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"Thanks to hundreds of years of treating the male body as the default in medicine, we simply do not know enough about how disease manifests in the female body."

This is big one. I'm a woman who's been misdiagnosed for the simplest of things. Twice I've blown my ACL, and both times it took 6-8 months to diagnose ... even tho the first time I pulled the ACL right off the bone. My rotator cuff took 20 yrs. All because women aren't supposed to hurt themselves at work.

I'm sick of the BS

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Ofc he did. His lawyers probably threatened to quit if held it.

But it would have been funny as hell to watch multiple prosecutors use his lies against him in court.

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They murdered her because they thought she was a shoplifter?????

In what universe did it become ok to murder anyone for shoplifting???????

#ACAB always and forever

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@Potatos_are_not_friends @Lanky_Pomegranate530

She murdered 7 babies and attempted to murder 6 others.

Please read the article instead of just the headline.

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Musk is just working on wiping the whole thing out of existence.

@commie @FuglyDuck

His bail was revoked because he was contacting witnesses.

Classic example of fuck around and find out.

@mrpants @mihor


And mihor supports Russia.

'Nuff said.

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@Woodstock @LastSprinkles

37% don't care about other people being cold and hungry.


That's a murder charge if the parents did it so it should be the same for Abbott.

Jayzuz America. What in the fuck are you doing???

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@Buffalox @MicroWave

Often the driver does survive catastrophic accidents vs front passengers.

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@Blamemeta @HLMenckenFan

When authorities have lied so often before why would you believe, without quesion, what they say happened here?

I'll wait for the investigation to be completed first.

@Pratai @btaf45

You didn't read the article.

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@ryathal @agressivelyPassive

Have suicidal ideation is in no way, shape or form the same as being the perpetrator of a murder-suicide. Neither is being suicidal a lead-in to becoming a murderer.



Extreme fundamentalism from any angle is the same damned thing.

@not_me_now @DoctorTYVM

Some Americans feel the same way about those who burn a flag.

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@stopthatgirl7 @jeffw @Blamemeta @Kittengineer

My gawd. The idjits just crawl out of the woodwork whenever gender is mentioned.

My block button is working overtime today.

@HereticHydra @fne8w2ah

I'd go for this except I got a false HIV-positive back in '89 and no matter what I do I can't get it off my blood donation record. :(

@Sinnerman @HLMenckenFan @papalonian

Orange isn't in style anymore.

@Melco @18_24_61_b_17_17_4

She would have been tested at the hospital and it would have been presented as evidence if any had been found in her bloodstream.


tl:dr version is always the conclusions ...

Conclusions: Front seat passengers are at increased risk of injury relative to drivers in actual road traffic accidents as recorded in the STAG database. This contradicts crash test data, which suggest drivers are less well protected than front seat passengers in laboratory conditions.

@nutsack @RagingRobot

Seems like he will be.

"The statement from the Fulton County sheriff’s office addressed the key question of where the former president would be arrested and processed as a criminal defendant."

from here

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@flossdaily @Dark_Arc

All true.

The fear mongering the GOP party engages in now is unparealleled in its scope and voracity. All one has to do is mention limits on gun ownership to see the responses that start with "BUT I NEED PROTECTION!"

Not everyone is out to get you.

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@AngryCommieKender @pinkdrunkenelephants

Got any proof for those statements or are they just your opinions?

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@LouNeko @rephlekt2718

It also developed from scientists trying to keep things simple. Women's bodies are a lot more complicated than men's in terms of varying ratios of hormones, pregnancy, etc that have to be accounted for in studies. Same reason HeLa cells and genetically-identical mice are used.

It's still not a justifiable reason to neglect 50% of the population under the incorrect assumption that human physiology is the same across the board.

@Madison420 @VerdantSporeSeasoning

But it costs to hire the lawyer, pay to file and take time off work to appear. And none of those costs will be reimbursed.

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@originalucifer @MicroWave

I've never quite understood why almost the whole American justice system is elected. I mean it's just asking to be abused when appointees are beholden to the money and power that got them elected in the first place.

@Yokozuna @MicroWave

Just like the climate and oceans.

I wonder if it's all linked in the multiverse?


@TigrisMorte @MicroWave @NotAPenguin @traveler @Prior_Industry

And that, in a nutshell, is the biggest scam of all.


You do you I guess.

@Zapdrive @MicroWave

Are you assuming the front yard had no shrubs or bushes that someone could hide in?


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@NathanielThomas @tider06

No it's not similar in any way, shape or form. Good try tho.

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I have worked since I was 12 yrs old, went to both college and university, and have never once made over $100k per year.

Currently I'm on a fixed income, have limited job opportunities and recently had to downsize to a rooming house as I couldn't afford my bachelor apartment anymore.

Do not equate your hardships with those of us who are facing living on the streets with one missed cheque.

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@keeb420 @gAlienLifeform @treefrog

Since Reagan, that's the only thing that ever happens. :/

@cowpowered @BombOmOm

At this point Putin is acting like a spoiled kid, who is beating on his little sister for no reason, while mom and dad stand by and watch because they're scared of him.

Because he specified that women have to be subservient to his will, do things his way.

And again he's a misogynistic asshole.

@3L54 @MicroWave

He specifically said "women".

That's what makes him a misogynist asshole.

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@andrewta @_wintermute

This is exactly the same thing as when news hits that another man has raped/murdered a woman or when a red state removes healthcare for women.

Ofc it's not all men or all citizens that are bad, but enough of them are that it causes huge problems.

Instead of saying "not all" we need to stop accepting that there are any ... because it's our problem to fix.

@stopthatgirl7 @ultranaut

This what happens when you get too big for your britches.