0 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My son is trans which makes me transparent

Have a look at . Has apps for android and ios and you can self-host the server component

Happy to be here and enjoying the positive vibe

I hope this gets fixed. I am an old.reddit refugee and want my page to stay static until I refresh or hit the Next button

Tone deaf I see

  1. stop refreshing the front page/inserting new posts automatically
  2. mark as read on scroll past
  3. multireddit
  4. decent ipad app - mlem is a rgeat start on iphone but no ipad support
  5. consistent 'go back' experience - I have on a number of occasions gone into a post then clicked browser back button only to be presented with a completely different list of posts on my front page

I wonder if this will affect Invidious

1 more...

What hardware do you run on? Or do you use a data center/cloud?

I have 2 home servers - an Intel NUC running Ubuntu and a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS. The NUC is my main server and the rpi is a dedicated wireguard/pivpn.

Do you use containers or plain packages?

On the main server I use docker containers almost exclusively. I find them easier to stand up and tear down, particularly using scripts, without worrying about the broader OS.

I have the following services on the NUC -

  • Nginx Proxy Manager (for https proxy)
  • Nextcloud
  • Airsonic
  • Calibre-web
  • Invidious
  • h5ai
  • transmission

I did play around with my own Lemmy instance but that was not successful and I found beehaw :-)

Orchestration tools like K8s or Docker Swarm?


How do you handle logs?

Badly. I lost a server due to root filling up a couple years back. Now I monitor disk space (see below) and prune logs as required.

How about updates?

OS updates I push daily. I don't regularly update my docker containers. I did use Watchtower for a while but found it broke stuff a little too often.

Do you have any monitoring tools you love?

Just some custom batch scripts (disk space, backups etc) which send me regular emails. I also have conky running on a small screen 24x7

Re your vpn question - I have a number of services on my home server, some of which are exposed via reverse proxy (eg. Nextcloud) and others which are only accessible internally or via my wireguard vpn. Setting up a dedicated vpn server on raspberry pi is very simple to do.

I have airsonic running in a docker container behing Nginx Proxy Manager. I use play:Sub on my iphone and it lets me download albums to my cache.

Absolutely agree. THis is a big one for me

Not a mod but looking forward to see what you come up with. Not a. If fan of the lemmy web ui

I look forward to following your progress. I will sadly miss Apollo

But if Invidious is just scraping the youtube site then it may get caught in this?


I have an archive folder fool of services I have tried and either failed at or decided I didn't need it -

backup beets bitcoin bitwarden clamav cockpit crypto cryptpad ctop deluge diskover dlna dockly dokuwiki emby firefox guacamole heimdall i2p jellyfin mail mailu minecraft minidlna mylar3 navidrome portainer pxe setiathome smtp ssl-proxy sync todotxt traefik ubooquity vpn wallabag watchtower

I can see you

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I use a custom script to open all post and external links on the front page in a new tab. Based on a script I found online but customised to beehaw specifically.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         beehaw - Open links in new tab
// @description  Open links in new tab. Ctrl-click or Middle-click loads it in background
// @match      http*://**
// @match      http*://*
// @version      0.0.1
// @grant        GM_openInTab
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

var suppressing, clickedElement;

window.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {
  clickedElement =;
}, true);

window.addEventListener('mouseup', function (e) {
  if (e.button > 1 || e.altKey || != clickedElement) {
  var link ='a');

  if (!link || !link.href) {

  if (link.getAttributeNode('aria-label') && link.getAttributeNode('aria-label').value == 'Expand here') {

  if (link.href.startsWith('') && !link.href.startsWith('')) {

  GM_openInTab(link.href, {
    active: !e.button && !e.ctrlKey,
    setParent: true,
    insert: true,
  suppressing = true;
  setTimeout(function () {
    window.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseup', {bubbles: true}));
}, true);

window.addEventListener('click', prevent, true);
window.addEventListener('auxclick', prevent, true);

function prevent(e) {
  if (!suppressing) {
  setTimeout(function () {
    suppressing = false;
  }, 100);

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I was getting super excited until I saw the turn based combat

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