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Joined 6 months ago

Why are people so confused about this comment? I live in a backward society that does not use bidets. However those from the image are the only ones I know from Spain. What is wrong about them? Or is it the hand thing? If yes, what is the alternative? Please, can somebody explain, I am serious.

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User comment history definitively checks out lol

German here. It is indeed one user who missed pizza day today at work, posting many pizza memes in a short time.

The German community on Lemmy is rebuilding at the moment as their main server was abandoned by its admin. Now the communities are slowly transitioning over to During that process, single users can be largely overrepresented until the communities found a balance.

I am not sure but I think you can disable certain languages somewhere in your user settings, so that German communities should not reach you anymor3.

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Well I think it's a combination of culture and personal rasons. I moved into a shared flat with two friends when I was 19, had many other shared flats with 2-4 people another 15 years. At your age being together with my partner for 4 years I moved to an own flat for the first time of my life (without my partner). Living with my parents is unthinkable for me, it's usually enough when I visit for a few days.

Is this the 2024 version of chuck norris jokes

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Lmao I remember this russian propaganda video about Germany having no gas on christmas 2022

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I checked them all and you have not made any mistake. Congratulations!

Communities related to Anime, soft porn stuff like "pictures of fit women", local communities about some town that's 5,000 km away from me and football.

For optical images you want Sentinel-2 (EU) with 10m Resolution or Landsat 8 (NASA) with 30 m resolution. You can use the Copernicus Open Data Hub and the The USGS earth explorer for download, they offer graphic inferfaces where one can select an area of interest or upload shapefiles.

There are many more data sources, specialized software and/or APIs for Python for batch downloading etc.

When you have downloaded the data, you can use different programs for visualizing and georeferencing the images such as QGIS.

Keep in mind the work with satellite remote sensing data is not trivial and usually requires many postprocessing steps. If you just want to explore the earth surface I would recommend to look for local ortho images from aerial photography. Depending on where you live, this data will be made available for download and/or exploration via a web mapping service (WMS). It is much more detailed and may be more interesting you, and a bit less complicated than satellite data.

Just to be complete as you asked for satellite data in general: Of course there is much more available than just RGB channels. You can get more band e.g. Near Infrared from Sentinel-2, or cool stuff like RADAR from Sentinel-1, LIDAR from GEDI etc. There are plenty of satellite missions for all your desires.

For anyone who wants to dive more into these topics, search for satellite remote sensing. You can also find many tutorials for processing this data e.g. using Python or R.

Why is this post downvoted so heavily? Am I overseeing something?

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Well countries have different levels of democracy


I agree with the other comment. If it is possible, it's most likely the folks on XDA will know

I think they meant wasteful for the environment, not your budget

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It will get much worse as soon as the internet had another 3-4 cycles where it has been digested to train LLMs and puked out again by LLMs to shitty websites. Then you have the option to search for that shit traditionally or to use another shitty LLM on top of that

I run LineageOS for microG, on LOS for more than 5 years now. I am not willing to pay for Pixel phones, even the used devices are to expensive for me. I do not really care about an unlocked bootloader, so that's alright.

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Is see, so ! is probably the right community. I guess it would be more helpful to just tell OP :)

Ah yes, politico, Germanys most credible news agency /s

Which would be an argument for legalizing anything you can think of

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I can confirm this behaviour, Fennec on Android with uBlock Origin.

Shorty after release it still had no support for UnifiedNLP, which I rely on for a decent location. That's basically the only reason I use LineageOS for microG, as I am kind of an OpenStreetMap power user.

I played Valheim and Raft, and 7 days will keep you entertained for much longer. The blood moon mechanic is great, there is a nice skill and crafting system and going for a "loot" is very varied. I had 3 playthroughs with 1-2 friends the last 3 years, where one is around 70 hours for us before it get's boring.


What is the DoD? I assume something US-specific?

The @asklemmy links to specifically, so I guess you need to specify the instance

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I mean it depends on where you're from obviously. However, local elections might be more important to you than you would think. Local politics can have a direct impact in your neighborhood and may influence your personal life much more than state elections for example. Relevent topics can be traffic, parks, school etc. For example I elected people that want to promote ways for cyclists and that push local community projects.

It's really a great app and has replaced AdAway for me completely.

Just because somebody might now the answer here: Sometimes the DNS is offline but I do not notice that have no internet connection. Only later I notice I had "No internet" the whole day. Anybody knows if there is a way to enable a notification when that happens? Not sure if I explained correctly.

Maybe I'm wrong, but this sounds like something you might want to discuss with a therapist.

What do you mean with "app"?

Can you elaborate on that? I am a new Linux user and read a lot about flatpaks in the last week. My impression was, that while space demanding, flatpaks are super easy integrated and that's why they are so succcessful?

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Thank you!

They look good indeed. Can you also recommend their USB chargers? I am looking for a 3A USB charger with at least 2 ports.

For the last one I had one of the pins broke and got stuck in the outlet, it was a very funny experience.

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It's not the first photo OP posted here. They are nice photos but obviously off topic. No ideq what the cyrillic title means.

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