1 Post – 10 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

My server is running headless Debian. I run what I can in a Docker container. My experience has been rock solid.

From what I understand Debian isn't less secure due to the late updates. If anything it's the opposite.


I have heard of it, but admittingly know very little about it and its strengths. After a quick search there's a package for my Linux distro so I'll install it when I got some time to deep dive it and get an understanding.

Thank you tho I will have a good look later tonight. If there's anything you think I should read/watch regarding Soulseek shoot it through. Nonetheless I'll continue to seed regardless if I stick with Soulseek.

12 more...

Alright so I already had a quick look, sooner than I intended. Got too excited.

At a glance tho I love what I see. There's an official nicotine+ package in the Pacman repository for Arch Linux so that's a plus. I forwarded the port with no issue, I got a decent network setup so I got fixed internal IPs and could forwarded the port securely as possible.

It also looks like it plays nicely with how I got my NAS setup and how I mount files internally to my PC. This could be a bit of a rabbit hole and a great learning experience for me. Thanks to everyone for the suggestion/tips.

I'll love to self-host this down the line on my server so I can better provide everyone with my files even when my usual PC isn't on.

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Haha you definitely have a point. I love it how the man practically pretends the band never existed. Last i heard he's wanted by Japanese law enforcement and has migrated to Malaysia. There will never be a reunion. :(

Hope it brings you good memories. Sorry for your loss. RIP.

From what I understand the (Japanese) band official wrote the band name with the Latin alphabet. The band had a slight international presence in France if I'm not mistaken with their 2nd last album getting a limited CD release, so maybe a pirate site catering more to the Japanese or French crowd might have yielded better results in hindsight.

Thank you! I run Docker on my homeservers so when I next tinker it's going on. :)

You were bang on about Soulseek. I've spent quite a bit of time on it now and love it. I'm in the works of deploying an instance on a server for 24/7 uploading. Thank you for the recommendation.

Edit: 24/7 server up and running. Pointed to my Jellyfin partition which has all my music, films, TV shows (and ebooks/manga since I set it up poorly back in the day)

Can you elaborate on what you mean by "artificially locked in order to keep it rare"?