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Joined 1 years ago

If you’re talking about speech, I think you’re talking about the “mid-Atlantic” accent, although that fell off earlier than 2000. It was a fake upper-class accent actors were trained in. I don’t know much more than that about it.

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I’ve been reporting them. It seems that a lot of the posts contain affiliate links, so it’s someone trying to make money from that - not because they wrote the books that are getting posted.

Some have been banned, but they keep coming back. Some may be bots, but not all - I saw at least one come back with a hateful response when called out.

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Ad Riven. I read all the novels, too!

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It is hard and I don’t have a great answer, but one thing I try to do for myself is to always have something scheduled that I am looking forward to. It can be something big (like a concert) or small (weekend donuts). It really helps me to feel like I am not spending my whole life working.

I created a playlist of the recommendations here and thought I might as well share:

I also added this video on the Boeing 737 Max from MegaProjects, and a couple on a subject near and dear to my heart: Boy Bands of the 90s:

When Corden Met Barlow and The Boy Band Con.

As someone who once put some tortillas on the griddle, turned to the fridge to get cheese, and…walked right out of the room and back to my desk, I 100% agree. I sometimes feel dumb that I am literally setting 1 or 2 minute timers, but it’s better than burning stuff. I don’t always need them, but they are really helpful during times of stress when I’m especially preoccupied with other things.

Thank you, that clicked it for me! Somehow I was just not getting that the coins were not cumulative, so that makes sense now.

In fact, it sounds like regular turnover actually benefits everyone, since you don’t get extra coins for staying multiple days. I feel much better! I didn’t want to be the adult that showed up and ruined everyone’s fun, but I just looked up the average age of a Pokemon Go player and it looks like I’m not actually very likely to come across many children, haha.

The ones I’ve been reporting have all been users and it is a violation of the rules to use your account to advertise on or any other instance. I don’t know how other instances are handling it.

I actually don’t know who gets the reports I’ve been submitting, either, so I’m not sure if it’s doing anything.

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Oh, and I also suspect the user(s?) doing this is using other accounts to upvote the posts.

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Chickpea Salad:

  • canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • tahini (a scoop or two)
  • sliced almonds
  • red onion, diced
  • celery, diced
  • splash of apple cider vinegar
  • Seasonings: salt, pepper, cumin seed, coriander

Mash the chickpeas just a bit in a bowl (pastry cutter works well). You want to keep it pretty chunky. Add all the other ingredients and mix. I don’t measure anything, but I have a pretty heavy hand with the seasonings. This is best after it sits for a few hours. I like to eat it on toast or just by itself (usually at night in front of the fridge).

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I know communities like these can get a little silly and they’re easy to make fun of, but they really do serve an important purpose, IMO. The number of people who have to be told that it’s not normal for your partner to scream at you, or that no, your partner actually isn’t a great person if they do fill in the blank is really sad to me. And for every person asking, there are certainly more lurking that can also benefit from reading that. They might have to wade through a bunch of nonsense and AI-generated stories to find it, but I’m glad there’s a place for it.

I quite like Dana K. White’s system for this. When putting something away she asks “if I were looking for this item where would I look for it first?” And wherever that place is is where the item goes. Now I keep all my Sharpie markers in the silverware drawer and I can always find one.

Dana White doesn’t write specifically for the adhd crowd, but I swear she’s the first organizer that has ever made sense to me. There’s more to her system than this, obviously, but not much, and it almost never involves buying more bins.

In the early 2000s there were a couple of different forums I liked, so once a day I’d walk over to the library to use the internet and catch up. I’ve missed having that kind of healthy relationship with the internet, haha.

So first off, I can 100% commiserate. I could have written basically the same thing you did about your preferred sleep schedule and sometimes just giving up and staying awake. Clearly you already know that is not sustainable (and I’ll say as someone a decade-ish older that I feel the impact of sleep-deprivation even more now than I did when I was 27). I have had to cancel appointments when I’ve had nights like those and I know I’m not good to drive. I also know that my meds are not very effective when I’m sleep-deprived.

The fact that things changed suddenly after 3 months is probably something to bring up with your doctor. I don’t know what it would be, but they may have some idea. They may also be able to prescribe something for sleep, but I can’t speak much to that.

Having a plan for changes is good, but it also looks to me like you are just doing too much, and you can’t schedule your way out of that. You may have to really look at what you’re doing and decide where your priorities are (and one of those priorities should be some downtime). I do think it’s good to put some boundaries in place for yourself about screentime, etc, but I’d warn against being too rigid, as that is something that has just added to my anxiety in the past, which then means that I lie awake even later, etc. I do better when I set up little rewards for myself instead (sadly I am very motivated by a weekend dessert, haha).

Obviously I don’t know your specific work situation and your vocab doesn’t sound US, so you can take or leave this, but from the outside I’m seeing a few things:

  • if you taking off a day or two will truly be a catastrophe for the other employees then the company is poorly-managed. Does no one ever take any time off?
  • Are you salaried (so all this overtime is unpaid?) Are you doing it because you feel obligated/guilty? Have you slipped into prioritizing your coworkers over your actual family/girlfriend? I know you said your work is very important to you, but is this the only place you could do that type of work?
  • If you are coming in an hour late every day anyway, would it be possible to make that your official start time? That could take off some of the pressure of being “late”.

