyl, which i had trouble installing. Tridactyl was an improvement, and honestly would work great for me... But id already switched.....

Im also on lemmy, but looks like i cant edit the post from Lemmy 🙄


I use syncthing all the time. The ignore file is very powerful and you can get it to ignore whatever you want. The ignore file itself isnt synced across copies, but you can #include a file that is

Never knew bout wireguard before.thanks, it looks interesting

Do u know if these need to be refrigerated after opening? How long do they stay good for?

Said no preservatives on the website, so was just wondering...

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