5 Post – 100 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My son is trans which makes me... transparent


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This just gets better and better

Max is not just one guy. He is an amalgamation of road warriors remembered in legends by the post-apocalyptic societies they helped

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14 years and 35 billion (combined with #4 which has not been finished) and didn't generate a single kWh in anger until now. Put the same investment into renewables and it would generate similar or greater energy and would start doing so within a year.

The argument against nuclear now is not about safety. It is about money. Nuclear simply cannot compete without massive subsidies.

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I seriously suggest you give Nextcloud another go, this time under Docker. Very simple to do.

Save the following in a new folder as docker-compose.yml

version: '3'



    image: nextcloud
    container_name: nextcloud-app
    restart: always
      - ./data:/var/www/html
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=changeme
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
      - MYSQL_USER=nextcloud
      - MYSQL_HOST=nextcloud-db
      - "80:80"
      - nextcloud-db

    image: mariadb
    container_name: nextcloud-db
    restart: always
    command: --transaction-isolation=READ-COMMITTED --binlog-format=ROW
      - db:/var/lib/mysql
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=changeme
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=changeme
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
      - MYSQL_USER=nextcloud

run this command in the folder -

docker-compose up -d

open http://localhost

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Feeling of inadequacy rising...

The money spent in Ukraine is money well spent. They have hugely damaged a major belligerent power, forever destroyed the myth of Russian strength, unified Europe and NATO and learned much about Russian military capabilities all while using last generation western hardware

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Looks like a bunch of personal instances that forgot to turn off self-registration. The down ones likely crumbled under the load

Glad I nuked all my posts and comments and deleted my account last year

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I love my phev. I can go months without filling up but can take off on a trip without range anxiety

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That’s the closest thing I’ve found to my dear departed Pebble

How can any true independent or even moderate republican look at these goons and think anything other than “HELL NO”???

The NFL (and NBA) is one of the last bastions of slavery. Players are bought and sold by rich white men

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The great digg exodus

You guys REALLY need preferential (aka ranked choice) voting

I am running almost everything in my home on a NUC (Celeron J3455 1.5GHz with 8GB RAM) and it doesn't break a sweat.

Running invidious, nextcloud, kavita, airsonic, n8n, audiobookshelf, freshrss, calibre-web, vaultwarden, nginx proxy manager

Mike Cannon-Brookes (co-founded Atlassian) has set up a 1.5b green fund to invest in green energy projects

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Those babies were not on ANY side.

I'm running Onyx (sorry... Fedora Budgie Atomic) on my Thinkpad and love it. Last night I decided to give Sway a shot and, when I was done with that, rolled back to Budgie without any of the cruft of installing additional DE's alongside each other.

what is MAS?

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Did Cards Against Humanity design their cards based upon the IRS signs or was it the other way around?

I prefer Lemmy over Mastodon for the same reason I preferred Reddit (pre-APIpocalypse) over Twitter (pre-Musk) - the ability to subscribe to specific communities with similar interests. Try as I might in Mastodon with selective subscriptions to certain posters I still find myself scrolling through stuff I have no interest in hoping for a nugget of interest.

Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

The note about Pence refusing to get in the Secret Service car for fear of being prevented from filling his role worries me the most. The idea of Secret Service personnel participating in an attempted coup is terrifying.

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Just after their most famous customer was recalled as well...

Yup Vaultwarden (the self host server) is easy to run in Docker and works well with the Bitwarden apps

I’m not a fan of letting a bunch of long dead rich white guys decide what rights people deserve

Pretty sure AI wrote this article

I love posts like these just to look for more stuff to host!

My current list -

hex - main server (Intel NUC 8GB)
    Nginx Proxy Manager (reverse proxy)
    Nextcloud (file sync) - also used for the following
        Location tracking
    Airsonic (music streaming)
    Audio Bookshelf (audiobook streaming)
    Calibre-Web (e-books)
    FreshRSS (RSS reader)
    Kavita (comics)
    Batch monitoring scripts
    N8N (workflow automation)
    Transmission (bittorrent client)
    Vaultwarden (password and 2FA sync for Bitwarden)
    Glances (fancy top replacement)
    Paperless-ngx (process attachments and scanned documents)
    Uptime Kuma
charon - Raspberry PI4
    Pi-hole (Ad blocking DNS server)
    PiVPN (wireguard VPN server)
    PiAlert (network intrusion detection)
    Time Machine (backup for MacOS)
    Borg Server (backup for main server)
coeus - Raspberry Pi Zero
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  • airsonic
  • audiobookshelf
  • calibre-web
  • freshrss
  • invidious
  • kavita
  • n8n
  • nextcloud (with some neat apps like phonetrack and bookmarks)
  • nginx proxy manager
  • vaultwarden

All in docker containers on an Ubuntu NUC

EDIT - also got a dedicated pivpn (wireguard+pihole) on a pizero and time machine server + borg backup server on a pi4 running yunohost

There are plenty of firming options (battery, pumped hydro, flywheels etc) which deliver reliability for a fraction of the price of this boondoggle. Not to mention a diverse portfolio of renewable technologies spread over a large geographical area is actually quite stable. When the sun isn't shining in one area, the wind may be blowing or the sun shining in another area.

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Good point but that is not insurmountable. There are many ways to achieve predictability (batteries, hydro, tidal) that also come on stream much quicker than any nuclear plant.

i have pivpn (wireguard+pihole) running on a pi zero and it is rock solid

Home assistant is high on my todo list right after i set up my new proxmox host

If you already have Nextcloud their Notes app is easy to use and has a mobile app

Is this likely to move faster than the federal indictments, being state charges?

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Plenty of free hostname providers. I use Dynu

If Aussie bogans can figure it out they will be fine

Currently running

  • speedtest tracker
  • uptime kuma
  • paperless
  • viewtube
  • airsonic
  • transmission
  • linkding
  • vaultwarden
  • nextcloud
  • audiobookshelf
  • code server
  • freshrss
  • rss bridge
  • nginx proxy manager
  • homepage
  • libreddit
  • gitea
  • pivpn
  • pihole
  • borg backup
  • time machine