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Joined 1 years ago

I Am Incredibly Strong & And Handsome

I remember trying to play the original when it came out and not having a great time.

Leaving this long-term review of a Framework 16 for others to draw conclusions from:

God I miss

They didn't say it was unique to the US?

This is an insane take based on absolutely nothing.

Some people are desperate for employment.

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That’s quite an intentionally misleading headline

Be aware that Brave is essentially a scam and there are other privacy-focused browsers that might suit your needs.

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This is simply not true.

To add, you could have looked this up before posting a hostile comment on a relative newcomer's post. This is how linux communities develop reputation of being exclusive & unfriendly.

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This needs to be at least…. 3 times bigger!

As a non-American trying to understand, why do you feel this policy is a little shitty?

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He literally just explained why.

I personally don’t find it funny because these types of jokes essentially boil down to “I used a concept outside of its context, and for that reason alone it is funny”. However, with a lot of these jokes the context is so narrow (i.e. programming) that they are almost universally not understood by wider audiences.

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Being openly gay is not a political statement.

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I do not trust the CEO, the company, or the product. Here are a couple links, I'm certain there are more:

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Yes, but the article states that the bond was collateralized by $175 MM in cash—so it must have already been cash or liquidated anyway.

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What does that have to do with an American bakery’s gun policy?

13 people are not voluntarily going to prison to potentially sow doubt about election procedures.

holy shit

I don’t currently use macOS, but macOS support is typically about 7 years, sometimes up to 10. Apple supports the 3 latest versions of its operating system.

Mainstream Windows support seems to be about 1-3 years.

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Not with that attitude!

What does that mean, practically?

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This is Canada.

It’s simply not worth it. I used Wayland for a couple years but ended up switching back to X11 on nVidia hardware.

SMS and MMS are not very secure however. RCS is technically an open standard. it's mostly controlled by Google at the moment, but hopefully that will change as Apple enters the game this year.

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Technically not misogyny—just good ol’ fashioned objectification.

I am very curious to see if this will be the first smartwatch that works with tattooed wrists. None of the health & security features have ever worked for me with any of the major brands.

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Why? Those are just abstractions. Why do you get to decide at which level of abstraction is the baseline for a person to use a computer?

Especially considering most computer users are operating at a higher level of abstraction (i.e. phones/tablets).

You are not the average computer user anymore.

It is my understanding that a lot of thought and care is put into the design language and appearance of applications and frameworks. However the same level of consideration is not usually afforded to skins and themes, which are often released an never updated again. This can cause usability issues and sometimes even breakages. Of course, people are free to do as they please with their computers.

I can’t wait to play this! Quake II and Quake III Arena are my all time favourite games. God they were just so cool when they came out. Quake II especially was light years beyond anything else out at the time. And they were FAST too!

This fucked me up when I learned and finally accepted it, but it’s actually “Fly, you fools!”

Their post history indicates a clinical obsession with... being an asshole about shit that doesn't matter.

Security should be both convenient and default for everyone.

RCS is opt-in. Nothing is changing protocols without your prior consent and knowledge.

Imagine writing a full article about this and then signing your name to it.

lmao exact same thing happened to me

Hold up, let me just make up some numbers real quick to prove how wrong you are!

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SourceHut is crap. I've found that just because something is open source it doesn't mean it's automatically good.