0 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Brother, these are 1337 h4x0rs, they type that shit out faster than you or I can Google for a Stack Overflow post.

Maybe it's more that the majority of the fediverse doesn't tolerate far right bullshit and open racism, unlike the other reddit alternatives.

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Imagine for a moment that you are a dumbass 17 year-old high school senior in 2002. Your grades are shit and you're just barely going to graduate. Many of your friends are excited about going to college, while you are pretty sure that working behind the counter at the local gas station is basically all you've got.

Suddenly, a wild recruiter appears! He has a cool looking uniform and people say "Thank you for your service" and he gets treated with respect wherever he goes. He says he's got a $30k signing bonus for you. He says you can choose whatever job you want, you don't have to go get shot at. He says in 4 years when you get out, you'll have skills and experience those college pussies won't, you'll get a good job and they'll bitch on the internet about working at Starbucks. He says you can even go to college if you want, Uncle Sam will pick up the tab and you can spend 4 years getting drunk and laid.

Would you go, as this dipshit 17 year-old?

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One side lying doesn't make the other side's lie true, or justified, or anything else but a lie

Grifter gonna grift. He went the old-school way this time.

Depression. Not gonna happen though.

Commutes are dangerous.

LMAO I know a whole bunch of people who don't know a subnet mask from a hole in their ass and they're doing just fine in their IT careers. You are overestimating the requirements for a great many corporate jobs.

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Wonder how long it'll take for people to learn not to fuck with Ukrainians.

I can second this enthusiastically, especially since it also blocks ads and sponsored segments, customizes the UI, allows background playback, allows downloads, and more stuff too.

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Why would you come to a place just to bitch about it? If you don't like it here then fuuuck off. Go to ExplodingHeads or Rammy or even right the fuck back to Reddit. No one made you come here, vote with your feet. Or if you won't do those things, then I beg you to take just a little less effort here and not post.

I swear to God, some of you fuckers are the kind of dudes that rock up to a lesbian bar, get kicked out for hitting on women at the lesbian bar, and then start pissing and moaning about how "no one is allowed to be real man anymore hurk durk durk durk" and calling the bouncers woketards.

Imagine for a moment that you are a dumbass 17 year-old high school senior in 2002. Your grades are shit and you're just barely going to graduate. Many of your friends are excited about going to college, while you are pretty sure that working behind the counter at the local gas station is basically all you've got.

Suddenly, a wild recruiter appears! He has a cool looking uniform and people say "Thank you for your service" and he gets treated with respect wherever he goes. He says he's got a $30k signing bonus for you. He says you can choose whatever job you want, you don't have to go get shot at. He says in 4 years when you get out, you'll have skills and experience those college pussies won't, you'll get a good job and they'll bitch on the internet about working at Starbucks. He says you can even go to college if you want, Uncle Sam will pick up the tab and you can spend 4 years getting drunk and laid.

Would you go, as this dipshit 17 year-old?

I am doing Ketamine therapy for treatment resistant depression and SI. It worked miracles for the SI, that's almost completely gone. For depression it helps a lot, but that's not going to just go away. If nothing else has helped, I would recommend it. Seriously talk with a real psychiatrist first. They do want you to dissociate though, but it's a pretty harmless feeling for me. I wouldn't have anxiety about it, it's not going to completely rewrite your psyche lol.

I use one unironically, saved my job so I can continue to be a wage cuck. Check out the dick roaster.

Using ReVanced and having a fantastic time. If they find a way to block a locally patched client that is only a few versions behind, I will be impressed.

I love this game. My go to for relaxing and the shift timer lets me effectively limit my play time so that I have time to be a husband and father instead of a space redneck.

It sounds like you should host an instance. This will give you the abilities you want, unless you provoke defederation from someone.

Bootlickers are out in force today, huh?

While we're putting fundamental rights behind financial barriers, I want a poll tax on pro-lifers, anti-LGBTQ, followers of all religions, and everyone else that I don't like. We can make it 50% of all yearly income from any source or 1% of total assets, whichever is higher.

Does that sound like a good idea?

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What company in their right mind blocks Gmail? Also, who pays for email?

Your comment above gave the half lives of the main substances and their secondary products, right? Could you recommend any resources for someone to learn how to do what you did above?

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Lmao it will definitely conduct enough to stop your heart if you're well grounded. In this case these morons are likely ok because they're in an aboveground rubber pool. If they were in an in ground pool with a nice metal drain or copper pipes for the water supply, they would be conducting just dandy if they stood in the wrong place.

Jerboa sucked for me since I downloaded it. Constant logouts, unable to login after entering my creds, not showing my account until I closed and reopened the app, not letting me see my comments or saved posts, and constantly getting a "log in first" error when I tried to save a post. I ditched it and downloaded Connect, and thus far it seems to be the store-brand version of Sync, my absolute favorite Reddit app ever. When the dev releases Sync for Lemmy I will switch to that, but until then Connect is usable and pleasant.

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You are welcome and I hope you enjoy it!

IDK why, but this kind of interaction was somewhat rare on Reddit but it's everywhere here. It's like everyone is giving each other the benefit of the doubt or something. I hope it stays like this and doesn't get enshittified.