149 Post – 389 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

As a Canadian, with whom you share the longest undefended border in the world and billions of dollars in cross-border trade, I feel bad for you all.

But I think we might have to build our own wall soon to keep this kind of shit out of Canada.

Biden could legally hire mercs to do the job and never once get called out on it.

Three cheers for privatization of public utilities! /s

As an aside, I am gutted by 250+ people losing their lives because Texan politicians can't get their act together to hold companies responsible. Legislation works ... and politicians can, and should, make the laws.

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When they admit their war crimes we should believe them.

What a shit place to work at. Linus sounds like a real "winner".

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They all used to be. Then Reagan and Clinton happened.

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Tech legal expert Eric Goldman wrote that a victory for the plaintiff could be considered "a dangerous ruling for the spy cam industry and for Amazon," because "the court’s analysis could indicate that all surreptitious hook cameras are categorically illegal to sell." That could prevent completely legal uses of cameras designed to look like clothes hooks, Goldman wrote, such as hypothetical in-home surveillance uses.

In what reality is there any need for a door-hook camera except to spy on someone who has not given consent???

Jayzuz. That was some poor mind gymnastics right there.

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More than 800 child labor investigations in 47 states are ongoing across industries, according to the agency.

So when do the feds say enough is enough and implement severe penalties for all involved; ie: all profits the companies made x number of children working, charges/jail time for those who approved the kids to work? Cause whatever they are doing now obviously isn't enough.

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The newspaper received a FB dm with a local restaurant owner's driver's licence and DUI convictions. The paper verfied the info (as one can do, online, legally AND through the local PD) but decided not to use it.

Another of their reporters was looking into the new chief of police as to why he left his former job (which paid a lot more). Seems there was some evidence of sexual harassment. The paper hadn't run that either.

So restaurant owner hears about this and freaks out because she's been driving around town with a suspended license AND is trying to get a liquor license for her restaurant. She calls the PD, PD gets search warrants from a judge, and here we are.

edit spelling

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Now do all the businesses who received funds and used them for stock buy-backs or managment bonuses instead.

A reminder ...

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was recently acquitted by the state Senate on 16 articles of impeachment, but the state's top lawyer still has multiple legal battles ahead.

Paxton has been under an ongoing federal investigation in Texas since the fall of 2020, when the FBI began to probe allegations of abuse of office and misconduct brought by a group of whistleblowing former employees.


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The insatiable need for power and wealth has warped these people beyond understanding.

Morality isn't a term they personally understand, instead preferring to force/enforce a sick version of it on everyone else.

I hope they face every possible consequence of their actions, including poverty and jail.

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Instead of protecting the Constitution, specifically the 9th Amendment, the current SCOTUS is instead denying and disparaging the basic rights of all those people who can get pregnant.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

SCOTUS is either blind or bought off ... or both.

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We all knew that. Too bad the Federal Reserve and Bank of Canada ignored every sign pointing to greedy companies causing inflation and instead nailed us to the wall.

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I wanna know when the hell LEOs are gonna learn that a high-speed chase is NEVER worth 8 lives.


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Honest question here ... what would you have him do?

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A growing number of lawmakers are choosing to retire because they feel it’s impossible to get anything done.

Maybe that's not a bad thing.

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The Israeli army released video showing soldiers carrying boxes labelled “baby food” and “medical supplies”.

The IDF said in a briefing that soldiers found “weapons and other terror infrastructure,” at al-Shifa, and that they had seen “concrete evidence that Hamas terrorists used the Shifa hospital as a terror headquarters,” which they intended to publish later.

Omar Zaqout, who works in the emergency room at al-Shifa, told Al Jazeera that Israeli soldiers had detained and assaulted some men who had taken refuge there. “[They] did not bring any aid or supplies, they only brought terror and death,” he said.

The IDF is a manipulative org that lies through its teeth as often as possible. Publishing pics of supplies being delivered, which one eyewitness says is bullshit, then saying they've found evidence of Hamas occupation but they won't publish that until later.

Fuck the IDF and fuck Netanyahu. They're all lying bastards.

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Thank you, thank you.

My prize will sit proudly in my woman cave.

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This is simply Congress' solution to a truck driver shortage ... allow longer, heavier trailers that will create more toxic CO2 levels and disaster-level gridlocks in major cities.

Congress really aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

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Here's the thing ... it's not just that he'd be worse the second time around, but exponentially worse because he'd have learned from his mistakes.

Another 4 years of his rule and America would literally be unrecognisable.

amateur historian Michelle Haas

Amateur historian and professional Karen, which means she doesn't know shit but screams loudly about how oppressed she is anyway.

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The smoking gun ...

The judge added that if liability for fraud is established under New York law, that statute allows the attorney general to obtain an order enjoining defendants from continuing to do business or “any fraudulent or illegal acts.”

Even after Engoron appointed an independent financial monitor for the Trump Organization last year, “defendants have continued to disseminate false and misleading information while conducting business,” the judge wrote.

“This ongoing flouting of this Court’s prior order, combined with the persistent nature of the false [statements of financial condition] year after year, have demonstrated the necessity of canceling the [defendants’ business] certificates ... as the statute provides,” the judge wrote.

It reported $13bn (£10.7bn) in profit over the three months to September, up 35% from the same period in 2022.

Mf'ers can go straight to hell.

Every one of those mfer's is gonna get off, aren't they?

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Neo-nazis and far right wingnuts have 2 brain cells, and if any one of those scumbags could see beyond their noses they'd know they're too stupid to have any power.

Proof comes from watching the GOP flush America down the toilet.

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For pro-life advocates, this new data indicates an uncomfortable truth about post-Roe America. While access to abortion has plummeted in some states, it's also gotten much easier to obtain one in others, primarily as a direct reaction to state-level bans.

Waiting for the pro-lifers to shed croc tears over their collective failure to control women's bodies.

The newspaper is suing the cops and city. And since I'm NAL I'm unsure if the state or feds have first juristiction on this, iirc the state has already begun an investigation.

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I like most of you Americans, but I don't wanna share the longest undefended border anymore if that asshole is elected again.

Speaking with ABC News' Linsey Davis, Lafferty said she can no longer afford the chemotherapy that could potentially save her life. The necessary medical care could cost as much as $45,000 per month, according to Lafferty. Source

Jayzuz. :'(

I like most of you Americans, but I don't wanna share the longest undefended border anymore if that asshole is elected again.

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Police used the term "found dead" so likely murder-suicide.


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It would be nice if counties stopped allowing them to buy armoured vehicles and ... this is a big one ... gave every one of them a psych eval prior to hiring.

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Might be what happens cause it sounds like that golden parachute is illegal as hell.

Pierre Poilievre, Canada's Trump of the north.

AKA Millhouse ...

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In more than half of the states where exceptional events were forgiven, industry lobbyists and business interests pressed to make that happen, sometimes as the only public voice in the regulatory process. Also, to protect the status quo, some regulators spent millions of taxpayer dollars doing research for and making exceptional events requests, sometimes working hand in hand with industry stakeholders.

That's a big problem because it means that Big Buisness is fudging numbers so it can up its own output without going over the limits.

Never think that companies won't help kill people to pad their own profits.

Canada apologizes for exporting that to America.

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Hitler kidnapped Polish children the same way as Puten has Ukrainian kids.

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But muh feewings!

As an aside, I used to live in a remote fishing area and we had tons of American visitors. I remember one woman told me she knew Obama was the devil because she felt "the evil" emanating from him.