That’s great! I have a little pill bottle cap that has a digital timer in it. Every time the bottle is opened the timer starts over. It has helped me out many times.

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Oh that’s funny, I forgot beehaw didn’t have downvotes. I actually can downvote and see the downvotes, but maybe those are just going off into the ether.

Sweet, I guess I’m going to have to get a PC at some point. I actually played Riven for iPadOS recently and it was still fun, but the point and click is pretty tedious.

I’m not sure a remake willl ever match the magic of when I originally played in 1998, though. My laptop was so junky I played most of the game under a blanket because the screen was so dark, haha.

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Pipilotti Rist covering Chris Isaak’s Wicked Game: I’m a Victim of this Song

The screaming starts somewhere around 3 minutes.

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It’s been a while, but I wanted to come back and thank you for this rec, because I really like the blue lizard sunscreen. I got the stick for my face and tube stuff for the rest of my body and I’m really pleased with them. These actually rub in very well and I’m not leaving white streaks on everything I touch.

I haven’t even thought about Bisquick in years, but I just put it on my shopping list!

I wish I could pin a comment.

This sounds like it would be a really good everyday option. I will look for it, thanks!

Thanks, I haven’t tried a stick before, but that does sound really appealing, especially for carrying around. I had a sunscreen leak in my bag with my phone ages ago. Amazingly, it still worked, but I spent the next few years with a very blotchy screen.

That is a very good testimonial for Coppertone!

Okay, that was really lovely, thank you!

I actually know almost nothing about her, but I found this song on a music blog (maybe stereogum?) probably at least 15 years ago and I never get tired of it. I will have to look at some of her other work.

I’ve never even considered toasting the almonds, but I bet that would be good.

Well that is a very good point. There are several gyms in my neighborhood that I’ve been going to and I certainly don’t need anyone egging my house or worse, lol.

Logically I know you are right, and if it happened to my niece or nephew, I’d tell them “that’s life”. I think I’m just envisioning those Easter egg hunts where the big kids come in and get all the eggs :) And now that I say that I realize that I would not even be the big kid in the scenario where I go against an 8-year-old’s encyclopedic knowlege of pokemon, so I really have created a lot of drama in my mind for nothing…

112 for me. I think a lot of them are dead and I go through and purge periodically. I really wish there was a way to organize your subscriptions in YouTube. I want a folder with the ones I actually watch and another with all the channels I subscribed to so I wouldn’t forget about them, or when I was briefly really into the history of barcodes (or whatever). I guess I could do two accounts, but I’d never keep up with it.

Thanks, that makes sense about making it easy for someone to kick you out.

I think I have used this in the past. I don’t remember it very well, but I seem to remember liking it and I see that they have a mineral version that I can get locally, so thank you!

Laser eyes. I’d trim all my trees, maybe start a service.

What I run into with automations is that I get so excited and focused on the process of setting up a system that I don’t always stop to think about if it’s really going to benefit me. When I found Amazing Marvin, I set up the most bonkers convoluted system and it was an amazing rush, but then when I was done I had no real desire to use it. It’s not really a big deal because I usually just write it off as entertainment, but I do sometimes feel like I’m always on the lookout for the magic app or automation and once I find it my whole life will be smooth sailing.

That said, I have found that the best automations for me are the simplest:

  • Home automations - I have some lights set to turn on/off at certain times of day and the shades open in the morning and close in the evening. I got in pretty deep with the home automations at one point because it was fun, but lights/shades are really the only ones I stuck with.


  • Tasks - I feel like I’ve tried every app out there, but I’ve been using TickTick for the past 6 months, which is probably at least 3x longer than I’ve lasted with any other app. I like the combination of task/calendar and the visual focus mode, where you just see a big timer and the task you are supposed to be focused on. I have some recurring tasks set up for routines (morning, wrapping up work, etc.) For habits I really like the app Streaks on iOS.


  • Reminders - I take more of an “only notify is there is a problem” approach because of how quickly reminders become meaningless to me. I also like to have something visual that I can’t easily dismiss. For example, at one point I had an iOS shortcut that would run at a certain time in the morning to check Streaks to see if I had taken my medication. If I hadn’t it would change my phone wallpaper to something I hated. I also tried out something similar that would keep turning the kitchen light on if I hadn’t taken the garbage out.

I don’t think I’ve done black bean brownies, but I’ve made garbanzo bean blondies and they were really good. I also sometimes get a chocolate black bean hummus from Target that is really good with graham crackers.

There are several spider communities set up on lemmy already, but I’d love to see them take off. Everybody tell your tarantula/spider-loving friends!

Plaid button down, skinny jeans, and boat shoes. This means I have reached my final form where I dress exactly like my mother.

I was going to say they are really inexpensive, but I just had a look and the current prices are at least double what I paid. I wish I’d stocked up.

I hope to one day have someone that defends me the way you do peanut butter.

Real word, although I’ve never heard an American use it. I just associate it with Great British Bake-off haha